A/N: My first attempt at a romance story… Well… it is set on another Planet, so a romance with a twist I guess. Story writing is not my thing, but I gave it a go, and I quite like what I came up with for this chapter. Well I hope you enjoy reading this…
Something touched her, growling she pulled away and opened her eyes to glare at the one who dared to wake her from her sleep.
"Get up." There was only a face hidden behind a helmet and a gruff voice.
"I don't want to." With that the seventeen year old closed her eyes. The female, Calixte, slowly fell back to sleep, not realizing she was being carried, tossed carelessly over the man's shoulder. Her long chestnut hair, whose ends were colored pink, flew around as the internal climate controller blew cool air around the ship. The guard walked down the corridors as other guards pushed other earth captives along, towards the outside. Calixte was, rudely, woken up with a bump and a small roll. Cursing softly she threw her hair backwards and sat up, spitting grains of sand out of her mouth. Looking around she saw that she was not on earth, but some place that looked similar to it, the only difference being the color of the sun, which was a large red fireball and the sky was a soft lavender color. She was looking around the desert like place where she was when a distant sparkle in the distance caught her eye. Concentrating she saw that it was a city with tall glass and silver like buildings. An arm grabbed her shoulder and pulled her onto her feet. The sudden pull shot a pain through her arm and she turned to glare at the offending person when she realized the small pull against her. Curious she tried to jump but only raised a half of what she usually did before falling abruptly down again onto the sand.
"The gravity of Traza is stronger then your planet's." The arm grabbed her and instead of pulling her back up, dragged her across the sand.
"Let go of me! What the hell are you going to do to me?" Calixte struggled against the grip around her forearm. Ignored she was dragged across the small patch of the desert towards an already huddling group of other earthlings. She crossed her arms and her legs as she glared at each of the guards surrounding the group. She heard a couple of the guards looking at her while talking in a tongue that sounded like nothing from earth. Sighing she examined her captures. They were all human like, 'normal' hair color, 'normal' eye color, five digits on each hand, probably five toes, same bodily structures, though they all seemed to have a more athletic build, and even the women had breasts and wider hips. As she eyed a man, who was standing on a small hill near them and was probably a leader, she was made to stand in a line. Frowning she struggled but only got a slap. Cursing under her breath she stood between a tall woman and a tall man. Keeping her head high she stared right into the eyes of any that caught her eyes. She watched as the man from the hill slowly walked towards them, his cloak rustled around his ankles. He was dressed in all black, and Calixte watched as his black hair blew around in the light breeze and noticed that his green eyed gaze was aimed at her. Deepening her scowl she looked the man over. He was tall, looked like he was in his early twenties, and she felt slightly attracted to the man.
"State your name woman." His voice was laced with a light French accent and Calixte shook her head to clear off of her thoughts.
"I don't want to." She heard a small growl and looked up at him.
"You are my captive, you are about to be executed… now tell me your name."
"If I'm going to die there is no need for me to tell you my name." Fingers wrapped around her neck and she was slowly lifted off the ground. Choking she kicked at the man.
"State your name… and I have a better punishment for you… you will live the life of hell… as a slave… for me…" He shook her, his green eyes blazing. "State your name." Her answer came out in chocked gurgles and he loosened his grip.
"Calixte…" He snorted and dropped her back down onto the ground. Swearing she rubbed her back and she heard the man talk in the magical sounding language. Sighing she shook her head and gazed up at the man. "What are you looking at?"
"You know, for a handsome man like you, you sure are not polite."
"Don't judge a book by its cover… that is a quote from your stupid little earth." He smirked down at her. "Now… to silence that insolent mouth of yours…" Two arms grabbed her and lifted her off the ground again. "I thought maybe watching the death of your fellow earthlings may do it…" His smirk grew more evil at the look on her face. "But… there is something better." He gestured with his hands for the men holding onto Calixte to follow him.
"Bastard, idiot, bitch, cow…"
"Is that all you can throw at me woman?" His eyes fixed onto hers.
"Oh no, I can do better, I was saving the best for last." She grinned and pulled away from the guards holding onto her. "You are the most fucking idiotic monkey that I have ever seen."
"What? Does the word offend you? That wasn't even the best." She crossed her arms.
"Well… I know what you earthling women do not like to be called…" Calixte cocked her eyebrow. "I do not wish to hear you scream."
"Try me."
"I will in my own time." A creature appeared behind him. "We're going to the Palace now."
"Palace? You're a bloody Prince? What happened to manners?"
"That is your own earth's custom… that is not ours." The man pulled himself onto a creature that looked like a badly mutated horse. Calixte's eyes widened at the sight and started to back up. "Woman get on here."
"No way in Hell are you going to make me get onto that disgusting thing." A look of amusement crossed the Prince's features before a rock was brought down against the girl's head, dropping her onto the ground unconscious.
"At least I will have silence while we travel back…" The Prince pulled the girl across the creature. "Guards, go on with the execution." The men who had carried Calixte nodded and bowed their heads as their Prince rode off towards the sparkling city. The Prince heard the popping sounds of weapons being blasted and a small evil smile crept across his face.
A/N: Yes! How was it? Good? I need to get my sanity checked? Oh well… I don't usually ask this but please Review… I need to know if I'm a crappy story teller or not… and one thing, if you're reading my story for the sex, you'll have to wait quite a while (Yes I said the 'S' word! Oh Noo…) Anyway, on with my usual quote type of thing… The usual, flames ignored, criticism on the way I write taken into consideration depending on my mood, positive input appreciated, random ramblings are welcome. Oh, and if you have any questions, just ask me… or I might ask in the next chapter… which is coming soon!