Please stop
But don't ever let go
I need you
Where are you going?
Don't stop
Bring it back!
I need that!
It's my toy
And it makes me happy
Happy is good right?
So bring it back
Give it here
I'll put it back where it belongs
Beside my wrist
Beneath the band.
It's so nice
But its not
Take it away
But I need it to stay sane
You see how well it works!?
Sanity is in the eye of the beholder
But my eyes are a bit foggy.
Where are you taking it?
Tell me so I can find it again.
And keep myself content
Because they stopped making the pain go away like they should
I keep trying but its no good
But that never fails to keep my emotions in check
The tingling on my scalp
Spreading down my limbs
Making this skin, my skin quiver
Lifting me up
The sudden surge reminding my body that I'm still alive
Oddly enough this isn't hell.
Bring it back!
I know where you keep more
You can't stop me
My sanity is still here right?
17 times and I'm still going strong
Nope, not done yet
What are three more right?
Make it even and pretty
Just like them
Even and pretty in red
Maybe if you heard what my words were saying
And you read between the lines
I'd be better
But until them
I'll keep at it
Opening myself to release the pain
I need my toy to keep me content
And if you don't give it back
I'll scream.