A/N: the final chapter…don't worry, I'm already working on a sequel.

I didn't go to school on Tuesday. Or Wednesday, or Thursday. I was sick of people wanting to know what had happened between Nathan and me, and I was sick of well meaning people trying to talk to me about. Plus I just felt like wallowing in my own self-misery. I stayed in bed most of the time. I told my mum what had happened between me and Nathan and she understood. It was then up to her to tell my dad. She tried for ages, but then eventually gave up trying to make him understand and just told him that I was sick. Sean even tried to comfort me, but I really wasn't in the mood to hear about how right he was. On Thursday I finally dragged myself out of bed and wandered over to the mirror. Jesus. There was a girl who'd been beaten by the ugly stick. My long hair was hanging limply around my face and needed a wash. I was pale and my eyes were red and bloodshot from crying. I looked like Hando and smelt like his dog.

I dragged myself into the shower and turned the water on as hot as it would go. I stripped off and stood under the scolding water for a good half an hour. I didn't know why I was so upset over Nathan. I told myself that he was an asshole and that I didn't like him, but my brain wouldn't shut up. The truth was, I HAD like him. I had liked him a lot. And it really hurt to know that it was over. It was for the better, I knew that. But I didn't make breaking up any easier. I finally got out of the shower after my dad had cut off the hot water and stood in front of the mirror again. At least I was clean now, and didn't smell anymore. I examined my reflection critically. I was ugly. I had once read a book where the girl reckoned she needed to go into an ugly home. Well I was that girl. I eyed a pair of scissors lying on the basin and picked them up. I looked back into the mirror. My hair is dead straight and goes down past my shoulders. It's also a very dark brown. Everyone else reckons black, but I reckon dark brown. Anyway, whatever colour it was, it needed to go. I picked up the scissors and hesitated for a second. Then, like my arm was mechanical, I reached up and cut a chunk of my hair off. It fell into the basin and I stared at it, reminded of that crappy Johnny Depp movie Edward scissor hands.

I looked at the space where a long lock of hair had once been. It looked stupid. I smiled. My mum was going to go ballistic. I quickly stepped back into the shower and rinsed off all the hair that was clinging to me. I pulled my clothes back on and went to find my dad. He was in the garage working on his mower. "Hi dad."

He looked up. "What in the name of god have you done to your hair?" he asked.

I frowned. "It could be worse. I could have shaved my eyebrows off."

Dad gaped at me. "Your mother is going to have a heart attack." He narrowed his eyes. "This is all because of that boy isn't it?" he asked.

I sighed. "No."

He just stared at me. "Right. We're going to the hair dresser."

My hands flew to my head. "No! I like it!"

My dad shook his head. "You look like you have a mullet."

"But I've always wanted a mullet."

My dad pointed. "Car. Now. Go. Big trouble."

When my dad speaks in one-word sentences, you know you're in trouble. I went.

An hour later we were pulling out of the shopping centre car park. Stefan had done a fabulous job on my hair. He'd had to cut my hair and style it so the missing chunk was less obvious. I was feeling better. They've always said there's nothing like a new frock to brighten up your day. Or in this case, a new hair cut. "So do you want to tell me why you suddenly decided you wanted to be a hairdresser?" my dad asked. I shook my head.

"I honestly have no idea. I just thought it seemed like a good idea at the time."

Dad sighed. "Hailey…I know this has something to do with that boy you were seeing. I don't know all the details, but if you want to talk about it…"

"It's ok. I'm fine."

Dad cleared his throat. "Ok then."

I knew he was secretly relieved, but he scored points for trying.

I felt better when I woke up on Friday. I spent a bit of time lying in bed, then decided to get up. My eyes felt on my stereo and I felt a twinge. I had a sudden mad urge to put on my music very loudly and dance around stupidly. I slipped Powderfingers "on my mind" into the DVD player and danced around the lounge room. I felt much better. Never underestimate the healing power of lounge room dancing. I was in the middle of doing my best Elvis impersonation when Sean clomped up the stairs. I stopped and looked at him. I hadn't seen him for days. "Where have you been?" I yelled over the music. Sean rolled his eyes and hit stop. "At work mostly. When I have been home you've been asleep." He squinted at me. "Are you ok?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Sean smiled. "Hurts doesn't it?"

