Author's note: Hello this is chap so enjoy!! And I'm sorry it is very
Cold Fire Chapter 2 Humiliated
I knew I was different I grew scared that my family would find out what had happened. I was scared to bring dishonor to my family. I fled. I fled to save the honor of my family.
I didn't take much only that of value. I fled to the darkness. A cave I found I grew hungry. Those days I was ashamed. Who I was not any more I had left my life of before whom I was Her royal Highness, Princess Namun-Catsamanun daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt. That title means nothing to me since my brother died only three years after he said he would kill him I do not know how it was done, for I do not wish to know. I am no longer human but an immortal who has become much more.
I changed my name but I remain with the appearance of sixteen but now my kind is all over the world. That day I changed my name to Anixa. My kind calls me Anixa the Queen of the Undead or Mother or the Ultimate Nester. For that is who I am their queen. We call each other kin but just as Adam and eve we to have grown into families not as you mortals my have. For all we are what mortals call Vampires. I am the strongest.
You may be wondering what is a Vampire. I bet your mother told you those myths and tales on how sunlight can kill us. That is just a Myth. So what is a myth you ask? About my people? We do not die in sunlight, the most powerful of my kind's images do not reflect in mirrors wile the less strong do but faintly appear, except for mine. Mine is in exception. I do have a reflection though I may be wearing a pink shirt I can will the colors and shapes to suit me. A cross makes no effect on our kind, but beware of people with an upside down cross for they are my kind's servants. Stakes through the heart don't work, although it does slow us down for a while. What does kill us my not be revealed to mortal. We can shape shift and we have power to read and control minds. Our physical strength is unnatural. As I've said before I'm the Strongest.
Aouthor's note: hey you know what to do push that button and review!!
Cold Fire Chapter 2 Humiliated
I knew I was different I grew scared that my family would find out what had happened. I was scared to bring dishonor to my family. I fled. I fled to save the honor of my family.
I didn't take much only that of value. I fled to the darkness. A cave I found I grew hungry. Those days I was ashamed. Who I was not any more I had left my life of before whom I was Her royal Highness, Princess Namun-Catsamanun daughter of the Pharaoh of Egypt. That title means nothing to me since my brother died only three years after he said he would kill him I do not know how it was done, for I do not wish to know. I am no longer human but an immortal who has become much more.
I changed my name but I remain with the appearance of sixteen but now my kind is all over the world. That day I changed my name to Anixa. My kind calls me Anixa the Queen of the Undead or Mother or the Ultimate Nester. For that is who I am their queen. We call each other kin but just as Adam and eve we to have grown into families not as you mortals my have. For all we are what mortals call Vampires. I am the strongest.
You may be wondering what is a Vampire. I bet your mother told you those myths and tales on how sunlight can kill us. That is just a Myth. So what is a myth you ask? About my people? We do not die in sunlight, the most powerful of my kind's images do not reflect in mirrors wile the less strong do but faintly appear, except for mine. Mine is in exception. I do have a reflection though I may be wearing a pink shirt I can will the colors and shapes to suit me. A cross makes no effect on our kind, but beware of people with an upside down cross for they are my kind's servants. Stakes through the heart don't work, although it does slow us down for a while. What does kill us my not be revealed to mortal. We can shape shift and we have power to read and control minds. Our physical strength is unnatural. As I've said before I'm the Strongest.
Aouthor's note: hey you know what to do push that button and review!!