I bet you've heard the story of Romeo and Juliet, right?

I bet you've heard a whole bunch of stories like it, too.

Not like this one.

Not like mine.

Mine's different.


It's true, though, that I was in love with a boy, and that we were both young, and that our parents disapproved. But it's not like you think it is.

I suppose, you could almost call this story Romeo and Romeo.

Yes, I am a guy, and I am gay. But then, so was he. Our parents knew, and they were okay with that, but not with the fact that we loved each other.

And we were both rich, and well groomed, and brought up in such completely similar environments. Our parents weren't feuding. As a matter of fact, they didn't even hate each other.

You see, we had the same parents. Yes, I was in love with my brother. My little brother.

Don't think badly of me. It's not like I wanted this to happen. You just can help who you fall in love with.

Sure, I'd had boyfriends before, but I never felt the same way about them as I felt about him. I'd never wanted anyone so badly before. Neither had he.

When I first figured out how I really felt about him, I tried to suppress it. It tried so hard. But then, he found out. I had expected him to be disgusted with me, and to never want to speak to me again. But he wasn't mad, and he wasn't disgusted. He even tried to seduce me a few times, but I had thought he was only teasing me, torturing me, just like little brothers were supposed to.

And then, we became a couple. The only people who didn't know were our parents, and all the adults they knew. Our friends knew, and they were okay with it, too. Some of them even encouraged it. After all, they said, true love is true love, no matter where you find it.

I thought my best friend was okay with it, too. He said he was. He pretended that he was. I bought it. I was so wrong...

Everything was going so great. Life was perfect, and wonderful, and beautiful. So was he. But... What is it that they say? Nothing ever lasts forever? Well, they're right. Nothing does.

Our parents found out. They were disgusted, as I had expected everyone else would have been. They might not have been so disgusted if they had found out differently. But... They were supposed to be gone all evening. They came home early, and walked in on us.

I protected him from their wrath. It was the least I could do. I had, in fact, dragged him into this. I basically told them that it was the first time... And that I had raped him. He tried to tell them the truth, but they didn't believe him, and I was glad.

The had always liked him better, loved him more. Who could blame them? He was the mos perfect being I had ever known... So loving, and caring, and kind. And me? Well, I think they loved me. I was just the black sheep of the family. The rebel and the disgrace.

They kicked me out, and they found someone better for him. In other words, someone who wasn't me. Someone who wasn't his brother. Someone, who, once upon a time, had been my best friend.

And things just went down hill from there.