---Destiny: 1- something to which a person or thing is destined; fate,
fortune 2- a predetermined course of events.
They told her it was her destiny. They claimed she was the only one. They claimed she was the one who would salvage the world. The universe. They told her that she would change everything, because it was her destiny. But she didn't want to be the only one. she wouldn't give in.
---Desperation: 1- a loss of hope and surrender to despair 2- a state of hopelessness leading to rashness
Soon, desperation set in. There was no where to run. No where to hide. No hope. She had to face her destiny. She couldn't be a regular girl. She had so much to live up to. She had to live up to so much. She couldn't be a regular girl. She had a destiny.
---Mistake: 1- to blunder in the choice of 2- misinterpret 3- to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of 4- to confuse with another 5- a wrong judgment : misunderstanding 6- a wrong action or statement
But what if they had made a mistake? What if she wasn't the one. There was no turning back... she'd have to make her own destiny, play the game her own way.
They told her it was her destiny. They claimed she was the only one. They claimed she was the one who would salvage the world. The universe. They told her that she would change everything, because it was her destiny. But she didn't want to be the only one. she wouldn't give in.
---Desperation: 1- a loss of hope and surrender to despair 2- a state of hopelessness leading to rashness
Soon, desperation set in. There was no where to run. No where to hide. No hope. She had to face her destiny. She couldn't be a regular girl. She had so much to live up to. She had to live up to so much. She couldn't be a regular girl. She had a destiny.
---Mistake: 1- to blunder in the choice of 2- misinterpret 3- to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of 4- to confuse with another 5- a wrong judgment : misunderstanding 6- a wrong action or statement
But what if they had made a mistake? What if she wasn't the one. There was no turning back... she'd have to make her own destiny, play the game her own way.