Hey you guys ::covers away::

I'm SO sorry! ::Cries:: My computer was broken and I've been having writers block! But a new chapter will be up soon! I swear on my life! Basically, not ONLY have I been having major computer problems, but major fictionpress problems, my screen name wouldn't let me log on SO I have to move all my stuff to my new one just to be safe. It is:


I won't be moving it over till I have faith that someone got this, so review it and flame me all you want, I deserve it, well it will already be moved over, defiantly have it AND the new chapter up by tomorrow! But this one won't be taken down for a week ( Well PLEASE don't HATE ME too much.

I love you all, and if you continune reading this I will be nicer and a better updater. I swear all this on my writing ability! DON'T KILL ME! But you can scream at me ::Cries:: I SO SORRY!

Anyways, it will be up shortly, but on the NEW site!

Love you all,

