Disclaimer: I went through and kinda re-read everything. Hopefully my grammar and spelling are a bit better. If not, I am sorry. Extremely sorry if the first chapter is a little long. I hope you like it. Kat's last name is supposed to be Sanders. If it is written other wise, I am really sorry. R/R

He looked himself over in the mirror again. It was Killian's first day at Salem High and he really wasn't looking forward to it.

"Kill........Killian, come on you are going to be late!" Killian looked to the door as his mom called him.

"Just a sec," he called back. He turned to the mirror again to give himself one last look over before grabbing his bag and heading for the door.

"That is what you are wearing?" his mom asked as he came jogging down the stairs. Killian stopped and looked down. He wore a plaid button up T-shirt and his favorite pair of jeans. There was a huge brown stain that ran down from the whole in the right knee.

"What?" Killian asked, "This is what I wore to school back in Florida."

"Yeah but it's your first day honey, don't you want to make a good first impression?" his mom replied reaching up and fixing one of his brown curls. Killian pulled away, and his mother narrowed her eyes.

"Get in the car flashy," she said with a grin. The ride over was silent. They pulled up to the front of the school and his mom turned off the car. After a moments silence she turned to her son.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Killian shook his head. Back in Florida his mom would always go with him the first day, whether he asked or not. His friends loved his mom, she was like one of the guys.

"Look.....I know you didn't want to move, but life will be better here," his mom said. Killian looked down at his hands resting in his lap as he fiddled with his back pack strap.

"Just be patient.....Kay?" His mother spoke yet again. Killian nodded and grabbed his back pack stepping out of the car.

"See yuh homey G," his mom said. She would always say this before he left for school.

"It's homey K," Killian replied with a smile and shut the car door. His mom drove off and Killian turned to the school. It was a large brick building that reminded Killian of a court house. He pulled his back pack higher on his shoulder and headed up the steps. There were signs all over campus that directed him to the office. He was then lead to his counselors office. He was now waiting while his counselor, Mrs. Real was her name, printed out his class schedule and showed him where his classes were located with a school map.

"Got it," she asked. Killian nodded. Mrs. Real smiled with, what seemed to be, too much enthusiasm.

"Okay here is an On and Off track schedule as well as holidays, your ID, and your schedule. OH, and here is the map just in case you might need it again," said Mrs. Real handing Killian a packet of papers. Killian smiled gratefully and took the packet.

"Thanks," he said. He looked over his schedule. His first class would be Psychology room 616. He led himself out of the office into the school halls. He looked at the map as to see where the 600 rooms were located. They were by the cafeteria which wasn't that far from the office. He walked down the hall to the right and navigated through the many twists and turns of the school halls. He got lost a few times on the way but eventually found his way to the room. Killian looked at the number on the door then back down at his schedule. With a deep breath he reached for the handle. As soon as the door opened, the sound of laughter and talking filled his ears. He slowly walked into the class trying not to draw too much attention to himself. He walked over to the teachers desk and could feel the eyes of half the class on him. He handed the teacher his schedule. The teacher looked at the schedule, then looked up at Killian.

"Well Killeen-"

"It's Killian," said Killian cutting the teacher off.

"Oh well then Killian, I am Mr. Gail, and you can just sit anywhere for now. We are not starting until next week sometime," said the teacher and handed Killian back his schedule. Killian nodded and turned to the class. He walked over to the middle isle of lab tables and began to look for a seat. When he got to the third table a girl spoke up, "Hey you can sit here." Killian smiled and nodded walking over to the empty stool and sitting down. The girl smiled at him and held out her hand.

"Hey there, my name is Jessica," she said. Killian smiled and took her hand.

"Killian," he replied. The girl took her hand back and put a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"So you're new here right....where did you move from?" Jessica asked.

"Ummm....Florida," said Killian. At that moment a younger guy, about Killian's age, walked up to them.

"Hey Jess......whose this?" he asked motioning towards Killian.

"Oh hey, this is Killian, Killian this is Bobby," Said Jessica pointing to the guy. Bobby smiled and held out his hand.

"Charmed," he said. Killian smiled and shook the guys hand. He seemed like a pretty nice guy.

