It was so bright, and yet everything around him was so cold... A shiver went through Lillias' body when thin, icy fingers ran down his jaw bone. His pale blue eyes shot open. Well, well... Look who finally awakens, laughed a voice.
A moment passed before his eyes could adjust to the room's lighting. He'd half expected to wake up on the blood-covered floor of the tunnels he'd just fallen in. Or had he just fallen in them..? How much time had passed since then...? What if Ahriman was worried? And... His thoughts abruptly stopped as the face of the person before him finally pierced his conscious.
was all he could manage to sputter, his mouth now hanging open. He became confused and aware all in this moment, realizing his current position: flat against a cold stone wall, his hands tied high above him, his feet uncomfortably barely reaching the ground.
I, I, I'm, the other replied, smiling devilishly at him. Hands ran down his chest, the touch chilling him through. I see you know exactly who I am, he said pleasantly, though the undertones were dangerous. That's good... He leaned in, their noses just brushing. I know who you are.
You're Elias... Lillias said, his heart sinking. It had to be true... Elias' features were pale, just as his own, his resemblance striking. If Elias had returned for Ahriman... Then he would... He turned his head away.
Do not look away from me, Elias whispered violently, grabbing Lillias' face and turning it towards him once more, his pale blue eyes narrowed. Lillias looked back at him sadly, and Elias gave a pouty frown. Oh, do not be sorrowful. You will soon serve your purpose.
Lillias was having a hard time coping. Yes, he and Elias looked similar, but in his opinion, Elias looked older and far more attractive than he. How could he compare? Had Ahriman never seen anything in him but faint glimpses of a true angel? My... Purpose..?
Elias smiled, running a hand down his cheek once more. You are mine. He leaned forwards, and slipped his tongue into Lillias' mouth, kissing him deeply. Lillias only closed his eyes tight; there was nothing he could do, even if he wanted to. You were created for the soul purpose of providing me with a new physical being.
Lillias opened his eyes, but still kept them down cast. I... I see... It made perfect sense... He was so flawed, how could he continue to exist as he was. It would be better that he was for Elias, and not himself... Wouldn't it..? Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was screaming at himself that this wasn't true, but other thoughts flooded him in a much swifter current.
You see, Elias said, delighted in his own twisted way. Lillias suddenly found the room turning, and he was on his back, Elias on top of him, running a hand up his shirt. You were created in my image... To be me. Yes, I died, but my soul still rests here, waiting... For you.
As Elias ran his hands over him from his position above him, seemingly inspecting him for mistakes, Lillias closed his eyes. It was too much... Too sudden. Elias had simply and suddenly appeared as a powerful force in his life. Was he who Cassius had meant for Lillias to seek at the end of the tunnels..? Was he the one who could help Lillias make Ahriman happy?
But, Ahriman had told him that he hadn't fallen in love with Lillias because he was Elias, or that he looked like him... It was because he was who he was, not an image of a former lover. And, it seemed true enough...
Elias was nothing like he'd expected. He seemed cold; childish, yet still sophisticated. His features were still beautiful and angelic, and his very skin seemed to glow, but Lillias had not expected the lovely depth of his pale blue eyes to be deterred by glasses. He hadn't once mentioned Ahriman's name, which struck Lillias as odd... Wasn't that why he would want to live again..? To be back with his love, Ahriman..?
Ahriman is a fool, Elias shot quickly, cupping Lillias' face in his hand. When Lillias opened his wide, innocent eyes to look up at his angelic counterpart, Elias began to laugh at him. He has fallen for you, hasn't he? He asked, incredibly amused. How perfect... Soon, you will consummate your love, and you will be impure... After which, you will have to die -your soul, anyhow- and I will take your place in your body...
He was laughing hysterically now, not even realizing the pressure he was putting on Lillias. It's just... beautiful! Ahriman will never know when it's me... And I can finish what I started long, long ago. And this time, as you, he'll never let me die... Not twice.
W-what are you talking about..? Elias was crazy... He had to be. This couldn't be the man Ahriman had fallen in love with him... He was so cruel. Though not entirely sure what he was talking about, Lillias deduced it could be nothing good... Nothing angelic'.
