note: Wrote this in Physics.. Everything always comes out in Physics...
The Fallen City
The fallen hero lay
Drawing his last breath
Accepting his defeat
Now awaiting death
The city he defended
Lay in ruins, broken
And as he watched it burn
He recalled past words spoken
A promise he had made
A vow he could not keep
Protect the city and her people
But now her people weep
Grieving for their loved ones
Those who were lost in war
Innocents and soldiers
All resisting conquer
How high they held their heads
How bravely they all fought
How unfair it would be to say
It was all for naught
But now the hero's dead
So many people dying
And those that still yet live
Have not ceased their crying
How grand this city stood
So regal and so tall
Never would anyone have thought
They'd live to see it fall