Conall could already tell he was dead. He couldn't move or hear or even open his eyes. Nothing wanted to work. After he had forced Cai and Evan to release him and find Anwen, he had been left to the mercy of whomever would help or hurt. Mostly hurt had consumed him. His last thoughts before he died had been a few of their men running towards him to take him to the ship. Now he was at peace. But at the same time---he felt horrible. Anwen would be left alone now. No one to help her out anymore or talk to her in the middle of the night when she couldn't sleep.
His chest ached and his fists clenching. With a jolt of realization Conall could've yelled for happiness. Forcing himself to open his eyes, Conall could see the red light of sunset drifting through the windows. "Ah! Master're finally awake." Cordelia shouted happily as she brought over a tray of hot steaming soup. Conall was struck by a sudden thought. "Co-Cordelia..." Cordelia smiled, her stomach swelled with the growth of her and Paolo's baby. "Yes?" "You---You aren't with Claus or-- Demitri?" Cordelia smiled softly, leaning herself slowly onto the chair next to Conall's bed. "No...I had had a conversation with the late Lady Reginald about how I could 'help her more' but I told her no. I had no idea she was doing all this. I had no idea she was acctually a young woman. Please, you need to eat. You've been asleep for days."
Cordelia helped Conall to lean against the wall and she slowly fed him soup as his mind recollected. The whole part of the battle between Anwen and Diane was a vague sleepy blur. The kill though, Conall remembered as if it were etched into his head. Anwen had killed Diane in one swift thrust and her men had been furious. He wondered if she was okay but everytime he tried to say something, Cordelia would shove more soup into his mouth.
Finally after the soup was gone, Conall could speak. "Where's Anwen?? Is she alright???" "She's fine, Conall...Calm down. Though she's made something of a change..." Conall furrowed his brow before moving off the blankets to stand up. Cordelia tried to hold him down but at the same time didn't really try too hard. Standing shakily on his legs, Conall let out a groan as he struggled to the door. "She's at the wheel. Please have someone help you up the stairs..." Cordelia begged slightly. Conall nodded and the moment he was out Mario helped him up to the back end of the boat. Looking around, Conall couldn't see anyone there until he spotted a long dress flying in the breeze. His smile returned as he limped towards Anwen. As he approached, Anwen turned and she smiled big and bright. "You're awake..." she whispered. Her smile hadn't changed at all. But her hair had.
Looking over her, Conall limped closer to see her hair was now a bright blonde, like that of those you'd see in Russia or Sweden. The curls were still there and the wildness; so despite the fact she was in a dress, she was still the same Anwen. Reaching up, Conall touched some of her hair and though she looked as if she were embarressed he smiled. "Your hair--" "No more Firey Captain Dinergal." Anwen murmured. "Nah...I suppose not. But this is nice as well. How'd you do it?" "Some wheat dye..." Chuckling softly Anwen grabbed his hand. "So make sure I'm not too long in the sun or else my hair'll start smelling like bread."
Conall laughed out loud before pulling Anwen close against his chest, hugging her. Anwen wrapped her arms around his waist. "You did wonderful..." he murmured. Anwen looked up at him, furrowing her eyebrows. "No more scheming girlfriends, caniving ex-wifes, or long lost lovers I'm hoping." Conall chewed his lower lip before giving a chuckle and kissing the top of her head. " more then the scheming, caniving woman in front of me."
"Hey, I'm not so bad as to murder a girl's baby brother before she had even met him." Conall heaved a sigh before sitting down against the edge of the boat, Anwen against his side. "I'm sorry about Chase...really, I am." Anwen nodded. "So where to now, Captain??" Conall asked, feeling the warmth of the setting sun against his back. Anwen held his hand and looked up to him. "What do you think of going home???" Conall gave a smirk. "What are you talking about, Anwen? We are home." Anwen chuckled. "Well...this happy home might be getting a new arrival soon." Conall nodded. "I know...perhaps you could leave Cordelia at your home in England."
Anwen smiled brighter and gave a small giggle. "I didn't mean Cordelia...." Conall's head whipped towards the young woman so fast she could've fallen over the edge of the ship laughing so hard. Anwen stood up. "I promised Cordelia I would help her with dinner tonight. Go back downstairs and rest." Kissing his forehead, the now blonde Captain Dinergal flashed Conall a sneaky smile before heading down towards the galley. As the sky darkened further into a royal navy blue, Conall looked up to the stars with a smile on his face knowing he'd found now where he belonged.