By Tara Nicole Walker
Honesty becomes you
Like the robe you wear
Of cold night wind
Words drop from your lips
Like the sweet raindrops
Falling into your hair –
Making it shine as if studded with diamonds.
Your love for me burns
Like a harbored fire
Deep within your eyes
Making them glow as of with the light
Of The Well Of Souls
Flickering, glowing, shining
Covering your eyes
With a glassy shield of nothing…
Flames leap around you
As if of the fires of Hell
Surrounding you but not consuming you
Black clouds roll in overhead
Flashing with tiny streaks of lighting from within
Like when your heart has been broken…
This is your spirit
I witness the inner-workings of your soul
I see your pain, hate, desire, lust, love…
Your honesty, will, fear, stubbornness, pride…
And my heart reaches out to become closer
To that inner you
That I long to possess…