~~This is a rewrite I did of the same story. It was written when I was
about 13, I think, so its still not the greatest, but maybe a little
With Love from Michelle
"Michelle, honey, where is your mother? School got out 45 minutes ago." Michelle Parker's kindergarten teacher asked her. It was a Friday afternoon and 6-year-old Michelle sat on a school bench, looking forlornly across the parking lot.
"Usually my babysitter picks me up. But, Mommy said that she could pick me up from school today." Michelle looked up at Mrs. Kingman, innocently.
"Yes, I see. Well, darling. I'll go into the office and give her a call. She might be on her way." Mrs. Kingman left the little girl on the bench and walked into the office. She emerged a few minutes later with a smile on her round face.
"Your mommy will be here in two minutes, okay Michelle? She forgot what time it was and had to go to a business meeting. What say I wait with you?" Mrs. Kingman sat down on the bench next to the adorable little girl.
About five minutes later, a blue Taurus pulled into the parking lot. Michelle jumped up from the bench, grabbed her Winnie-the-Pooh back pack and ran to meet her mother.
"Mommy, Mommy, I missed you!" Michelle giggled as her mother scooped her up into her arms.
"I'm sorry, punkin. I didn't mean to be late." Elisabeth Parker apologized to her pint-sized daughter. "Thanks for waiting with her, Loretta." She said to the teacher.
"It was really no problem. I didn't mind." Loretta Kingman smiled. "Goodbye, Michelle. I'll see you on Monday, alright?"
"Okay. Bye, Mrs. Kingman!!!" Michelle waved as her teacher got into her beat up old pickup and drove off.
"Mommy, where were you?" Michelle asked her mother as she buckled her seatbelt.
"I'm really sorry, punkin. I had a meeting and when I looked at my watch, I was late. My boss needed me to do something for him and it took a long time." Elisabeth started the engine and pulled out of the parking spot. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Um," Michelle paused, then her blue eyes lit up. "We can go on a picnic!!!!!"
"A picnic? Honey, I don't know if I can take the time off from my job. We can't go any more today and I have to work tomorrow."
"Can't you get off tomorrow, Mommy?" Michelle turned her sorrowful little eyes on her mother and Elisabeth melted.
"I'll call my boss tomorrow and see if I can get off tomorrow." Elisabeth smiled and turned her attention back of the road.
"YIPPEE!!!! We're going on a picnic! We're going on a picnic!" Michelle sang.
"Mommy, when is your birthday? Mrs. Kingman told us that this month is A-A- peril and I thought your bithday is in that month." Michelle asked the next day. The two were stretched out on a blanket next to the Sunshine River about 15 miles away from their apartment.
"Yes, sweetheart, my birthday is in April. It's in two days on Monday. You're birthday is in 2 months. You'll be 7 years old, sweetheart." Elisabeth smiled at her daughter.
"I am making you a birthday present. You can't know what is is until Monday, okay, Mommy? You promise you won't look under my bed until Monday?" Michelle said, seriously.
"Okay, Chell-belle. I promise." Elisabeth told her.
"Mommy?" Michelle asked a few minutes later.
"Yes, darling?"
"Are we going to get a new daddy soon?" Michelle asked.
"I don't know, sweetie. You're real Daddy lives in Washington with Monica and Charlie, remember? Charlie is the baby." Elisabeth tried to ignore the feelings that talking about her ex-husband and his new wife brought up.
"I want to get a new daddy. Kelsey, my best friend, has a daddy and he pushes her on the swings and tickles her. All of my babysitters had daddys. Why did my real Daddy leave us?" Michelle turned her innocent baby blue eyes on her mother. "Did he leave us because I got sick?"
"No, no, no, sweetheart. Daddy loves you, but he wanted to live with Monica. Remember Monica?" Elisabeth tried to change the subject.
"Is Monica the lady that wears red lipstick and has blonde hair like mine?" Michelle fingered her own silky white blonde hair.
"Yes, sweetheart." Elisabeth replied, laughing at her daughter's accurate description of the airhead that her husband had married.
Michelle was quiet for a while. Elisabeth looked over and saw that she was fast asleep.
