Chapter One

The Accused

'Our small community here in Salem is in grave danger. The devil runs free upon us. He has cast his hand upon our children and taken their souls for his own. We know not what he has planned in torturous deeds for us who still retain godly holism souls. Nor what terrifying visions he will send up from the very pits of hell to torment our minds with. We are no longer safe. We must be rid of those who seek to harm us. Execution by hanging will be their punishment.' Raved the Minister of Salem high upon his carved podium.

'Grace, Sarah, Frances, Mary, come on now, its time for you to be home with your families. It's almost dark and I don't want your poor mothers fretting.' Grace's mother calls from the open door way leading out into the garden were the four girls sat huddled in a tight circle.

Aye ma, we'll be goin' in a minuet. Grace replies.

Grace turned back to the girls in an air of apprehension. 'So, what do you all think then? Do you think she's the one with the devil in her? Their sayin' she's bewitched. The men have been searching night and day for someone. The one that's made the Goodling girl sick?'

'Oh that poor little girl', Frances exclaimed. 'I saw her this very morning. The doctor says her fits are getting worse and he doesn't know how to help her. Oh and Mrs. Goodly hasn't left the house sense it started and she want touch a scrap of food.'

'Aye, I hate to say it but I think your right Grace. That horrible bewitched women, the devil worshiper, I saw her myself. The other girls nodded their heads in agreement.'

In a shy and reluctant voice Mary continued. 'Well, its just that I. well I saw her chantin' in the Greenly forest only yesterday while I was collectin' sticks for the fire. And, and she was bare as a tree, a tree with no bark. Not a stitch of clothin' on her naked back. And oh it frightened me, it frightened me to death but I just couldn't pull my eyes away.'

That's not all. I heard her signin', singin' a hideous song with some of the town folks names in it, our neighbours and our friends and old Mr. Whillie.' Exclaimed a wide-eyed Frances. And that's not the worst of it. There was a fire and a pot, a huge black smoking pot with all sorts of nasty things in it I fear. What if. oh lord. What if she wants rid of the good people in this town? What if she's possessed by the devil? Frances let out a terrified shriek and buried her head in Mary's open bosom.

'Shhhh, shhh, its ok Frances, its ok. I will let nothing hurt you, I promise. Hush now.' Mary stroked Frances's mattered brown hair as she looked up at the two remaining girls with a hint of fear glistening across her eyes.

'But even if we think it and even if its true, if she is possessed by the devil, by the horrible demon Lucifer, oh I shutter to say his name, what might we do? There is nothin' we can do, she is the Ministers wife and by god that means that no one will listen a word to us.' Sarah muttered clearly distraught.

'She's the ministers wife, oh lord have mercy on us'.

'Sarah, exclaimed Grace, we have done nothing wrong. The lord doesn't punish those who speak the truth'.

'I know Grace, but a Ministers wife is as good and pure hearted as the Minister himself. They have been ordained and no evil has ever passed from the body of a blessed one'.

'Listen, speak a word of this to no one, not even your families. We cannot let her know that we have caught eye of her or she may set the devil onto us'. Mary warned.

'Please just hold your tongues until we get help. We must trust no one.' Grace pleaded.

'But Mary, Frances uttered, who will believe us? We are merely children in the town folk's eyes, barley eighteen'.

'Never you mind Frances my darling girl, it will be alright'. Mary was now quite doubtful if she was simply assuring Frances or herself.

'Grace, Sarah slowly lifted her head from her hands, do you think she knows about us?'

'Don't worry yourself Sarah, how could she know? We have practiced nothing sense news of an evil one spread around Salem'.

'Rest your minds now'.

'Grace, you come here at once or you'll be getting no supper at all'.

'Ok ma, ok, I'm comin'. Graced looked to the other girls and wished for something promising to say.

'Please, I beg you just return to your families and put your ill minds at rest. There is no need to fret. The secret lies here with us and not another living soul.'

'But what if.' Frances anxiously voiced.

'No, shhh, we shall have none of that now. Just keep still in your beds and wake fresh in the mornin'. I will meet you at the Ministers service tomorrow, ok.'

'Aye, Grace.'

And with that the four girls embraced tightly and went their separate ways.