Dirty Little Lie

My book is open for all to read;

The story's out and I'm sunk.

Everyone knows of my dirty little lie,

My mistake is everyone's joke.

Laugh at me while you can. (enter insane laugh)

Because I spent my time contemplating my life,

It seems to be going downhill.

So I perch myself in my high up lair.

Look down, think back,

And then jump.

I am hurting with every ounce of my soul,

Every memory linking to pain.

This pain isn't all mine but I know it's from me.

Why did I make it this way?

I know what I did was pathetic,

And I should be looked down on with hate and disgust.

Don't torment me though, lest you push me too far.

I know things you would never guess.

The thought of you knowing my dirty little lie,

Is enough for me to think of the red.

But I turn it inside,

And let my feelings hide

Behind this clever façade of mine.

You think you know all about me;

That I'm some selfish, uncaring bitch.

But if you knew how I was,

You'd be feeling my pain,

Cause the only one who knows me is me.

Here I go again.

These same three words;

I am sorry,

So sorry I am.

If you want me to go,

Then please let me know,

Cause these little white pills will help.