"You've have no idea." I muttered.

"Come on." Sean said.

"Huh? Where are we going?"

"Retail therapy?" he suggested.

"You aren't going to try on chicks clothes again are you?" I asked anxiously.

"That was a one off." He defended. "Come on. We're going to the movies."

"Are you paying?"

Sean sighed. "Fine!"

I dashed into my room to change out of my pyjamas. When I came back out Sean laughed at me. "Look! We match." He gestured to my jeans and my mambo top. He was wearing the same. I sighed and turned around to change my shirt. By the time we were finally ready to go, my dancing exuberance had worn off slightly. "Do we have to go? I don't really feel like it all that much."

Sean grabbed my arm and hauled me out to the car. "Yes we have to go. I want to spend time with my second favourite cousin."

I was outraged. "Who's your favourite?"

Sean just laughed. We spent a couple of hours wandering in and out of shops then went to the movies. There wasn't a whole lot on. I was beginning to mope again, but Sean's good fun to be around. We got back around 5. As I went into the study I saw the little red light on the answering machine blinking furiously. "Hmm. There weren't any messages when we left…" I said.

"Hello mother, hello father, here I am at, camp renada." Sean sang as I pressed the button. Mackenzie's voice came booming out. "Hailey. The fact that you're not home makes me positive that you've left the bed. I'm coming to pick you up at 6:30." She said. I was confused. "What's on at 6:30?" I asked.

"Ben's first gig remember?" Sean replied. "I'm taking Dan."

My face fell. "Oh no. I had completely forgotten. Sean I can't go."

"Why not?"

I was on the verge of tears. "Because I feel like shit. And I really don't want to be around Ben right now."

"Why not?" he asked again.


Sean frowned. "Am I missing something? Hailey, do you have feelings for Ben?"

"No." I almost whispered. Sean knew better than to push it.

"Well whatever. Tonight is not a night to be thinking about yourself. You know how much this means to Ben. He's going to be really nervous, and as his friends we should be there to support him."

I said nothing. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 5:15. Mac would be arriving in an hour and 15 minutes. And I had to make up my mind. Swallow my pride, or hurt Ben, something that I had sworn that I would never do on purpose.

I went. By the time Mac arrived I was standing with Sean and Simon on the driveway. Simon was too young to get in, but he had really wanted to go, so Sean was going to pull a few strings. Mac pulled up in her father's convertible BMW. I smiled. At least we would be arriving in style. Seated next to her in the front was the person I least wanted to see. As I walked over he smirked at me. "Didn't think you'd actually come."

I hit him on the head. "Shut up Jared. Just shut up." I said as I climbed in.

"No it's good. I'm just glad that you realised the world doesn't revolve around you for once." He continued. This time both Mac and I yelled at him.

"Shut up Jared!"

Mac pulled out of the driveway and Jared shut up. "What did you do to your hair?" Mac asked. "I cut it."

"Well duh. Why?"

I shrugged. "Felt like it."

Jared snorted. "Good reason."

I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't hear you. Your voice is so muffled with all the shit that you spew."

Jared turned around to face me. "You have a real attitude do you know that?"

"And you don't? I seriously do not know what your problem with me is Jared, but do you think you could lay off just for tonight?"

Mac sighed and turned up the radio to drown us out. We kept right on bickering. "Shut up!" Mac finally bellowed as we turned into the Tulleners car park. We all piled out of the car and I held my hand out to Jared. "Truce. For tonight. For Ben."

Jared eyed me warily, but eventually accepted my hand. "Good. Now can we go? Ben's meeting us by the back entrance." Mac said, linking arms with us both and pulling us along in her wake.

