Last A/N:
My goodness...I have no idea what to write now since I've written my heart out in the last two chapters. That's the end of Unlikely you guys, the end of Kaleigh and James' story. I don't know what to say. I had the idea of writing a complete and last author's note for this story, but now I'm speechless.
So I know that the last two chapters (chapter 39 and the epilogue) aren't exactly the strongest chapters in the world, but it was the best I could do under this situation. I realized that I narrated a lot more of the story at the end while the beginning is very dialogue heavy. Hopefully when I go back to revise this one, I can moderate both sides of it.
I'm not quite sure how I feel about the ending of this story. It's extremely liberating to know that I have the ability to finish something that I've started, that I can come forth with all of my ideas and put a spin on it that you guys, as my readers, like. But then again, I'm ending the object of all my pride and passion. I've reached the conclusion of story that for almost two years, I've worked on constantly and with happiness. The only thing I can ask for is to receive this type of response and enthusiasm with the next story I have planned.
Before I start rambling again, I want to give out a thank you to each and every reader that has ever gone on fictionpress and read a line of Unlikely. I may have never known it, or you may not have liked it, but thank you for at least indulging this author. Those that have taken the time to leave a review deserve my undying gratitude for all of time. You guys have no idea how each review helped me, either with my motivation to continue, or with the generation of ideas.
But specifically, I would really like to thank Angelic-kat, for her constant reviews that always make me happy, inspiration and kind words about my first story. Also, Hexic who I haven't know for as long, but still deserves a shout out as I hope everything turns out okay and because I'm horrible since I still haven't reviewed her story yet I've promised to. AVision, who always cracks me up with her inconceivable ideas, thank you. You have no idea how much your reviews have carried me through this entire thought process, how much that one really long review meant to me. To Raine0211 I also have to thank as girl, you've been through this entire story with me from beginning to finish (almost) and I know you'll end up figuring out whatever you need to figure out in the end. Brownbear, who was here for so long, thanks, for everything. Lastly, a thanks to Brooke ORiley who probably doesn't even read this story anymore, but she was my first reviewer...ever. A quick thanks to Danielle, even know you aren't my beta reader anymore, you have no idea how much you have contributed to the growth and development of this story. You saw things I always missed and as a result, I created a stronger story because of you. Thank you so much, and hopefully, life is good.
I'm not going to bore all of you with the dedications and such, though that can be found on the website as well as a more general thanks to all the readers. Speaking of that...I think everything is systems a go. I've done as much of the website as I can and hope you guys enjoy it. Leave a comment for me, so I know I'm not the only one visiting!
Ah...I suppose I should give credit for the lyrics in the epilogue as the song isn't mine...but it is a little embarrassing. Okay. Here I go. When I was younger, like almost everyone that I can think of, I had a thing for boy bands, my favorite being the Backstreet Boys. A while ago, I was going through my old CDs and found a song by them and I thought would go perfectly with this so I used it. Please don't hold this against me as I hate myself for it too...haha. Alright, the song is called I'll Be There For You by the Backstreet Boys and I still can't believe I used it.
To wrap this up before it gets WAY too long (never mind...it already did), I'm going to post another story today that I've been working on for a while. I only have a few chapters, but I'm still in the groove to write. It's called Married on Sunset Beach about Elizabeth Walker who has never taken any risks in her life until she marries Brett Thomas, a handsome stranger that she meets on vacation in Hawaii. The story is about their life together as they work through problems and try to figure out their love for one another. Please read! And here I have to promote Taking Chances too, my beloved short story collection.
Thanks for everything, people...you have no idea what you mean to me. Hopefully, I will see you guys in the review section for Married on Sunset Beach or Taking Chances, if not...then thanks for reading.