Oh, my, you're perfect, Elias said, gingerly covering Lillias' mouth with his hand. She did just a splendid job... What a shame, your soul is so innocent, too... He ran his hand up Lillias' inner thigh, and Lillias' eyes began to water. Such a waste... Perhaps I'll keep your soul after you die... Find you a beautiful new body, perhaps... Make love to you myself, as Ahriman surely will...
Lillias' tears fell freely now... This was too cruel. He could just feel it, unsaid. Elias wanted his body to get to Ahriman... To hurt him... But why? Hadn't they been lovers..? Hadn't Elias and Ahriman been as he and the demon prince were now, and perhaps even more..? It was so unexplainably wrong...
After all, he smiled. You are me.
Lillias abruptly sat upright in bed, his heart and head pounding, covered in sweat. He had just had a horrid dream, and he felt it had all been true, but he couldn't remember anything... It was a great comfort to have Ahriman, who it seemed had been awake for quite some time, sit on the bed next to him and pull the quivering minstrel into his arms.
Are you all right? Lillias nodded, and then shook his head, and then nodded once more. He finally gave up trying to decide, and just let Ahriman hold him safe, crying silently. Ahriman, at a loss, just ran his fingers through the young minstrel's pale blonde hair, knowing he would explain his disposition when he could.
Lillias started, but had to stop and sit back, wiping his eyes as he composed himself. What happened..? Ahriman only pulled Lillias back from him to look at him questioningly. I mean... When Cassius...
Ahriman pulled Lillias close again, and held him almost desperately. I don't think either of us has to worry about Cassius anymore... Regardless of how wrong Ahriman was, that wasn't what Lillias had meant...
No, no... He shook his head, pushing back from Ahriman, his head down though he left his hands on Ahriman's chest. I meant... I don't remember what happened after I... I don't know... There was a really bright light, and... I... Lillias closed his eyes tight, his head swimming though he wasn't able to recall anything.
I... Don't know, Ahriman admitted, caressing Lillias' face with his hand. He ran his fingers through the soft, pale blonde hair. As soon as I found Cassius, and about what had happened to you, I went to get you... I'm sorry, I took so long, he said, defeated. I couldn't get to you by magic because no ones supposed to be able to get down there that way, and I did such a good job safe guarding it, it was faster just to... Run to you.
I found you in the core room at the center of the tunnels... Passed out in the middle of the room, Ahriman said softly, his touch so gentle, as though it hurt him to remember. And it did... Something he didn't tell Lillias was that he had been lain to rest on the pedestal Elias' body had previously occupied, too perfect to have simply fallen there, and he had no idea why. Seeing Lillias unconscious in Elias' place of rest, Ahriman had feared the worst.
Lillias sat silently, straining to remember what had happened after he had fallen. He was just so sure he had awoken again, before last night when they had... He blushed as these thoughts came to him, but none other did. Oh..! Ahriman that means... Oh, you were there when... Well... Lillias bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes tight, trying desperately to remember.
Now even the events before he had fallen were foggy in his mind. I... There was... Cassius summoned something... Some large creature, and... And you were there..! You killed it, and you saved me, and... I saw... I saw you... Your... Shadow. I... I don't know...
Ahriman was silent for a moment, and then he pulled Lillias back into his arms, and rested his chin on his head. Lillias, do you have any idea where you were..? he asked, seriously doubting he had any idea of the significance of the place.
I... No, he answered thoughtfully, though he shuddered to remember. Not really... I mean I know it was...
A river of blood, Ahriman finished for him, holding the boy in an attempt to comfort him as he explained. Any blood ever shed, heaven, earth, or hell, that is not otherwise contained, eventually flows to that river... And I have bled enough, he gave a slight, ironic laugh. To be summoned down there... Brought back to life, if you will... It can happen to angels and demons, but not humans... Mortal blood goes there, but they cannot be conjured because of the difference in there souls. So I... Saved you, did I? he asked, smiling faintly.
