I wrote this during math class today, we had a substitute teacher who was
being a retarded fuck, but that's not the point. I was in another mood
((who am I kidding, I'm always in "another mood")) again, and so I did what
I usually do, wrote poetry. As of late almost all of my poetry is either
dark, angsty, suicidal or cynical, probably because that's the way I really
am. I haven't posted most of my poems..I only have two up - one is retarded
and the other needs serious help. Feedback would be appreciated greatly.
·÷±=± Demon Rising ±=±÷

·!¦[· Over the Line ·]¦!·
A cold breeze blows by
There is nothing left in this life
Plagued by hatred, by pain and by emptiness
It never goes away
Look into the darkness below
Dare to take the plunge and never return
One foot over the line
It's too late to turn back
No refuge for the bitter and broken.
Escaping the madness
The other foot follows
Nothing left to hang onto, nothing left to feel
Nothing but the plunge into the eternal Black Abyss
Forever lost, forever forgotten.

Drop me a line or leave some feedback. Brighten up my dull shitty life.
Thankies muchly.