Warning!: This story contains rape. Not your average one, either.
This is the true story of how I, a boy, was raped by a girl. If
that's not your cup of tea, then turn back. You have been warned.
October 2nd, 2001.
That day had had a weird feeling about it, like something was coming. My 16th birthday wasn't until the 17th, so I didn't think it could have been that.
In third period, gym class, we played volleyball. I had a great time and was doing pretty well, but I kept feeling someone watching me. I turned around and saw a girl named Brooklyn blush and look away while her friends giggled and whispered, "He's looking at you."
I turned back just in time for the ball to come pelting toward me, hitting the top of my head and bouncing back over.
"Nice shot, Nathan!" I heard Eric, the jock of the group, say.
"Yep, anytime." I said, before mentally slapping myself. That must have sounded so stupid in front of Brooklyn! The first girl who likes me and I ruin it!
The game went on, while Brooklyn and her posse of friends stood in the corner, all giggling and pointing. I tried to pay no attention, but it was kind of hard when I kept hearing my name.
Afterward, I was in the shower, thinking about Brooklyn and wondering if she would make the first move. Most of the guys had already showered and gone, but I stayed back, taking my time to get clean so I could look good for Brooklyn at lunch, which I had next. Only about five other guys were still around, but they were busy making sick jokes to one another, so I had the showers all to myself. Or so I thought.
"Nathan." I heard someone say. It sounded feminine, and I immediately thought 'Principle!' and made to cover myself up.
"No need, Nathan. I've already seen it all." I heard, and thought 'Mother!' until she finished her sentence, "And I like what I see."
I quickly got the shampoo from my eyes and looked out of the water, instinctively covering myself up again. When I saw who it was, I nearly slipped.
"Brooklyn?! What are you doing here?"
She stepped toward me, and I saw that she had on a red t-shirt and denim skirt (I'm nearsighted and had forgotten my glasses that day). Odd combonatation for autumn weather in Utah.
She kept walking toward me until she was inches away, and when she was close enough, she moved my hand away and gripped what I had been hiding. She did it with such force that it kind of hurt, and I made a little sound in my throat.
"W-What are you doing?" I asked.
"Why, don't you like it?"
"No, actually."
"Oh." she loosened her grip. Then, she started stroking it.
"How about this? Does this feel better?"
I didn't know what to say, what was she thinking about? How did she get into the boy's locker rooms? I couldn't think straight, and in spite of myself, I started responding to her touch. My eyes started to close, and I started coming awake down there.
"I knew you'd like it." she said, "But I think you'd like this even better."
Brooklyn came up and kissed me before going down with her mouth. I was scared, I didn't want this. Not now, anyway. Without thinking, I grabbed her upper arms and pushed her away, saying, "Stop."
Suddenly she looked at me with a very scary look before jumping on me.
I was taken by surprise and fell backwards, slipping on the wet tiles. My head hit the soap holder on the way down, before I hit it on the floor, with the shower water hitting me square in the face.
Using my moment of confusion to her advantage, Brooklyn climbed on top of me and bound my hands together with those plastic things my dad had in his garage (zip-ties). She took what looked like shoe strings and tied me to the pole with the shower heads on it while I struggled to breathe as the water started running up my nose.
She stood up and turned off the water. From the view I got, I saw that she wasn't wearing underwear. I moved my legs, trying to get up, I had to escape. Brooklyn caught me and sat on my legs. She then began moving her hand up and down my shaft.
I tried to will myself not to get hard, but it was to no avail. She was going to have me weather I liked it or not.
I frantically looked around, searching for something, anything that would help. That's when I saw them; four boy's heads peaking out from the entrance to the shower rooms. I gave them a pleading look, but they just stared, one looking on in horror. I knew he knew what was going on.
I was about to say, "Richard." when Brooklyn spoke instead.
"I've been waiting a long time for this." she said.
I didn't even have time to say 'what' when she slammed herself down on me. I cried out in surpise, but she hadn't seemed to notice. I moved my hands around, desperately trying to break free.
Brooklyn started to move up and down, and I could tell that she had done this before. I finally found my voice and yelled out, "No!"
"Yes!" she cried, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Stop it! Stop it! Get off me!" I shouted, but she wasn't listening.
I started to cry about then, I think. I was so scared and confused, I just didn't know what was going on. I was only fifteen, this shouldn't be happening to me. I just prayed that she'd go away, that everything would just stop. I tried to stop crying, it made me look weak, but I couldn't.
Suddenly she yelled, "Shut up!" and smacked me across the face. "You know you like it! Just admit it!"
I abruptly stopped crying, and looked at her. She had apparently had her orgasm by then and wanted me to get off too, now.
