Chapter 1: Hippie?
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, St Steven's High school. 1987.
A grade 11 art student an insecure but pretty girl. Dark hair and pale skin with green eyes. She has been endowed with a curvy figure that she tries to cover with an oversized leather jacket and baggy jeans. An artist at birth, she is naturally talented and is singled out as the teacher's favorite. But she doesn't care what they think of her; she will make it, because all she needs is herself and no one else. Because Marie Cordou has only herself in this lonely world.
The other grade 11 art student. A boy, a very attractive young man, with dirty blond hair, chocolate brown eyes and a strong frame. The center of attention and class clown. He believes he has no flaws, he is perfect. He does well in school, all subjects, has many friends, and many female admirers, a mother and father who still live together which is a rare thing in this day and age. Life is perfect for Daryl Masterson.
First day of school, 1987. Marie walked into the Art room and sat at an isle in the center of the room facing the front desk. Marie's naturally wavy shoulder length dark hair brushed against her face. She grabbed a purple hair tie that was conveniently on her wrist and scooped up her hair to tie it back, away from her eyes. But still a few strands fell down but Marie didn't seem to notice as she began to unpack her utensils. She heard some commotion by the door and turned around to see Daryl Masterson in all his glory, giving high fives to almost all the guys in the class and winking to all the Madonna look a-likes. Marie just rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the piece of thick Manila paper the teacher was handing out.
"Mr. Masterson, kindly take a seat." Said Mrs. Hunter.
Daryl made a mock salute and quickly took the seat behind Marie.
"Alright class, too get back into the swing of things. We'll start simple with a Graphite still life, you will only have this class to finish it, so use your time wisely." Said Mrs. Hunter.
Daryl's hand flew up into the air; Mrs. Hunter turned to him and said almost hesitantly. " What is it Mr. Masterson?"
"Mrs. Hunter, I was just wondering if you are providing the Graphite?" said Daryl condescendingly.
The class began to snicker, Mrs. Hunter rolled her eyes and said, "Did you not bring a pencil to ART class? Mr. Masterson."
"Oh, by Graphite you mean PENCIL, " he said in mock realization as he lightly slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Silly me". The class continued to snicker at his antics.
"I suppose Graphite is too technical a word, for an Art novice" said Marie to her-self as she began to draw the vase filled with plastic yellow roses, on the stool in the center of the room.
Daryl's eyes widened at the remark made by the invisible girl in front of him. If anything he was a little surprised. He leaned over and tapped her on the shoulder. Marie turned around and faced him. "What? " She said in a whisper. "Can I borrow a pencil?" said Daryl in a whisper
Marie glanced at his right hand that was holding a pencil. "You have a pencil, in your hand" she said, in a strained whisper.
"It's not sharpened", he said shrugging.
"Well then go to the front of the class and sharpen it" she whispered exasperated. Marie couldn't figure out if he was just trying to get a rise out of her, or if he really just was that lazy.
"Nah, I hate those school sharpeners, they just turn the pencil in to mulch." He explained.
Beginning to become frustrated with the conversation she leaned down into her backpack and pulled out a silver pencil sharpener and tossed it to him. Daryl caught it, and began to inspect the sharpener then turned to look at her and said. "This isn't what I asked for"
Marie looked at him with utter annoyance, and then Daryl smiled and let out a small laugh as he began to sharpen his pencil. When he was finished he tossed it back to Marie.
"Thanks Hippie" he said
"Hippie? I'm not a Hippie" she said.
"That's exactly what a Hippie would say" he retorted
"Your idea of Humor is lost on me," said Marie as she turned in her seat and began to Work.
Daryl just sat there and smiled to himself. "Hippie".