Truth--- by Ashley Brown
Alienating the world
She walks through life
Ignoring the pain
She continues on
Blind to the hate
She lives her life
The lies never touch her
She lives her life free
Only the truth hurts
A/N: May 1st, 2002. I wrote this one day in Science class... I like it. It's not one of my favorites, but I like it. Please review whether you like it or not. Thanks~
Alienating the world
She walks through life
Ignoring the pain
She continues on
Blind to the hate
She lives her life
The lies never touch her
She lives her life free
Only the truth hurts
A/N: May 1st, 2002. I wrote this one day in Science class... I like it. It's not one of my favorites, but I like it. Please review whether you like it or not. Thanks~