I couldn't, I thought. She kept riding me until I eventually did. I felt really light-headed. Brooklyn said something to me, but I didn't hear. I did, however feel her slap me across the face again before getting up.
"Now, since you didn't like that, you can stay tied up." she said, straightened her skirt, and left.
I was left staring at the doorway she had left through. The other boys had gone, and I was all alone. I looked at the clock, and strained my eyes to see, but it was too far away, and I couldn't read the numbers. I was then hit with a wave of frustration, which turned into something else. I curled into a ball around the pole and broke down crying.
I noticed that there was blood in the corner of my eye when I rested my head on the tiles, my forehead on the pole. I later figured out that I had cut my head when I hit the soap dish and was bleeding the whole time.
I don't know how long it was before I felt my hands get released and somene try to help me up. He was saying something, but I coulden't make it out, it sounded distorted. They got me to sit up, but I turned over on all fours and threw-up. I don't really know why I threw-up, it just kind of happened.
I wretched three times while I felt someone with their hand on my shoulder. I think they were saying, "Get it up, Nathan. That's good, just get it all up. You'll be okay."
Everything after that was a blur. The person got me up and I was caught in someone else's hands when I fell forward. Before I knew it, I was in an ambulance with people asking me questions. Then I was in a bed, hooked up to little baggies of liquid.
My body hurt. My head was throbbing, my shoulders and back ached, and my penis was a little on the sore side too. My hands were generally okay, they had had the circulation cut off for a while, but other than that, they were alright.
I slowly looked to my right and saw someone sitting by my bed.
"Mom?" I asked.
"No. Sorry honey, she couldn't make it."
My eyes cleared and I saw my aunt. "Why couldn't she come?" I asked.
"She had a meeting to go to."
"And Dad?"
"He's still in Scotland."
"What happened?"
"Well honey, you seem to have been, I mean you were-you were...raped."
"I know that. I'm talking how did I get here."
"Oh." she looked startled at how I just blew off the fact that I was raped. "Your little friend...Richard I think was his name, he saw what happened and went to get help. He helped you up, but you threw- up on his shoes. Anyway, while he was running around trying to find someone, he called for an ambulance on his cell phone. Now you're here."
I was about to say something when somebody burst through the door. "Nathan! Oh my little boy!"
She came closer and I saw that it was my mother.
"I'm so sorry, honey. I tried to get out of the meeting, but they wouldn't let me." She said, before I felt her arms go around me.
I let out a little gasp of pain, and she quickly released me. "Oh I'm sorry, baby. Did I hurt you?"
"Just a little. I'm okay, though." I said.
"Oh alright." she turned to my aunt.
"You can go if you need to Julie, I can stay with Nate for a while."
"Okay." my aunt said, and gathered her things. She left, and my mom turned back to me.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
I wanted to say dirty, hurt, and violated, but instead I mumbled, "I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. When can I leave?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Did they catch Brooklyn?"
"Yes, police are questioning her."
I leaned back against the bed, and felt the stitches in my head. "Why do you think she did this?" I asked.
"I'm not sure."
"She's going to get away with it, isn't she?"
"Why do you say that, Honey?"
"Because, think about it."
A few days later, I was let out of the hospital. I felt humiliated. A 98-pound 15 year old girl had raped me in the shower rooms. People think I'm weak for not being able to throw her off, but they weren't there.
When I got home I went straight to my room and wrapped my comforter around me. I stayed that way for three days, until my mom made me go to school.
Brooklyn did get off easy. She just got expelled from school. That's all. I thanked Richard, and told him that I'd buy him new shoes, but he declined.
We didn't become friends, as some of you might think. Things just slightly went back to 'normal'. The only thing that was different was people would stare at me, and I became known as the boy who was raped by a girl.
People didn't sympathize. Brooklyn had told them that I seduced her or something stupid like that. They looked at me with disgust, or laughed.
Finally, I asked my mom if I could change schools. She was very disappointed. I would be going to public school, what would her friends think? Now not only was I her tainted son, but I was her 'common' son as well.
October 2nd, 2001.
That day had had a weird feeling about it, like something was coming. My 16th birthday wasn't until the 17th, so I didn't think it could have been that.
In third period, gym class, we played volleyball. I had a great time and was doing pretty well, but I kept feeling someone watching me. I turned around and saw a girl named Brooklyn blush and look away while her friends giggled and whispered, "He's looking at you."
I turned back just in time for the ball to come pelting toward me, hitting the top of my head and bouncing back over.
"Nice shot, Nathan!" I heard Eric, the jock of the group, say.
"Yep, anytime." I said, before mentally slapping myself. That must have sounded so stupid in front of Brooklyn! The first girl who likes me and I ruin it!
