The Lisheth
By Tara Nicole Walker
Beyond the earthen washing way,
Are secrets of the heart
Where beautiful wholesome children play
From end of day to start
Raven hair with flecks of gold
Shine brightly in the sun
None giving heed to time or wealth
Or troubles that have not yet begun
Women was in the earthen way
Long hair shining brightly in dappled light
Luscious figures and rosy skin
No beauties hidden from out of sight
Children play with delightful cries
Stopping only when the sun does set
Theirs is a land of harmony
They are the people of Lisheth
Creatures with cloven hooves do dance
About the graceful feet of theirs
Brown from sun and dust alike
Little do they think of life and little do they care
They dance, themselves, among the trees
And sing sweet the songs of lore
Singing high they ring the hills
Singing broken songs with heats are torn
Yet with joyful voices
They raise aloud sweet lamentations of melody
Never dreaming or knowing how
To quell the emotions of melancholy
Yet when their song does end
They return with hearts of joy
To their never-ending journey
Working; man, woman, girl and boy
The Lisheth, they dwell inside their minds
In a world all their own
So you will not find their traces
Or their artwork carved in stone
A magical people so full of hurtful joy
What is valuable to us is no
For life and love are their toys
A remembrance of peoples gone
And peoples yet to come
Hoping for the best from both
Looking forward to a setting sun