Author's Notes: Welcome to my rants! I'll soon confuse you beyond belief or be labeled as
completely insane. That's okay though.
Random Rants
November 9, 2002
Why do they put for indoor or outdoor use only on Christmas lights? Is there an unknown place
between the outdoors and indoors? If so, why does the Christmas lights company know about it
and we don't? Why am I even thinking about this now? I want to just skip Thanksgiving and go
straight into Christmas. Maybe if I hit my head really hard on a protruding rock, by the time I
wake up it will be Christmas. No, cause then I won't make it to the high school next year. Damn.
I guess people can say that they truly question my sanity. Intelligent, but completely insane is
what they would say if I actually asked them. I even started talking to my characters in a story I
wrote the other day in English. After last weeks comment of 'I'm glad I had my dinner first' this
one I was expecting. All she said was 'Very Strange' but I know what she was really thinking.
She was thinking that I was going to end up in the nearest insane asylum if I wasn't careful. I'd
have to agree with her.
Some people say that life is what you make of it. I completely disagree with a passion. If life was
what I made of it, I wouldn't have to write a three page typed introduction for my science project.
If life was what I made of it, it would all be cheese. What about the pineapples you might ask. I
actually believe that pineapples are one of my last favorite fruits, so all I have to tell you that it is
more of an inside joke with one of my friends. I really hope one of my friends isn't reading this
because I want to tell you a few things.
One, if I don't like someone we ignore each other on all grounds. I ignore them, they ignore me
the feelings mutual. Life goes on. There are certain people whom truly disgust me. Mostly they
are stuck up cheerleaders that have nothing better to do than worry about what the world thinks
of how they look. Now, one of my best friends is a cheerleader so I don't dislike all of their kind,
just the ones whom I mentioned before. My best friend has more important things to worry about
than how her hair looks or how much makeup to put on. Which basically means that I only judge
person by what they show me. They can be cheerleaders, I don't care as long as they show me
that they are more than they appear.
Ah, the great world of sports. I play soccer, and am damn proud of my teammates. We did great
this season, and I can't wait till spring to play for the school. I played basketball for five years and
have nothing against it, but I lost my edge after not playing for two years. I just lost interest after
a while. Softball, I played for seven years, and I gave that up so I could play soccer in the Spring.
Yes, my life is centered around the computer and soccer. Interesting life, huh? Cheerleading is not
a sport in any way, shape, or form. Argue what you will, but I shall argue back.
Where do I live? Do you really care? Probably not, but I'll tell you anyway. I live in Southwestern
Virginia. Yep, I'm a southerner and I love it all the same. I'm going shopping next week in
Raleigh, so I am in a great mood. I get to get out of my good 'ol public school on Friday to go
shooping in Raleigh. Yes, I am in a great mood. I gotta go, but one more thing before I do. I'm
taking French, so if yall need any help in the matter, email me!
Ja ne,
Insane Pineapple from Naboo
Tell me what you think and leave any comments or questions in your reviews. Flames will be used to roast marshmellows with my friends.