Chapter One – Meeting Mr. Wrong
Kayleigh was so mad it wasn't funny. Here she was, seventeen years old, her dad runs an assassin company, the best there was. And she had to marry his top assassin! Whom she hardly knew! All she knew about him is that he's male, he's an assassin, and his name is something like: D. Sinclair. And honestly she didn't wanna marry him. She was about to go meet him, and then tomorrow they wed. What kind of bullshit is that?
Someone opened my door and pushed some guy through the door. "Kayleigh, your fiancé is here." They said and disappeared. The guy who was standing there seemed pissed off. He leaned against the wall and suddenly she felt very uncomfortable with him in her room. She donno why, she just did.
"Um, hi." Kayleigh offered smiling nervously. She was always nervous around killers. Especially her dad's top assassins, and this guy was number one, numbra ona.
The guy looked at her. His pale blue eyes looking her over. She felt myself tense. The dude was really scary. He had on baggy black pants, a skintight black tank top, and a black bandana on. While Kayleigh had on tight white kapris, a white button up shirt with a black sweater over it, and then she had on white flip-flops.
"Kayleigh Adams, right?" he asked sitting down on the couch. "I'm Darren Sinclair." He said, the tone in his voice made her wonder how many girls he's had to deal with. It was emotional less but had that tone to it.
"Yea. So I have to marry you. Yippy!" Kayleigh said sarcastically.
"Yea, it caught me off guard to. And damn my girlfriend was pissed. She'll probably try to kill you. Wonder how that'll go. You got a boyfriend?" He asked. Oh great! Now she has to deal with his ex-girlfriend!
"Yea. Well I did. Now it's over cause of this damn wedding. I tried to get out of it. But my STUPID GAY dad made me. There are bugs in my bedroom. The cameras right up there." Kayleigh said pointing towards the light on the ceiling.
"I guessed." He said smiling up at the camera.
"So how old are you? In school?" She asked him.
Darren looked over at her. "I'm twenty-two, no school. I did go to collage for two years, and then dropped out. I've been in the business since I was fifteen." He said easily looking around at Kayleigh's blue and pink room. She didn't pick the colors. Her Mom did. "What about you?"
"Well… I'm seventeen, a senior, or will be when school starts up. Um, I'm on the basketball team and I play softball. Not an assassin." Kayleigh said. She decided not to mention her hate for assassins.
"Okay. Yea I figure the whole not-assassin thing. With Eugene being your dad and all. Damn we're…four years apart. Won't this be a joy? Oh, and I already know the plans for after the wedding. First we'll go to after wedding thing. Then we'll go to my place. Then after a few days we'll go on our honeymoon, then we're stuck together at my place." Darren said.
Kayleigh just sat there starring at him gap-mouthed. He smiled at her look. "Yea I know, your gonna be stuck with me, otherwise we'll both probably be dead. Get used to it." He said smiling.
She sighed. "I know I have to get used to it. How long are we supposed to talk?" Kayleigh asked him. She was still nervous around him.
"Till they unlock the doors, they're chained shut. Windows are bolted down." He said simply.
Kayleigh sighed and flopped down on my bed. "They're not expecting us to… well you know?" She asked nervously. He smiled and chuckled.
"I donno, do they?" He asked. He had this boyish curiousness look to him. She studied him out of the corner of her eye. He was tall, muscular, an athletic body, she thinks he has black or dark brown hair, pale blue eyes, tanned skin, and he had an evilness to his looks.
Kayleigh on the other hand have blond hair, brown eyes, a light tan, 5'4, slender, a small frame, small hips with a feminine curve, she was curvy but not too curvy and looked older then she was. She was stronger then she looked, but nowhere as strong as Darren.
"Oh, wait. Earlier you said honeymoon, where to?" She asked sitting up and lying on her stomach, her head in my hands. She grabbed a remote and turned on music.
Darren shrugged. "I donno yet. We may not go on one for a long time. But if we do it'll probably be Hawaii. I'll warn you, at this wedding you gonna meet some strange people." He said. Stranger then you? Kayleigh almost asked.
"Alright. Where do you live?" She asked.
He smiled slyly. "You'll have to wait and see babe." He said getting over and coming towards her. He got his face really close to hers. "We gotta put on a show for them or they'll never let us out." He whispered catching Kayleigh's mouth with his.
He pulled back and started to kiss her jawbone and collarbone. She let him do what he wanted. She didn't mind as long as they didn't start having sex or something. He was after all her fiancé.
"It's not working. They're not opening the door. Hang on. Lets try this." He whispered in her ear and got her so that she was straddling his chest. Kayleigh sat rolling her hips, sort of dancing for him. He smiled at her and then pulled her down for a kiss.
She sat down on him but she wasn't heavy at all. Darren put his tongue in her mouth and touched her tongue then pulled his tongue back. He continued doing that till her whole back was shaking with tremors. His hands were on her hips and he could feel her shaking.
Kayleigh was a virgin; she'd made out before, but never, ever sex. And Darren realized it.
He rolled over making his body lay gently on her, but he kissed her with such a force she was pressed back into the mattress.
After a little he broke the kiss but kept his face near hers. "They unlocked the door. I'll see you tomorrow. Guess we stuck with each other." He said softly. She could feel his breath against her face. He leaned down and kissed her once more before pushing himself off the bed and leaving the room.
Kayleigh just lay there for a moment, catching her breath. At least she was gonna marry a guy who could kiss. She thought and burst into giggles.
She was going to get married tomorrow. Tomorrow.
~ Tomorrow. ~ She thought. ~ Tomorrow I will become Kayleigh Sinclair. ~ She thought smiling and falling back into her bed. This was just too weird for her.
* Sorry so short, next chapter up