"You new here?" Bobby asked. Killian nodded.

"Well I think you are gonna like it here Kill, you don't mind if I call you Kill do you? Anyway, there is loads of fun to be had, and I would be happy to show you where it is all located," said Bobby.

"NO," Jessica instantly cut in. She Put her arm through Killian's and calmly said, "I will show him around." Killian turned to her, and she smiled sweetly. Bobby rolled his eyes and went back to his seat. Killian and Jessica talked for a while and soon Jessica began to point out certain kids in the class. She pointed out her other friend Jonathan.

"Everyone calls him Johnny or John, though," she said.

"And that over there is Kenny, he is pretty funny." Jessica went through the class row by row, seat by seat until she got to the last person.

"Oh.....and her, well you'll just want to avoid her. She is bad news," she said lowering her voice slightly. Killian looked at the girl. She was talking to another girl sitting next to her and they were laughing about something.

"Why is she bad news?" Killian asked. Jessica scooted closer to him.

"Well.........it is a known fact that Kat Sanders," said Jessica pointing to the girl, "Is a witch." Killian burst out laughing as Jessica said this. Jessica quickly put her hand to Killian's mouth to stop him.

"SHHHHHHHH, what are you trying to do?" Jessica whispered. Killian swallowed his next laughing fit.

"You really think that?" he asked. Jessica nodded rapidly.

"Why?" Killian asked. Jessica looked back at Kat as if to make sure she wasn't looking.

"People have seen her and her Aunts doing weird stuff in the woods by their house……. at night," Jessica whispered.

"They could just like to be out at night," Killian suggested. Jessica shook her head.

"People said they saw them wearing like witch robes. Really weird stuff if you ask me," Jessica replied. Killian felt a shiver squirm up his spine. He turned back to look at the girl and found her staring directly at him. She raised an eyebrow at him and Killian swallowed hard. Her bright green eyes seemed to look strait through him. But there was something about her. Just then the bell rang and Kat broke the gaze and stood up. Killian shook his head.

It turned out that Killian had second period Geometry with both John and Bobby. John showed Killian to his locker. His locker combination was on his schedule sheet. The two boys talked about this and that while Killian became acquainted with his new locker. When he was finished he grabbed his bag and they made for their next class. As they worked their way down the hall Killian saw Kat walking towards them. When she was about a foot away Killian heard John say "Witch" in a hushed tone. The next thing Killian knew, John was being yanked back and thrown up against some lockers by Kat.

"Hello John," she said. As she spoke Killian could pick up a faint hint of a British accent. She continued, "It's good to see you are getting enough balls to speak up. Well words of advice, keep your mouth shut if you want to keep them." As she said this she motioned down to Johns pants with her eyes. Killian saw Johns eyes widen in both shock and fear, as his hands quickly moved to cover is unmentionables.

"Now be a good boy run along," Kat said stepping back. John fixed his shirt and narrowed his eyes at her.

"You better watch it," he spat.

"OOOOOOOOH, I'm really scared now," Kat said in mock fear. She rolled her eyes then turned and walked away. Killian watched her retreating figure and realized, that she didn't scare him. In fact he was more drawn to her than anything. Just then the second bell rang.

"Come on we are going to be extremely late," said Bobby. Killian turned away from Kat and followed Bobby and John to their next class. The teacher excused their being late because it was the first day. The class was Geometry, one of Killian's worst subjects. He sat and talked with his two new friends the entire period. When the bell rang for him to go to his third period Gym, he was happy to find out that Bobby also had Gym third period. The entire period they spent listening to the "Rules of the Gym", as their teacher called it and being shown the locker rooms.

"We do this every year," said Bobby when they were getting ready to leave for fourth. The teacher let them leave early so Killian made his way over to room 902 for Science. As soon as he got there the bell rang, and kids began flooding out of the classes and into the halls. Killian waited by the door for all the kids to exit the class before he entered. He was looking down at his feet and looked up just in time to see Kat walk out of the Science class he would have next. She walked right past, not even noticing him. Killian felt a ping of disappointment.

