everyone has a purpose, and mine is to hated and destroyed, to be loathed
like no one else, to be the center of all that is evil and dark. but i'm
o.k. with that now, because i know that all darkness breeds light, and that
evil is not eternal. i am the hidden candle flame waiting to be lit, the
breath before the plunge, i am the moment of insecurity in which we find
our true selves, i am a the monster at the window, i am human i am
imperfect, i am what i fear most, i am my own executioner, i am a liar, i
am a thief, i am the dark spot on the sun no one ever sees, i am a puppet
master moving my own strings, i am the wind which carries all things, i am
the water that gives life and takes it away, i am the dust we all return
to, i am the starlight everyone loves, i am a prince of a thousand faces, a
king of a hundred thrones, i am admired, i am adored, i am given the keys
to the universe, but i forget the doors, i am great and small, i hold and
encompass all, i am the sailor lost at sea, i am the prophet with nothing
to believe, i am the survivor trying to move on, i am the book with no
cover, the album with no song, i am whatever i try to be and all along i
never knew it was me, i do not act, i only reflect, i am the true empath
who moved beyond pain and picks up everyone's desire. i am alone, i am not
afraid, i am the man in the storm who only just notices the rain, i am
ready to fly, but do not have wings, i am lost at home, scared in my bed, i
am well befriended, i am supported by their cares, i am the ring in the
sky, the one you never knew was there