I'm sorry it took a while 2 think of sumthin, but it was hard, and I finally thought of sumthing, but I hope you like my idea, but atleast its keepin this story goin, so bare with me!! Okay, thanx a bunch for sticking w/this story thru-out its course.

It was the tournament. Gabrielle was hyper, and bouncing off of the walls. "I can't believe it's finally here! This is going to be so fun! I can't wait til it starts!" She kept repeating herself over and over until I just laughed. "I heard you the first time." She glared at me. "Sorry, but I'm excited!" It was my turn to glare. "I'm excited too. But I don't have to bounce off the walls to prove that." She glared once more, than started laughing. Nothing could ruin her mood today.

"Everyone, it's time!!!" The advisors called up the grand staircase for us to come down. Gabrielle emerged from her room. I could hear her from my room door breathing, which was atleast 10 feet away. Her corset must've been very tight. "Having fun yet?" I teased her, but she laughed. Not long though, because it took to much air from her. "Just come this way Princess Gabrielle and Prince Benjamin." The advisors were signalling for us to come out of the castle and onto the tournament grounds.

"The event for today is jousting!" The townspeople all cheered and clapped. Gabrielle and I were sitting on the two most important chairs I assumed because they were high up, and have velvet red cushions. The first two horses that were getting ready to be used were both very beautiful. One was pure white, and it looked almost like it was glimmering in the morning sun. It must've been brushed many times to look so good. The other horse was black, and had a white star on its nose. It was also very beautiful, because it shone more than the white horse. They were both very graceful, and majestic, and I wished that I could ride them too. Gabrielle also wanted to ride them, I could tell by the look on her face.

"Let the tournament begin!" The announcer for the tournament yelled to everyone in the crowd. All of us cheered back to him. But, before the riders even had a chance to get on the horses, one of the advisors ran onto the grounds. "Stop! Stop! Don't! Everyone, get into your houses, and lock the doors! Hurry, hurry! The tournament is offically cancelled!" He was red in the face from running so fast. Gabrielle and I were shoved out of our seats and into the castle. Everyone else was screaming and shouting and running as fast as they could into their homes as I looked back at them.

"What was that about?!?" Gabrielle was obviously furious. Her face was red, and hair was streaming out of the bun that it once had been in. "Princess, it was very important...." All of the advisors were sweating, their faces white with either fury or just that they were scared to death of something. "What was more important than the tournament!?! I was looking forward to that for the longest time and before it could even start you cancell it!?!" She was screaming her lungs out; her voice was becoming hoarse. "We told you, it was more important to cancell the tournament than to risk your lives and the townspeople lives.." The advisors kept ending their sentences with awkward pauses.

"Just tell me already!! I need to know why or else I'm just going to get even madder. And if you don't think I can handle it, than your wrong. I'm not a little girl anymore." Gabrielle was still mad, but her face was getting more pink than red. "Do you believe in monsters Princess?" The advisor that had helped me write that letter to help get Gabrielle away from that captain was talking now. "Monsters? Of course I don't. They are just made up to scare children." She laughed. "Not just monsters, demons is more like it." She looked at the advisor, and I noticed for a split second fear in her eyes. "Demons are not real, I don't believe in any of it." Gabrielle shrugged off the fear that I had noticed earlier. "But, have you ever heard the most famous demon story there is?" He stood up and looked straight into her eyes, also mine. She shook her head. He sighed, and said, "I will tell you it."

"Once there was a very beautiful princess. Everyone in the kingdom adored her. And, of course she got married to a handsome Prince and became Queen of that particular land. But, there are two royal families that got curses put on them a long time ago. The two families were both in a castle a long time ago, and were curious. The owner had told them that they could stay in it as long as they didn't open a box. But, curiousity got the best of them, and they opened it, and were killed. But, they each had some children. The curse goes like this:

When your children and children's children and so on marry and have a child, the parents will mysteriously dissapear. The curse cannot be broken until the two families join together (had a child from each family marry) and they together kill the demon that put the curse on the families. But, do not think that just by having no kids you won't vanish. If you still are childless when you turn 50, you to will be gone forever. But, when those two children are preparing to marry, the demon that put the curse on the families will come, and take them both away, and those royal families will be gone forever. The only way to kill this evil beast is to find the special red sword, called The RubyDemon, hidden deep in the fiercest mountains." He finished and there was an awkward pause.

"Sooo??" Gabrielle still didn't see why we had cancell the tournament. The advisor sighed. "The demon is coming after you two because, of course, he doesn't want to be killed by you. So, you must go out and look for The RubyDemon because it's the only sword that can kill that vile beast!" All of the advisors shook their heads in agreement. I looked at Gabrielle, and knew what we had to do. We have to prepare to go to The Opal Mountains, where the snow is deep, the monsters are fierce, and the air is piercing cold. The name sounds very good and cheerful, but names can be wrong.