Elisabeth began to pick up their picnic supplies. Suddenly she stopped and felt tears spring to her eyes. It was still hard to believe that such a sweet, innocent little baby like Michelle could actually be dying. When she was three, Michelle had been diagnosed with cancer. They hadn't realized until too late. The cancer had spread. The doctors had all tried chemotherapy and all kinds of techniques and therapy, but nothing would work. The doctors told the distraught Elisabeth that Michelle had a very slow-growing form of cancer and she would probably live for a few years, but probably wouldn't see her 6th birthday. But, Michelle had surpassed that. She was nearly seven. Elisabeth woke up every morning hoping that somehow the doctors were wrong and her baby girl wouldn't be taken away from her. But, Elisabeth could see the change in Michelle. She didn't have as much energy lately and complained of stomach aches, head aches, and had 10 times as many sick days home from school than she had before. Elisabeth knew that Michelle was gradually dying and her days were numbered.
Elisabeth swiped furiously at the tears that threatened to fall. She had to stay strong for Michelle. If she broke down, Michelle would be confused and wouldn't know where to turn for comfort. She had to stay strong.
"Michelle, sweetheart. It's time to go. Honey, wake up." Elisabeth called, gently.
"Okay, Mommy." Michelle roused. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "We can go now." she yawned.
"I love you, Chell-Belle."
"I know, Mommy. I love you, too." Michelle said. They stood up and walked to the car. As Elisabeth buckled Michelle into her seat, Michelle looked up and asked, "Mommy, am I going to die soon?"
Elisabeth looked at her in alarm. "Do you feel sick, baby-girl?" she felt her daughter's forehead.
"Not really, Mommy. I've been feeling this way a long time. I'm just tired." Michelle yawned and flopped back against the seat.
"Are you sure, sweetheart? You feel like you have a fever." Elisabeth kept her hand on her daughter's hot forehead.
"I'm-----fine------Just---tired." Michelle sighed and closed her eyes. Her deep, even breathing was a sign that she was asleep.
Elisabeth ran around the driver's side of her Taurus and got in. She decided to get to her apartment as quickly as she could, get Michelle's medical records, and get to the emergency room. She knew that Michelle was trying to hide how she really felt. Elisabeth knew that Michelle's time was close.
Elisabeth pulled up in front of the apartment complex and dashed inside. She quickly found Michelle's papers and raced back to the car and checked on Michelle.
"Michelle, Michelle, sweetie. Can you wake up for Mommy? Michelle?" Elisabeth said, frantically. She felt for Michelle's pulse. It was incredibly weak. "Oh God, I'm not going to get her to the hospital in time." Elisabeth yanked out her car phone and dialed 911.
"Hello? This is Elisabeth Parker. My daughter has cancer and I-- What? She's 6 years old.---No, her doctor is Dr. Zachary.---Yes, her pulse is very weak.---What? No, I don't think... 2779 West 79th street. Just off of Oak Boulevard. Please---- Please hurry. We need an ambulance. She's so sick. She's just a baby.---What? What? I can't calm down. She's so--- She's just a ---Please hurry." Elisabeth said frantically to the emergency operator.
She reached over and felt Michelle's pulse again. It was practically gone. "Oh, dear God, you can't take her way from me."
Finally, she heard the sirens. The ambulance attendants put Michelle into the red and white vehicle. Elisabeth got in, too.
"Will she be OK?" she asked them anxiously as they ambulance pulled away from the curb, it's siren screaming.
"I'm sorry, ma'am. There's really nothing we can do for your daughter. Her pulse is dropping." said a timid, young man.
"You have to try. Please try. My baby girl can't die." Elisabeth pleaded, close to hysterics.
She watched in stunned silence as they put the electric paddles on Michelle's chest. The electric shock went through her, but the heart monitor showed a straight line. They tried again with the same results.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but your daughter is gone." ***ONE WEEK LATER***
Elisabeth lay in her queen size bed in her bedroom in the small apartment. The silence was deafening. She usually heard Michelle singing or humming or playing, but 4 days after the funeral, Elisabeth was still miserable. She couldn't get used to the silence. She kept hearing Michelle's voice.
"I know, Mommy. I love you, too."
"We're going on a picnic! We're going on a picnic!"
"Mommy, Mommy, I missed you!!"
"I am making you a birthday present. You can't know what is is until Monday, okay, Mommy? You promise you won't look under my bed until Monday?"
My birthday! Elisabeth remembered. Monday was my birthday. I completely forgot. Elisabeth sat up.