We wove our way through the crowed towards the stage door. Judging but the amount of people milling around, it was going to be a full house. Mackenzie reached up and pounded her fist on the door. The door swung open and head poked out and stared at us. The guy was very clearly stoned. His eyes were unfocused and seemed to be looking at a point just past my head. He blinked and gave a lazy smile. "Jared. Hey."

Jared laughed. "Braith. I can see you're all ready. Is Ben back there?"

"Oh yeah." Braith said slowly. "He's here." He stepped back from the door. "Come through." Braith walked away a disappeared into the depths of back stage. I gave Mac a look and followed him. He was very clearly wasted and I wouldn't have been surprised if he had no clue where Ben was at all. The backstage area was very cramped and hot. Splintered Tears weren't the only band playing that night, and people and objects were scattered everywhere. A lot of guys were lounging around and stared at as we walked past. Mac unconsciously tugged her skirt down a little bit lower. Braith turned around and waved to us. "Here!" he said, before he sank down against the wall and closed his eyes. I shook my head and looked over to where he had pointed. Ben was leaning against the wall next to Liam, looking ill. I felt Mac and Jared come up beside me. "Mate, you look like shit." Jared commented. Ben stood up. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." He replied. He really did look like shit. His hair had been precariously gelled once again, but his olive skin was pale and his eyes looked sunken. When he reached out to hug me I noticed he was shaking slightly. He pulled back and jammed his hands deep into his pockets. "What's wrong with them?" I asked, nodding to where Liam and Braith were both sprawled against the wall. "Stoned." Ben replied. "The reckon they give their best shows when they're off their faces."

I was surprised. "I didn't know that Liam smoked that shit."

Ben scowled. "I wish he wouldn't"

I sensed that Liam's drug habits were a sore point with his brother. "Where's the others?" Jared asked. Ben shook his head. "Dylan and AJ went off to find something to drink." He swallowed and looked around nervously. A skinny guy holding a clipboard squeezed himself through the curtains and into the backstage area. He pointed at one of the guys who had stared at us when we came in. "you're up in 5. Liam, you're up after them."

Liam nodded and stood up lazily. He grinned as if he had only just noticed us. "Hey Ben. Your mates came."

Ben shook his head. "You guys better go."

Mac nodded and kissed his cheek. "Good luck. You'll be fine. I know how good you are."

Ben nodded. Jared slapped him on the back then they both left, leaving me standing there. I looked anxiously after them, not wanting to be left alone with 20 odd guys, most stoned or drunk. Ben looked at me. I gave him a quick smile. I got the oddest feeling in my stomach when I looked at him. "I'd better go." I kissed his cheek as Mac had done. "Good luck." He was still shaking. "Hey. You'll be fine." I said, grabbing his shoulders.

He nodded and gave me the briefest of smiles."Ok. See you later."

I turned on my heel and fled after the others. Liam waved as I left. "I love Hailey." I heard him say to Braith as I bolted out the door.

I joined the others inside the actual club. Although the place was packed Sean had somehow managed to grab us a table. Dan was sitting next to him. Next to her was Laura, then Kate, Simon, Flip, Ryan, Mac and Jared. Mac sat on Jared's lap so I could sit down. I tried not to look at the way Sean and Dan were holding hands, or the way Jared's arm was around Mac's waist. I saw Kate roll her eyes. I caught her eye and we both grinned. I sighed and sat back in my seat. Across the table Flip and Sean had stuck up a conversation about some band that they had both seen. Laura was eyeing off a guy across the room, Mad and Jared where whispering to each other and Simon, Kate and Ryan were talking about some girl at the bar. I tuned them all out. My good mood was steadily evaporating as the first band, Apocalypse, took to the stage. They took their sweet time, plugging in leads and adjusting stools and tuning guitars and what not. I hoped the other bands would be faster.

