Tell Me A Story

By Tara Nicole Walker

Dedicated to James Earl Gamble II


"Tell me a story"

Whispers a voice

My voice

In your ear

Oh, tell me a story

You ask my what I want to hear

And I tell you:

"Something - anything - I just want to listen

Listen to your voice

Soothing and droning in my ears

Giving me a loving comfort that only you can..."

And I rest my head on your chest

And rub my had over you tenderly

And close my eyes and say:

"Baby... tell me a story."

A long pause as you gather your thoughts

And I breath in your essence

Letting it flow through me

As of an erotic embrace...

And I hear your voice...

Smooth and mellow...


Whispering to me...

And only me... as you say:

"Alright... I'll tell you a story..."

And you do

You whisper to me a story

Never before heard by my ears

And my heart swells with love and sadness

And tears rise to my eyes

As I turn my face, brushing my lips

Against your skin

As you tenderly whisper to me...

The story of us

Your story of us

You told me a story

With your arms wrapped around me

Holding my small body

Protectively against your own

As if you were never willing to let go

And you told me a story

Of your love for me

How you love me

When you loved me

Why you love me

How long you'll love me...

And I cry...

I cry tears of pure love

Wanting to never leave your side

You told me a story...

And you stopped

But the story didn't end...

Because it is not yet over...

And although we are forced apart, I remember...

Your tender whisper in my ear...

And you said:

"Baby... tell me a story..."

And I did

I kissed you tenderly

And I told you tight...

And I told you a story

Never before heard by your ears...

And your heart swelled...

With love for me...

And you held me tight

As if never wanting to let me go...

And I told you a story...

About us... about me...

I told how you changed a little girl's life...

How she grew up and fell in love

With the perfect man

And that perfect man was you...

And I stopped... but the story isn't over...

And you kissed me gently

And you held me tightly...

And we lay still...

And then a whisper...

"Tell me a story..."