She had avoided Michelle's room until now. Now, she knew that she needed to find the birthday present that Michelle had left for her. It would make her feel closer to the little girl, somehow.
Elisabeth got out of bed and slipped on her old grey slippers. She had been in her pajamas ever since the funeral. The plaid pants and white spaghetti strap were comfortable and she didn't have to worry about getting dressed.
Elisabeth made her way down the little hallway to Michelle's door. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside. The room smelled like baby powder. The bookshelves on both sides of the little bed were full of dolls, stuffed animals, and Michelle's favorite books.
Elisabeth went to the tiny little bed and kneeled down on the floor next to it. She lifted the Beauty and the Beast bedspread and reached under the bed. The first thing she found was the stuffed rabbit that Michelle always had with her in the hospital. The poor rabbit was falling apart, but Michelle had refused to get rid of it.
The next thing Elisabeth found was Michelle's favorite book. Elisabeth knew the entire Dr. Seuss series by heart from reading them to Michelle so much. This one, Green Eggs and Ham, was Michelle's all time favorite.
Finally, Elisabeth found a shoe box. It was covered in colored construction paper. With her safety scissors, Michelle had cut out hearts and flowers and smiley faces and glued them to the box. On the top was an envelope reading, To Mommy, With Love from Michelle. Elisabeth felt tears coming to her eyes. She read the note.
Dear Mommy Happy Birthday!!! Mrs. Kingman said it was your birthday and she is helping me spell all of these words. I think I am going to die of that disease you told me about. I think I will die soon. For your birthday, I am giving you a box of kisses and hugs. When ever you feel bad, you can reach in the box and get one so you will not miss me. I do not want you to be sad anymore. I want you to be happy and smile a lot. Maybe I will be in that place you told me about where there are angels. Maybe a very nice angel will take care of me until you come to heaven, too. I hope so. I love you, Mommy! From, Michelle
Tears streaming down her face, Elisabeth opened the box. Michelle had drawn a huge heart in the bottom. Elisabeth put her hand in the box, and mentally took out a hug. She wrapped her arms around herself and let herself cry. Elisabeth knew she was thankful though, too. She was sure there was a nice angel in heaven taking care of her daughter who no longer suffered from cancer, but was happy and carefree. For this, Elisabeth was grateful.
With Love from Michelle
"Michelle, honey, where is your mother? School got out 45 minutes ago." Michelle Parker's kindergarten teacher asked her. It was a Friday afternoon and 6-year-old Michelle sat on a school bench, looking forlornly across the parking lot.
"Usually my babysitter picks me up. But, Mommy said that she could pick me up from school today." Michelle looked up at Mrs. Kingman, innocently.
"Yes, I see. Well, darling. I'll go into the office and give her a call. She might be on her way." Mrs. Kingman left the little girl on the bench and walked into the office. She emerged a few minutes later with a smile on her round face.
"Your mommy will be here in two minutes, okay Michelle? She forgot what time it was and had to go to a business meeting. What say I wait with you?" Mrs. Kingman sat down on the bench next to the adorable little girl.
About five minutes later, a blue Taurus pulled into the parking lot. Michelle jumped up from the bench, grabbed her Winnie-the-Pooh back pack and ran to meet her mother.
"Mommy, Mommy, I missed you!" Michelle giggled as her mother scooped her up into her arms.
"I'm sorry, punkin. I didn't mean to be late." Elisabeth Parker apologized to her pint-sized daughter. "Thanks for waiting with her, Loretta." She said to the teacher.
"It was really no problem. I didn't mind." Loretta Kingman smiled. "Goodbye, Michelle. I'll see you on Monday, alright?"
"Okay. Bye, Mrs. Kingman!!!" Michelle waved as her teacher got into her beat up old pickup and drove off.
"Mommy, where were you?" Michelle asked her mother as she buckled her seatbelt.
"I'm really sorry, punkin. I had a meeting and when I looked at my watch, I was late. My boss needed me to do something for him and it took a long time." Elisabeth started the engine and pulled out of the parking spot. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
"Um," Michelle paused, then her blue eyes lit up. "We can go on a picnic!!!!!"
"A picnic? Honey, I don't know if I can take the time off from my job. We can't go any more today and I have to work tomorrow."
"Can't you get off tomorrow, Mommy?" Michelle turned her sorrowful little eyes on her mother and Elisabeth melted.