Lillias said rather contentedly, leaning back in to Ahriman. It was somewhat sickening, he found, that he had been trudging through the blood of what was surely every creature that had ever lived, demon, human, and angel. But that's what had saved him... And you... You led me to the center, too... I think... Because that was Cassius' game... To get to the center... What was that place? All I remember is a bright, blinding light... Where was I..?
How could Ahriman tell him that it was Elias' tomb? What would he say? he began. Listen, I- the demon prince was interrupted, but for the first time in his life, he was actually grateful for the intrusion. Sadera and Sidero fell through the doorway, one on top of the other.
one of them whispered harshly. I told you they wouldn't be doing it so early in the morning..! How was I supposed to know? the other whispered back fiercely as they tried to untangle themselves from one another.
What is the meaning of this? Ahriman asked finally, doing a rather good job of just playing mad. They both scrambled to their feet and began to stutter meaninglessly all at once. Enough..! Speak civilly.
Well, it is that... Sadera said. Yes, that uh... Sidero added. Well um... Master Ahriman has much work to do- -and he has not given us orders yet so we- -came to see if he was okay, and- -tell him that there are many files to go over- -and that-
Okay, I get it, Ahriman sighed, exasperated. Lillias crawled off of him and smiled a bit, and he stood, waving Sadera and Sidero away. I'm coming... he said, but he smiled down at Lillias, and cupped his face in his hand. Despite all that had happened... He believed this was the happiest he had ever been, and it was all thanks to the beautiful, barely covered boy in his bed.
Ahriman leaned down and kissed Lillias goodbye, happy to find he could still make the young minstrel blush even after what they had done. I'll send someone to fetch you and bring you to me later, there's someone I'd like you to meet. And we'll... Continue our talk. Sometime. He kissed him again, this time on the forehead, and walked to the door after a gushing Sadera and Sidero, only to disappear in a swirl of darkness as he got there.
Lillias smiled happily, and laid back on the bed, and sighed contentedly as he snuggled up against a pillow that smelled just like his wonderful, handsome demon prince...
Ahriman, per usual, was bored out of his mind with Sidero and Sadera's reports, and only nodded when it seemed appropriate, much, also per usual, to their overall elation. His thoughts were, of course, elsewhere. His beautiful little minstrel, the events of the day before, and then that night... And taking Lillias to meet his mother. Everything about his relation ship felt strangely, weirdly, abnormally normal.
But how to explain some things to Lillias he... He just didn't know. The twins had been a good excuse to think it over, and yet he still wasn't sure. He didn't want to hurt, scare, or unnerve Lillias by telling him that his former lover was laying dead beneath his castle, and he had found Lillias' thankfully alive body laying where Elias' dead one should have been. What the meant he had no idea, and he wasn't sure he truly wanted to find out...
It took a moment, but he finally realized that Sadera and Sidero had stopped talking, either too awed or too frightened by something to speak or even stutter, and only just stared silently and wide-eyed. He looked towards the direction the looked, only to find their eyes following a tiny flare of light as it fell from the darkness of the high ceiling. Great,' Ahriman thought unhappily. Just exactly what I needed right now...'
The light continued down, until it stopped and flared out greatly in a flash of bright light. The twins shrieked and squeaked and disappeared to hide behind some pillars in the room; Ahriman didn't even blink. Before him, in the air a fair ways above the ground, was a glowing angel with long, flaming red hair.
She did not smile as her mostly bare feet finally touched the ground in light, catlike steps, the only noise made coming from the fall of the numerous, majestic garments she wore, and the slight flutter of her glowing wings. Her hair, done high up behind her, flowed back behind her abnormally, mimicking licking flames very well.
It was Revanshe, the arch angel of the literary arts, and one of his least favorite people. He glared at her, and she glared at him, until she finally spoke, her voice overly loud and ominous. Ahriman, prince of all demons, It is time... she said slowly and with purpose. To face the music.
; Erm, yes, the first scene happened before the last chapter, and the last scene happened after. o.O; In case you didn't get that... o.o;;;
o.o; As it stands now... o.O; Alegría will have fifteen chapters... :) Yay..?