"Hey Kill, you have Science fourth?" Killian looked up to see Jessica walking his way. As he did he noticed Kat look to him but then quickly look away. Killian nodded.

"Cool, so do me and Josh," she said pointing to the guy walking next to her. Killian did a double take on the guy. He wasn't much taller than himself, but he looked like a weight lifter. He looked almost exactly the same as Jessica, except well of course for the muscle and he was a guy. Jessica laughed.

"Killian this is my brother Josh," said Jessica. The guy nodded but didn't seem all too happy to meet Killian. They walked into class and took seats along the back wall. When everyone was seated the teacher began.

"Well as most of you know, I am Mr. Doner. We won't be doing much today, or the rest of the week. So for now just sit back and relax," the teacher finished. The entire period Killian talked to Jessica. Her brother seemed to be examining him the entire time. He was extremely thankful when the bell rang.

"Hey Kill you wanna sit with us at lunch," Jessica asked as they filed out of class. Killian nodded and followed them out onto the campus. During lunch Killian noticed that everyone seemed to have their own little social group. There were the Nerdy kids, and the Average kids. Then there were the Cliques and the Outsiders. The outsiders consisted of mostly Goths. Jessica pointed out the groups.

"The nerds always hang out over by the library, their home away from home. The Average by the tables, and the Goths over by the Auditorium." The campus was a kind of square shape so Killian was able to see all the different spots. When Killian looked over to the Goths hang out he happened to see Kat over there. She was talking to a few people. She seemed to be on the outside of the group, Killian figured it was because that even some of the Goths were afraid of her. Just then the bell rang for everyone to go to their last period. Killian had his last period with none other than Bobby Meyer. Bobby knew where all the classes were, so Killian followed him. When they entered the class Killian saw that Kat also had History fifth period. She was sitting in the far back corner talking to two other people. One was a guy he had seen from the Goth group and another was the girl he had seen her with most of the day. He followed Bobby to the back of the class a few rows away from Kat. The teacher said the same as all the others and then left the class to their own doings. Killian looked over to see Bobby glancing over at Kat and her group every few seconds.

"What are you doing?" Killian asked. Bobby snapped back.

"Nothing," he said, his voice a high pitched squeak. Killian glanced over and saw Kats friend quickly look away. Killian smiled.

"You like that girl?" he asked motioning in her direction.

"Kat, no I don't," said Bobby. Killian shook his head.

"Noooooo, that girl sitting next to her?" said Killian. His smile widened as he saw Bobby begin to blush.

"You do. Well does she like you?" Killian asked. Bobby shrugged.

"Well how about we just go and ask," Killian said motioning to stand.

"NO......no," said Bobby pulling him back down into the chair. Killian laughed. When he looked over there again, he saw Kat looking at him. He tilted up his chin slightly as to show that he wasn't afraid. Kat raised an eyebrow at him and turned back to her friends. When the bell rang Killian told Bobby to go on ahead. He purposely tried to take longer so he could maybe talk to Kat. He watched her walk out of the class and then split off with her friends. Killian took the opportunity to run and catch up with her.

"Hey," he said. Kat turned to him.

"Hi," she said turning to walk away.

"My name is Killian, you can call me Kill though, everyone else does," Killian continued. Kat didn't say anything. They walked a bit longer in silence.

"I was wondering-"

"Keep wondering," said Kat cutting him off.

"So you don't wanna do something, you know like with me," he said. Kat stopped and turned to look at Killian. She examined him tilting her head to the side. He was a bit taller than her so she was forced to look up to meet his eyes.

"Look 'Kill', do yourself a favor, go back to your friends and tell them that I called you a fudge packer and that was the end of it. That way you save me the time of really embarrassing you," said Kat turning and walking away. Killian furrowed his brow.

"What are you talking about?" he asked running to catch up with her yet again. Kat rolled her eyes.

"Look I just wanted to get to know you," he said. Kat laughed.

"Oh yeah, uh-huh," she replied.

"So I'll come by later then?" Killian asked. Kat laughed again and then walked of leaving Killian behind. Killian smiled. She hadn't said no.

Hope you like the first chapter. Let me know. REVIEW!!!!!