Cries in the Night--- by Ashley Brown

Crying out in the dark
Barely above a whisper
Reaching out from the dark
Begging for a sanctuary
The Darkness does overwhelm
As the cries grow louder
Terror builds up

Enter the darkness
Listen to the terrors
Reach for the Dark
Feel the terror building
As Darkness does overwhelm...

A/N: May 1st, 2002. Absolutely no flipping clue where this one came from. I mean, sure, I have other poems about Darkness and all that junk, but this was written in Science class (beside my notes on the periodic table thingy... maybe I should have paid attention). I spaced it like I did when I wrote it and all... And I'm wondering why I'm posting it... Anyways, please review, regardless of whether or not you like it. Thanks~