Apocalypse weren't bad, but they were a tad too heavy for my liking. Ryan was in his element, being a hard-core Slip Knot fan. He disappeared to mosh after the first song. My patience had all but disappeared by the time the band launched into their fourth death metal song. It all sounded the same to me. Bad. I leaned over to yell at Mac over the music. "Mac, I'm really not feeling well. I think I'm just going to leave."

Mac's eyes widened and she sat up straight, causing Jared to wince. "You can't! I mean, what about Ben? He'd be so upset. You saw how nervous he was. Just wait until they're done, then we can leave. Although you may not want to." She said. Jared elbowed her. I decided not to worry about what she was talking about. "Fine." I sat back again. I did want to be there for Ben. I was still having trouble figuring out the weird feeling I had gotten back stage with Ben. I noticed that Sean was looking at me. When I caught his eye he grinned and looked away. I frowned. Dan was staring at the table. Simon was studying his fingernails and Laura seemed intrigued by something over the other side of the room.

Finally Apocalypse finished. The compare rushed them off the stage and Ryan came back to sit down. "Our next band are local brissy boys, and one girl. They're going great guns at the moment, having just acquired a new bass guitarist. Their brand new demo will be available after the show, for two bucks. Liam informs me that they're trying to get rid of them." The crowed tittered as the compare went on. "So, without any further ado, please welcome Splintered Tears!"

The curtain drew back and the band walked on. I scanned the stage anxiously for Ben. He was last on, typically. Liam took his place behind the microphone, while Braith and another guy strapped on guitars. Ben picked up his bass and swung the strap over his shoulder. A petite girl with dark blue hair took her position behind the drum set. Liam glanced around at the band then looked out into the audience. I noticed a large number of girls had accumulated around the stage and were staring up at him adoringly. I snorted. Liam grinned down at them. "Everyone ready?" his deep voice bounced off the walls. "Cool. Well I'm Liam, and I am the lead singer of Splintered Tears. Some of you may have already heard us, so you would already know that. But tonight I would like to take the opportunity to introduce to you all, our brand new bass player, my little brother Ben. Give them a wave Ben."

Ben looked up from his bass and gave an embarrassed wave. "Good one." Liam said, turning back to the crowed. "The first song we're playing tonight is indeed our first single called Stricken. And this is how it goes."

Liam closed his eyes and started to sing. Never having heard the band before, I was blown away. They were awesome. And I am a harsh critic, which should tell you how good they were. Braith looked like he was asleep standing up, but he kept strumming the guitar. Their style was reminiscent of Coldplay, although Liam sounded nothing like Chris Martin. The first song was had the lyrics of a ballad, but the guitar was too heavy to call it a ballad. Whatever it was, it was good. Looking around the table, I saw most of the others were as surprised as I had been. The girls around the stage almost fainted as Liam looked down and gave them a wink. The song ended to thunderous applause. A lot of people clambered to their feet. The next song they did was an Oasis cover, followed by some Pearl Jam. Liam cleared his throat again, then moved over to a keyboard that had been set up. "God. Can that boy do everything?" I asked Sean. "shh." He replied, focusing on the stage. I sighed. My mind started to wander as Liam played the opening chords on the piano. I looked up at the lights on the ceiling. Liam opened his mouth and started to sing. Mac elbowed me. "Hailey. Are you watching?"

I sighed and looked back at the stage. My mouth fell open. "Oh my god. Is that…"

"Ben?" Jared asked me grinning. "Yeah."

"He's singing!" Ben was singing. I couldn't believe it. He wouldn't even sing for me, now he was singing to 400 people. "Recognise that song?" Sean asked. I did. I think it was originally a Joe Cocker song. "Have a little faith in me?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded. I looked up to see everyone looking at me and grinning. "What?" I asked. Jared pushed a piece of paper over the table to me. I looked at him curiously and picked it up. Unfolding it, I began to read it. I felt tears in my eyes as I looked back towards the stage. Ben was singing still. His voice was deeper than Liam's, but still very good. The girls at the stage were staring at him now. I felt a fierce prickle of jealously welling up inside me. I looked down at the letter and the feeling disappeared.