"I'll call my boss tomorrow and see if I can get off tomorrow." Elisabeth smiled and turned her attention back of the road.
"YIPPEE!!!! We're going on a picnic! We're going on a picnic!" Michelle sang.
"Mommy, when is your birthday? Mrs. Kingman told us that this month is A-A- peril and I thought your bithday is in that month." Michelle asked the next day. The two were stretched out on a blanket next to the Sunshine River about 15 miles away from their apartment.
"Yes, sweetheart, my birthday is in April. It's in two days on Monday. You're birthday is in 2 months. You'll be 7 years old, sweetheart." Elisabeth smiled at her daughter.
"I am making you a birthday present. You can't know what is is until Monday, okay, Mommy? You promise you won't look under my bed until Monday?" Michelle said, seriously.
"Okay, Chell-belle. I promise." Elisabeth told her.
"Mommy?" Michelle asked a few minutes later.
"Yes, darling?"
"Are we going to get a new daddy soon?" Michelle asked.
"I don't know, sweetie. You're real Daddy lives in Washington with Monica and Charlie, remember? Charlie is the baby." Elisabeth tried to ignore the feelings that talking about her ex-husband and his new wife brought up.
"I want to get a new daddy. Kelsey, my best friend, has a daddy and he pushes her on the swings and tickles her. All of my babysitters had daddys. Why did my real Daddy leave us?" Michelle turned her innocent baby blue eyes on her mother. "Did he leave us because I got sick?"
"No, no, no, sweetheart. Daddy loves you, but he wanted to live with Monica. Remember Monica?" Elisabeth tried to change the subject.
"Is Monica the lady that wears red lipstick and has blonde hair like mine?" Michelle fingered her own silky white blonde hair.
"Yes, sweetheart." Elisabeth replied, laughing at her daughter's accurate description of the airhead that her husband had married.
Michelle was quiet for a while. Elisabeth looked over and saw that she was fast asleep.
Elisabeth began to pick up their picnic supplies. Suddenly she stopped and felt tears spring to her eyes. It was still hard to believe that such a sweet, innocent little baby like Michelle could actually be dying. When she was three, Michelle had been diagnosed with cancer. They hadn't realized until too late. The cancer had spread. The doctors had all tried chemotherapy and all kinds of techniques and therapy, but nothing would work. The doctors told the distraught Elisabeth that Michelle had a very slow-growing form of cancer and she would probably live for a few years, but probably wouldn't see her 6th birthday. But, Michelle had surpassed that. She was nearly seven. Elisabeth woke up every morning hoping that somehow the doctors were wrong and her baby girl wouldn't be taken away from her. But, Elisabeth could see the change in Michelle. She didn't have as much energy lately and complained of stomach aches, head aches, and had 10 times as many sick days home from school than she had before. Elisabeth knew that Michelle was gradually dying and her days were numbered.
Elisabeth swiped furiously at the tears that threatened to fall. She had to stay strong for Michelle. If she broke down, Michelle would be confused and wouldn't know where to turn for comfort. She had to stay strong.
"Michelle, sweetheart. It's time to go. Honey, wake up." Elisabeth called, gently.
"Okay, Mommy." Michelle roused. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "We can go now." she yawned.
"I love you, Chell-Belle."
"I know, Mommy. I love you, too." Michelle said. They stood up and walked to the car. As Elisabeth buckled Michelle into her seat, Michelle looked up and asked, "Mommy, am I going to die soon?"
Elisabeth looked at her in alarm. "Do you feel sick, baby-girl?" she felt her daughter's forehead.
"Not really, Mommy. I've been feeling this way a long time. I'm just tired." Michelle yawned and flopped back against the seat.
"Are you sure, sweetheart? You feel like you have a fever." Elisabeth kept her hand on her daughter's hot forehead.
"I'm-----fine------Just---tired." Michelle sighed and closed her eyes. Her deep, even breathing was a sign that she was asleep.
Elisabeth ran around the driver's side of her Taurus and got in. She decided to get to her apartment as quickly as she could, get Michelle's medical records, and get to the emergency room. She knew that Michelle was trying to hide how she really felt. Elisabeth knew that Michelle's time was close.
Elisabeth pulled up in front of the apartment complex and dashed inside. She quickly found Michelle's papers and raced back to the car and checked on Michelle.
