Silent Torture

By Tara Nicole Walker


Silent torture within myself

Hands and feet bound

Mouth gagged

Rocking back and forth in agony

Hearts bleed

And Tears of rain touch my face

Deep within a black pit

Of utter annihilation

And complete pain

The whips of life

Lash at my body

White welts appear

Oozing the most scarlet of blood

My naked body drenched in sweat

My skin torn and my hair matted

There is no way possible

To explain

The utter torment

And complete anguish

I endure day in

And day out

No one can stop it but I

And even so I feel powerless

At this point in time

I long for the torture to stop

And the pain to go away

To give my soul relief

And my spirit rest

But nay

This is obviously my place

To endure

Silent torture

Within myself