A Dark Search

By Tara Nicole Walker


The death of a person

Constitutes the life of a person

The way in which one takes their own life

Reflects the emotions one feels toward life itself


The dark masks people wear that, to us, reflect death

In truth do not reflect anything at all

They are masks indeed – to shield one from all

Not hiding from the world, but walking through it

With the protection of anonymity


The life of a person constitutes their death

Some see death as an escape from life itself

Some people don't consciously see it as anything


But no matter who we are, what we live

Or how or when we die

Or what we think of death

There is always the conclusion that

We all die


Dark night sky mine…

Death constitutes the life in one emotion…

People reflect truth…

All indeed walk with protection…

Death as escape…

Some see it as anything…

But who we think of is always…
