In the last chapter:
"Cali… you fought fire with fire…you succeeded and now my brother knows respect and love, his past will never leave him, he still has his old ways… but you tamed the wild fire into something controllable. I thank you… you truly deserve the title of a Queen." He closed the door, smiling and sat down to continue his research on a stronger healing potion.
"Is that what you are worried about? That I will leave you forever if you do not bear me more children?" They slowly turned to their private corridor.
"Well that is an absurd thing to be worried about…" They entered their room and the smell of blood lingered in the air. "I will go call someone to…"
"No… we can sleep in Brandon's room… there is a bed there… plus it's late… no point in disturbing someone."
"You care too much."
"It doesn't hurt to do so." They walked into the nursery and Toby walked over to the window and sat in the oversized chair instead of the bed, pulling her still trembling form to his.
"Calixte… the reason you were stabbed is because they think you are too childish… they do not realize your care for Traza…"
"I don't care about that…" Calixte sniffed and traced a finger over his lips as fresh tears poured down her cheek. He reached up and brushed them away. "What I care about is your feelings."
"My feelings?" Toby stopped his hand on her cheek.
"I always say I love you… but you never reply… you don't hold me when we sleep… you do not hold me in a way that I feel loved." Her words tore Toby's heart as a sharp pain shot through it.
"Calixte." He buried his face into the crook of her neck and shed silent tears as he formed his feelings into words. "I love you… I am afraid to hold you tightly because I am scared to hurt you… you are the only one who has put fear in me… tonight, I could not stand the thought of you dying… I was so worried and scared tonight… I love you this much Calixte… I never want to see you suffer or cry… and I never want to be the reason for your tears. You are everything to me… I never want to lose you… if it means so much to you I would send you back to earth… but… I cannot bear the thought… but I know you miss it… and if you want to leave…"
"I never said I wanted to leave." She whispered and pressed her lips against his. "Why would I want to leave you?" She smiled and they kissed, tasting each other's tears.
"Hmm?" She yawned as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"We are getting… married."
"That's nice." She muttered as she slowly fell to sleep. "If it's with you I don't care if we have to live in the middle of the desert." Toby smiled and stroked her cheek with his hand and leant back into the chair, listening to her soft breathing and their son's soft gurgling breathing. He closed his eyes and held onto Calixte tightly, burning the events and feelings of the night into his heart and memory and slowly drifted off to sleep to join them in the dream world.
Teach me how to love you,
Tell me what you want me to say,
Where do you want me to kiss you?
Can I hold you?
If I tell you I want to never be alone,
Will you be there for me?
When I fall,
Will you catch me?
Is it alright if I'm afraid to love you?
I'm not good with words,
And I don't know how to show you my love.
Do my actions speak louder than words?
Underneath everything I'm just shy,
But will you still love me?
I'll kiss your tears away,
I'll be there to protect you through everything,
You'll never be alone,
I'm always here for you,
Even if we're far apart,
I'm always going to be there when you need me…
When everything turns against us,
Will you be there?
When we're out in the cold and dark,
I want you,
To be the one to,
Hold Me Tight…
-Airi Tamura
The End
A/N: I know this is a bit late, but my computer is really really pissing me off at the moment…. And thank god for backups…. Anyway, it's the end! But I'm in the process of writing Tristian's story and of course I'm thinking up ideas for a sequel to this…. Well thank you for everyone who's read this story, and thank you very much to all those who reviewed! Look out in the next few weeks for Tristian's story! Love Yall!
Anyway, flames ignored, criticism on the way I write, taken into consideration depending on my mood, positive input appreciated, random ramblings are welcome.