
By Tara Nicole Walker

Dedicated to James Earl Gamble II


You are entering into a world

You have never known before

A world of secrets unknown

Of memories past and future

I am sitting, pen in hand

To reveal to you a secret

Of pain

To reveal to you a secret

Of me

To reveal to you a secret

Of you

To reveal to you a secret

Of us

Your kiss brings me pain

But it is a pain that I

Deeply relish

A pain that brings me pleasure

As of the darkest pits of Hell

Your kiss absorbs my power

My will]

My life force

It draws from me

Surfacing deep thoughts and dark desires

Turning dark dreams into a reality

Your kiss burns like fire from Hell

Yet chills my soul to the bone

Sucking the life from me

And leaving me helpless within your grasp

Your kiss brings me deep pain

And the most satisfying of pleasures

It's power

It's pain

It stings

Consumes me