Learning How To Hide
By Tara Nicole Walker
When one dies
And another future begins
How do we go on
Day by day
With nothing to cling to
The knowledge of a child
For that is once again
How our spirits grow
Enveloped in a state of immaturity
That we cannot escape
That our child-like selves
Cannot help but be
We have to learn again
Learn how to stand
How to walk
How to speak
How to love
And most of all - how to live
All over again
So that we can start anew
When the time comes for us to die
So we can begin again
That endless cycle of never quite learning
The right words
The right things to do
The right way to act
The right choices to make
Until we flee
To hide
And then to start
All over again
As a new but used creation
Re-shaping who we are
If only to the extent of the outside appearance
If only to what others see of us
To instill a new image
Until we finally learn
That, that
Is what this game is all about
Learning how to hide
From reality
Learning how to build those walls around ourselves
Learning how to adapt
Blend in
With each new person
With each new situation
With each new life
We stay a pawn
Until we learn how to move the pieces ourselves
And then...
All we can do is live
Try to live
Try to go on
Until we decide it's time to move on
To the next hand
The next game board
The next score card
With the ever-dying hope
Of one day winning...