AN: Okay who missed me? See I didn't die! There was just a mix of school and writers block. Any way, here's chapter 11. God knows when chapter 12 will come around.
Chapter 11
I screamed in my head as I shut my door. There was no way of getting out of dinner. I could tell by the look on Mom's face that she wasn't about to let me leave.What if things work out with them? What if they move in together? What if they get married?
I slumped down onto my bed and rested my head in my hands. "Stop it," I whispered to myself. "That wont happen. He's just her flavor of the week. They wont go out long," I hope.Promptly at 5:00 there was a knock on the door. I wasn't about to run out to welcome Mr. Casia. I'd wait until they came to get me. I listened to what they were saying through the door.
"Hello Michael!"
"Camille, you look beautiful," there was a pause where I figured they kissed. I almost threw up at the thought.
"Is Heather still not home?"
"No, she came home at about noon. She's been in her room ever sense,"
"Did she say where she was?" Casia asked, lowering his voice so I could hardly hear him.
Mom sighed. "All she said was that she was out with some friends. I don't know what she's trying to hide from me,"
"You have no idea?"
"Well, a boy was here a few nights ago. She said they were doing homework, but I don't know. What do you think?"
She was asking him? The bastard didn't know anything about me or my friends.
"She has more male friends then female friends. I think she may be a little wild. Maybe you should be a little more strict with her,"
"What do you mean?"
"Limit what she can and can not do. Don't let her go off for an entire weekend any more. A curfew might help. Would you like me to keep an eye on her in school?"
"Please don't follow her everywhere if that's what you mean. But if you see anything will you let me know?"
"Of course. So she's in her room?"
"Yes, unless she's climbed out the window. But I doubt that, it's fairly small,"
"Do you think she's heard us?"
"No, I don't think so. She's probably not even paying attention to the fact that you're here,"
"See how little you know me," I mumbled.
"Heather? Do you think you could grace us with your presence?" Mom called.
"I'm doing homework,"
"You've been in there for hours could you at least take a break to at least say hello to Michael?"
"Hi," I muttered, not leaving my room.
"I meant in person," she grumbled.
"I will when dinner gets here,"
"Heather," she was starting to get pissed. Like I cared.
"I told you, I'm in the middle of doing my math homework and I'll come out when I'm done,"
"I don't like that tone you're using young lady,"
"Camille, just let her finish. I'm sure it wont take her long. She's a very smart girl,"
"Then why isn't she doing well in your class?" Mom went back to talking in her quiet voice.
"It's a difficult course, maybe she's just spending too much time with her friends,"
"What are her friends like? I've only met one and it wasn't a very pleasant meeting,"
"Her friend Riley, I think is trashy,"
What? Riley? Trashy? What the hell is he saying?
"Trashy?" God Mom was so clueless.
"Provocative, and it really is amazing what you hear from hall monitors, and the janitor.
Riley never, ever, got in trouble for PDA. She never kissed any of her boyfriends in public, let alone the janitors closet. And provocative? She never broke the dress code. She never wore anything that showed the slightest amount of her stomach or cleavage. Riley was little miss perfect, smart, funny, pretty, friendly, she was the perfect role model; and Casia was calling her trashy? That asshole!
"That's awful. What are her other friends like?"
"One of them, Luke, isn't bad. He's a smart kid. I just wonder what influences the other two have on him. The two other boys are both quite foolish. Do you know which one was here the other night?"
"I'm not sure. Dark hair and eyes, very tall. She said they had been working on homework,"
"Beau most likely. That might be true. He isn't the smartest person in the world. He gets in trouble, a lot of fights. I think he gives Heather a ride to school every morning,"
"She told me she still took the bus,"
"Her other friend, Brent, is the worst of them. Doesn't care very much about school work or anything. He's from New York, he's the kind of child who tried to act tough,"
Brent, a child. It was almost funny.
"If I had a daughter I would never allow her to see someone like him. He is trouble. I hear girls talking during class or in the hallway, he's abusive, manipulative, only interested in certain things,"
I clenched my jaw. He was telling her lies, I bet it was all part of his goddamn plan. All I needed was my own plan.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
"Heather will you come out now? Dinner's here,"