"Michelle, Michelle, sweetie. Can you wake up for Mommy? Michelle?" Elisabeth said, frantically. She felt for Michelle's pulse. It was incredibly weak. "Oh God, I'm not going to get her to the hospital in time." Elisabeth yanked out her car phone and dialed 911.
"Hello? This is Elisabeth Parker. My daughter has cancer and I-- What? She's 6 years old.---No, her doctor is Dr. Zachary.---Yes, her pulse is very weak.---What? No, I don't think... 2779 West 79th street. Just off of Oak Boulevard. Please---- Please hurry. We need an ambulance. She's so sick. She's just a baby.---What? What? I can't calm down. She's so--- She's just a ---Please hurry." Elisabeth said frantically to the emergency operator.
She reached over and felt Michelle's pulse again. It was practically gone. "Oh, dear God, you can't take her way from me."
Finally, she heard the sirens. The ambulance attendants put Michelle into the red and white vehicle. Elisabeth got in, too.
"Will she be OK?" she asked them anxiously as they ambulance pulled away from the curb, it's siren screaming.
"I'm sorry, ma'am. There's really nothing we can do for your daughter. Her pulse is dropping." said a timid, young man.
"You have to try. Please try. My baby girl can't die." Elisabeth pleaded, close to hysterics.
She watched in stunned silence as they put the electric paddles on Michelle's chest. The electric shock went through her, but the heart monitor showed a straight line. They tried again with the same results.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but your daughter is gone." ***ONE WEEK LATER***
Elisabeth lay in her queen size bed in her bedroom in the small apartment. The silence was deafening. She usually heard Michelle singing or humming or playing, but 4 days after the funeral, Elisabeth was still miserable. She couldn't get used to the silence. She kept hearing Michelle's voice.
"I know, Mommy. I love you, too."
"We're going on a picnic! We're going on a picnic!"
"Mommy, Mommy, I missed you!!"
"I am making you a birthday present. You can't know what is is until Monday, okay, Mommy? You promise you won't look under my bed until Monday?"
My birthday! Elisabeth remembered. Monday was my birthday. I completely forgot. Elisabeth sat up.
She had avoided Michelle's room until now. Now, she knew that she needed to find the birthday present that Michelle had left for her. It would make her feel closer to the little girl, somehow.
Elisabeth got out of bed and slipped on her old grey slippers. She had been in her pajamas ever since the funeral. The plaid pants and white spaghetti strap were comfortable and she didn't have to worry about getting dressed.
Elisabeth made her way down the little hallway to Michelle's door. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside. The room smelled like baby powder. The bookshelves on both sides of the little bed were full of dolls, stuffed animals, and Michelle's favorite books.
Elisabeth went to the tiny little bed and kneeled down on the floor next to it. She lifted the Beauty and the Beast bedspread and reached under the bed. The first thing she found was the stuffed rabbit that Michelle always had with her in the hospital. The poor rabbit was falling apart, but Michelle had refused to get rid of it.
The next thing Elisabeth found was Michelle's favorite book. Elisabeth knew the entire Dr. Seuss series by heart from reading them to Michelle so much. This one, Green Eggs and Ham, was Michelle's all time favorite.
Finally, Elisabeth found a shoe box. It was covered in colored construction paper. With her safety scissors, Michelle had cut out hearts and flowers and smiley faces and glued them to the box. On the top was an envelope reading, To Mommy, With Love from Michelle. Elisabeth felt tears coming to her eyes. She read the note.
Dear Mommy Happy Birthday!!! Mrs. Kingman said it was your birthday and she is helping me spell all of these words. I think I am going to die of that disease you told me about. I think I will die soon. For your birthday, I am giving you a box of kisses and hugs. When ever you feel bad, you can reach in the box and get one so you will not miss me. I do not want you to be sad anymore. I want you to be happy and smile a lot. Maybe I will be in that place you told me about where there are angels. Maybe a very nice angel will take care of me until you come to heaven, too. I hope so. I love you, Mommy! From, Michelle
Tears streaming down her face, Elisabeth opened the box. Michelle had drawn a huge heart in the bottom. Elisabeth put her hand in the box, and mentally took out a hug. She wrapped her arms around herself and let herself cry. Elisabeth knew she was thankful though, too. She was sure there was a nice angel in heaven taking care of her daughter who no longer suffered from cancer, but was happy and carefree. For this, Elisabeth was grateful.