Forget it All
A/N: This spawned from some BITTER feelings; not necessarily all my own, but sympathy as well. Enjoy!
Runaway to her tricks, to her schemes and plots.
Don't come back, don't even call.
Don't email me your fake emotions when she drops you in the dirt. And don't send me roses while you still love her.
Run away, and don't look back.
Don't remember all the promises we made. Don't recall all the times I said, "I love you", or the delicate kisses we shared. Just.forget about it.
Runaway, and don't stop to listen to your real heart; you've already destroyed mine.
Don't realize she never loved you. Don't see that she's a poser and a fake. Don't listen to your friends, or mine, when they tell you to get me back.
Just keep running, so I can throw the pieces of my heart at you.
And when they cut into you, piercing your icy cold "heart", then listen. Pay attention to what every piece of me says. Melt you heart and open your mind.
Because you know I'll be running; running without a care to go by or a heart to feel from. Running away from our past.
Running away from the past..
A/N: This spawned from some BITTER feelings; not necessarily all my own, but sympathy as well. Enjoy!
Runaway to her tricks, to her schemes and plots.
Don't come back, don't even call.
Don't email me your fake emotions when she drops you in the dirt. And don't send me roses while you still love her.
Run away, and don't look back.
Don't remember all the promises we made. Don't recall all the times I said, "I love you", or the delicate kisses we shared. Just.forget about it.
Runaway, and don't stop to listen to your real heart; you've already destroyed mine.
Don't realize she never loved you. Don't see that she's a poser and a fake. Don't listen to your friends, or mine, when they tell you to get me back.
Just keep running, so I can throw the pieces of my heart at you.
And when they cut into you, piercing your icy cold "heart", then listen. Pay attention to what every piece of me says. Melt you heart and open your mind.
Because you know I'll be running; running without a care to go by or a heart to feel from. Running away from our past.
Running away from the past..