Black Hole

People call me a black hole

So, with that

I am a black hole.

Fall into my mind

And get lost in my thoughts

See what I have to say about you.

This black hole speaks.

She tells you about the things you don't know about yourself

Because if no one else can

She can see strait through the ideal façade you have created

"You are weak," she tells you

And smiles as you falter.

You feed off others because you need something to keep you going

You clothe yourself a la mode

To impress your posse

When they see the brand they are pleased

You hiss like a frightened cat as I digress.

This black hole is a bit agitated

She doesn't think you're being fair to yourself

She knows you want to feel self-pride

But, she believes, you don't know who yourself is anymore

She knows something you don't know

She can feel your pain way down in some deep cavern within you

That you put barriers in front of in third grade

When you shut out the people that would have actually given a damn about what you thought

Its not like your friends now do

The black hole felt pretty rejected

She doesn't give a shit about what you think anymore

The black whole admits she isn't perfect by a long shot

She doesn't like herself much

But she accepts who she is and wonders when you will

The black hole matured a bit

She thinks you should too

And thus the black hole remains a black hole

Her thoughts are still a maze that can entrap even the brightest

Maybe the black hole thinks too much

Maybe you don't think enough

But at least I, as this black hole, am true to myself and know who I am

How 'bout you?