Author's Note: All people in this story are based on real people, some names have been slightly altered *giggle*...

Warning: Insanity within...

Dedication: To my "ickle sister" Emily (the best ickle Moony ever) and to my "big brother" Caleb (the best ickle KK ever!), cause I know you two will get a kick out of it!


Back To School- Chapter One- First Day, First Period

By Ashley Brown


Emily Black was sitting on the steps at the end of the hall that led to the gym, band room, and ROTC room. She looked back a step to where her friend Ashley Maxwell was stretched out, taking an entire stair for herself while trying not to topple off and onto Emily. Christina Howe was above Ashley glaring at one of the students walking by them.

"Why are ya glaring at him, Chrisness?" Ashley asked, looking up at her.

"Do you know how many times he calls me Satan's spawn in a day?" she asked.

Ashley giggled, "It's the first day of school, Chrisness. He hasn't had a chance to yet."

"Yet is the key word though, doncha know?" Emily asked with a giggle.

Christina stuck her tongue out at her good-naturedly.

"So where do we go when the bell rings?" Ashley asked, looking around in confusion as she toppled off the stair and into Emily's lap.

"Aw, Ashy-washy loves me!" Emily laughed.

Ash grinned and climbed off of her, only managing to fall down another stair and onto the lap of someone else. She looked up, grinning into the face of Daniel Johnson, her boyfriend.

"We go to homeroom," he replied as she tried to get up.

"So, lemme see your schedule, Ashy," Emily said suddenly.

"Why?" Ashley asked, handing her the paper, "You already know it by heart... I have Geometry, U.S. History, English, and Journalism. We have the first three classes together."

Emily nodded, "Stupid ROTC... if it weren't for that then we could have all of our classes together..."

Just then the bell rang and everyone grabbed their bags and began to head down the hall toward their homerooms. As they passed the guidance office, Ashley was pulled aside by her counselor, Mrs. Gilbert.

"Ashley, can I ask you a favor?" she asked. Ashley nodded, biting her lip.

She pulled her into the entrance to the office, and Ashley glanced at the door to Mrs. Gilbert's own office. "You know where all of your classes are, right?"

"Yup. I sure do," Ashley replied, grinning a bit.

"Very good. I was wondering, we have a new student who doesn't know where any of his are, and he has the exact same schedule as you. He even has homeroom with you. Will you help him find his classes and all?"

Ashley grinned wider, "Of course I will, Mrs. Gilbert." Anything to suck up to the teachers.

"Okay, thank you so much. Caleb! Come here!" Mrs. Gilbert called into her office. A boy came out, and as Mrs. Gilbert went to introduce the two, Ashley and the boy squealed.

"KK! KK! It's my KK!" Ashley squealed as the boy hugged her.

"ISHEE! I didn't get a chance to tell you all I was coming to East!" the boy replied.

"When did you move?" She asked excitedly.

"We haven't yet, Dad's having me stay with one of his friends until he gets down here! This is GREAT!"


Mrs. Gilbert coughed a bit, "You two know each other?"

Ashley nodded, "Yup. We met through a sorta mutual friend and all and we keep in touch on the Internet."

"She's my little sister," Caleb replied, nodding. So Ashley Maxwell and Caleb Monroe headed off toward their homeroom (Mr. Coleman's homeroom, in the library).


Caleb and Ashley were walking into Mrs. Morton's classroom when Emily spotted them.

"OH DEAR BOWIE! CALEB!" Emily cried, leaping on him and hugging him.

Christina looked up from the book she was reading and squealed upon seeing her boyfriend. "KK!"

Unfortunately, Emily, Ashley, and Caleb were all in a huge group hug, jumping around and squealing, and Christina didn't have a chance to get near him.

"Class, class, simmer down, simmer down," Mrs. Morton said, entering the room.

Everyone made weird faces at her and sat down. Emily, Caleb, Ashley, and Christina sat down in the back row, in that order.

"Okay, class, let's call the roll. Cause I'm not one for just having a lazy day on the first day of school!" Mrs. Morton tittered at her words as if she'd made an amusing joke. Everyone stared vacantly at her.

Emily dutifully called out "Here" when they got to her name.

Christina and the others all began to whisper until she got to the "H" part of the roll, when Christina called out, "I'M RIGHT HERE, WOOO!"

Then she reached the "M" section called out, "Ashley Maxwell?"

"Hhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeerreeeeeeeeeeee!" Ashley replied.

When Mrs. Morton was done with the roll she looked up, "Anyone I didn't call?"

"You didn't call me. Caleb Monroe. I registered late."

Mrs. Morton nodded and added him to the list. "Anyone else?"

"Sorry I'm late! I got a bit caught up with something, doncha know?" a voice responded. Emily froze, barely daring to turn around.

"Ashley... please tell me who is behind me," she whispered.

"Name please?" Mrs. Morton asked, not looking up from her roll book.

"Ashley, please, tell me now..." Emily whispered.

"David Bowie. I believe I was registered late as well," he responded. Emily turned around, her mouth open.

"You're David Bowie!" She squealed.

"You're observant," he replied with a grin.

"You're the God of Rock and Roll... You're the best singer... ever... ever... and you're here... why? Does God really love me this much?" Emily asked, her eyes shining as if she were on the verge of tears.

"Well, see, Iman gave me a bloody stupid 'high school equivalency test' she found online and decided I'd better go back to school... seeing as I dropped out to help me have more time for my singing career and-"

"Enough chit chat people. We're going to sit alphabetically. That's where you all sit by your last names starting with A and ending with Z."

The class once again stared at her as if she were some foreign creature, speaking a foreign language. David snorted in irritation at her explanation.


After being seated, Emily and David were next to each other, Christina was behind David, and Ashley and Caleb were in the row behind Christina. Christina leaned forward, poking Emily, handing her a note while Mrs. Morton wasn't looking.

"Dear Moony, tell me how happy you are! You are sitting next to DAVID BOWIE! GOD IN MORTAL FORM! ~Prongs"

Emily grinned back at Ashley and nodded eagerly.

"Something you all would like to share?" Mrs. Morton asked, snatching the note and reading it aloud. Not knowing exactly who Prongs was, she couldn't fuss at Ashley, and since it didn't really say Emily she couldn't fuss at her either. She glared at the two as David beamed.

Before Mrs. Morton could continue on, the bell rang and everyone began gathering their things.


Author's Note: Yea... if you don't like it then sorry. I am writing this for the entertainment of my friends Emily and Caleb. Sorry if you find it stupid or something, but oh well. No one is forcing ya to read it.

On the other hand if you like it that's really groovy and hopefully you find it as funny as we do. *grin* So if you liked it please review! Thanks~

~Ashley Brown