Why do we complain? We are America. Everyone who lives here complains while thousands dream of a day when we will help liberate them, or a day when they may join us through immigration. So many risk their lives so that their children may grow up in a way that we have taken for granted.
Let us be! we cry to our government. Too many laws; the president is doing everything wrong; Congress and the courts are corrupted. How many have looked toward another country where the law states not how to drive to keep people safe, but what you will drive, and when.
Have you seen a school that needs paper?
Have you heard the cries of starving children?
Have you ever fetched your water from a well, not really knowing what was in it?
No. Our "corrupted" government has prevented that in our country. Why does our country pay to help the other countries, and pay so much for science and medicine when our national debt continues to grow? The money to other countries helps them become like us. Free and prosperous. The money for science and medicine has given us a high standard of living, longer life spans, and continuous entertainment.
We still have problems, but have you ever met a perfect person? Until there is a perfect human, there will never be a perfect government. And human nature denies perfection. We have come close, though.
Americans paid a blood price for our freedom. Now we are recognized and envied. Terrorism has happened. It could be because their religion labels us as evil. But couldn't it also be because our ideals were a threat to their rule? The hypothetical burning torch in the darkness?
The bald eagle, the stars and stripes, the Statue of Liberty… We look at them and dismiss them more often than not. Others look and weep for the freedom they represent. Odd that a mere symbol should hold such power. Of course, it isn't really the symbol, but the invisible and untouchable ideals behind. Our whole country is a symbol for those beliefs.
So why do we resent it? Why do we always say that nothing is right, Japan has smarter people than we do, the national debt grows and we feed South Africans…?
I'd say human nature; that we learn to take things for granted after a while. But although that might be it, that is not all. If you try, the feelings that immigrants felt when they first saw the Statue of Liberty can be felt. But we do feel it, every day. We just won't really appreciate it until it gets takes away. Let us pray that that never happens, that none of us ever have to learn to appreciate our freedom.
Because our complaining is appreciation enough.