Have A Little Faith In Me






Ben looked up and locked eyes with me. He gave a small smile. I knew he was wondering if I had read the letter. He was probably scared shitless about the way I would react. Ben was singing to me. I was amazed. He had tried so hard to get my attention in other ways, but I had always brushed him off. So he had turned to conveying his feelings in the only way he knew how. Through song. I felt like the world's worst person then. I had treated Ben like shit. He was the one I always ran to when the going got tough, but then I just discarded him, only thinking of myself. All of this ran through my head as I slowly realised that I wanted to be with Ben. It all became crystal clear in a second. I had always had feelings for him. But my head had overpowered my heart, and I had gone with what I thought that I wanted, and not necessarily what was right for me. Who would have thought that the one who was right had been under my nose the whole time? It had never occurred to me that I could fall in love with a boy who mended his own pants and pulled me into men's bathrooms. It was occurring to me loud and clear now though. I loved Ben. I had never thought that I would fall in love with someone until I was 30. It was scary how powerful the emotions of a 17 year old could be. I was barely out of childhood. Not all that long ago I had been cut up over Nathan. I felt like an emotional yo-yo.

It's such a powerful phrase, 'in love.' But as I looked at Ben, it struck me how true it could be. Had I been pushing Ben away because I was scared? It was a possibility. My feelings for Ben had always been there. I just didn't want to acknowledge them. Not when I thought my life was so perfect. But not of that mattered anymore. You can't help who you fall in love with. If that's what I feel for Ben is. Love. I 'm completely sure.  I looked back at the stage as Ben finished the song. Once again the crowed jumped to its feet. Ben jumped off the stage and headed straight for the table. Ignoring the others, I jumped from my seat and met him halfway. I smacked into his chest as he reached out to steady me. His face was flushed. "Did you read it?"

I didn't answer as I thought about all the mistakes that I had made. I had a lot to answer for. Figuring I should start making up for everything, I pressed my lips to his. Ben was surprised, that was for sure. He nearly fell over. He kissed me back though, then pulled back. "So does this mean…"

"I'm so sorry. I've been the world's biggest bitch to you. I never…I mean…" I took a breath. "This means yes." I told him with a grin. Ben grinned back. "About time." He said before his lips met mine again. About time.

So Ben and I are going to give it a go. We both know that it won't be easy, considering how much we fight. But we're determined to at least try. Nathan is old news now. Ben is everything that he wasn't. And he likes me for me. Whoever said that love is blind was right on the money. It is. And the God's have a sick sense of humour too. I think back to the day on the bus a lot. Whoever said that love happens when you least expect it was right as well. Ben was the last thing I expected to find when I was face down on the ground, hoping I hadn't broken anything. But I'm glad he did happen. At last. What I saw as huge problems were really nothing more than hang-ups. And when Ben arrived in my life, they magically disappeared. So now instead of wondering 'why me,' now I'm glad that it is me. Because I have Ben.


A/N: YaY! The end. A bit sudden? Maybe. But there's going to be a sequel, so don't stress. Thank you to all my wonderful friends. I say friends when I mean reviews, but you are all my friends. (Go Dr Phil.)

So, thanks go out to, Rach, Heather Dawn, Michelle, Mag, Nagenya, smoothieruthie, Kaitling, Ve, Pink and Purple, Kirsty, eRzuLiE109, Jacaranda, KattFTW,  andyeascrewyou, AlittleLessThanPerfect, Katie, Kylie, Jamie AKA, P2Kmassive and sorry to anyone I forgot. Yes, I went back through everyone who reviewed to make up for being so slack throughout the course of the story.

I would love to know what you thought of this story, and anything that you would like to see happen in the sequel. Speak up now before I start writing. Reviews would be fantastic. I will always try and return the favour. Unless I'm super busy, and if I am, send me an email and tell me to get my ass into gear. Thanks guys.