The game went on, while Brooklyn and her posse of friends stood in the corner, all giggling and pointing. I tried to pay no attention, but it was kind of hard when I kept hearing my name.
Afterward, I was in the shower, thinking about Brooklyn and wondering if she would make the first move. Most of the guys had already showered and gone, but I stayed back, taking my time to get clean so I could look good for Brooklyn at lunch, which I had next. Only about five other guys were still around, but they were busy making sick jokes to one another, so I had the showers all to myself. Or so I thought.
"Nathan." I heard someone say. It sounded feminine, and I immediately thought 'Principle!' and made to cover myself up.
"No need, Nathan. I've already seen it all." I heard, and thought 'Mother!' until she finished her sentence, "And I like what I see."
I quickly got the shampoo from my eyes and looked out of the water, instinctively covering myself up again. When I saw who it was, I nearly slipped.
"Brooklyn?! What are you doing here?"
She stepped toward me, and I saw that she had on a red t-shirt and denim skirt (I'm nearsighted and had forgotten my glasses that day). Odd combonatation for autumn weather in Utah.
She kept walking toward me until she was inches away, and when she was close enough, she moved my hand away and gripped what I had been hiding. She did it with such force that it kind of hurt, and I made a little sound in my throat.
"W-What are you doing?" I asked.
"Why, don't you like it?"
"No, actually."
"Oh." she loosened her grip. Then, she started stroking it.
"How about this? Does this feel better?"
I didn't know what to say, what was she thinking about? How did she get into the boy's locker rooms? I couldn't think straight, and in spite of myself, I started responding to her touch. My eyes started to close, and I started coming awake down there.
"I knew you'd like it." she said, "But I think you'd like this even better."
Brooklyn came up and kissed me before going down with her mouth. I was scared, I didn't want this. Not now, anyway. Without thinking, I grabbed her upper arms and pushed her away, saying, "Stop."
Suddenly she looked at me with a very scary look before jumping on me.
I was taken by surprise and fell backwards, slipping on the wet tiles. My head hit the soap holder on the way down, before I hit it on the floor, with the shower water hitting me square in the face.
Using my moment of confusion to her advantage, Brooklyn climbed on top of me and bound my hands together with those plastic things my dad had in his garage (zip-ties). She took what looked like shoe strings and tied me to the pole with the shower heads on it while I struggled to breathe as the water started running up my nose.
She stood up and turned off the water. From the view I got, I saw that she wasn't wearing underwear. I moved my legs, trying to get up, I had to escape. Brooklyn caught me and sat on my legs. She then began moving her hand up and down my shaft.
I tried to will myself not to get hard, but it was to no avail. She was going to have me weather I liked it or not.
I frantically looked around, searching for something, anything that would help. That's when I saw them; four boy's heads peaking out from the entrance to the shower rooms. I gave them a pleading look, but they just stared, one looking on in horror. I knew he knew what was going on.
I was about to say, "Richard." when Brooklyn spoke instead.
"I've been waiting a long time for this." she said.
I didn't even have time to say 'what' when she slammed herself down on me. I cried out in surpise, but she hadn't seemed to notice. I moved my hands around, desperately trying to break free.
Brooklyn started to move up and down, and I could tell that she had done this before. I finally found my voice and yelled out, "No!"
"Yes!" she cried, "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Stop it! Stop it! Get off me!" I shouted, but she wasn't listening.
I started to cry about then, I think. I was so scared and confused, I just didn't know what was going on. I was only fifteen, this shouldn't be happening to me. I just prayed that she'd go away, that everything would just stop. I tried to stop crying, it made me look weak, but I couldn't.
Suddenly she yelled, "Shut up!" and smacked me across the face. "You know you like it! Just admit it!"
I abruptly stopped crying, and looked at her. She had apparently had her orgasm by then and wanted me to get off too, now.
I couldn't, I thought. She kept riding me until I eventually did. I felt really light-headed. Brooklyn said something to me, but I didn't hear. I did, however feel her slap me across the face again before getting up.
"Now, since you didn't like that, you can stay tied up." she said, straightened her skirt, and left.
I was left staring at the doorway she had left through. The other boys had gone, and I was all alone. I looked at the clock, and strained my eyes to see, but it was too far away, and I couldn't read the numbers. I was then hit with a wave of frustration, which turned into something else. I curled into a ball around the pole and broke down crying.
I noticed that there was blood in the corner of my eye when I rested my head on the tiles, my forehead on the pole. I later figured out that I had cut my head when I hit the soap dish and was bleeding the whole time.
I don't know how long it was before I felt my hands get released and somene try to help me up. He was saying something, but I coulden't make it out, it sounded distorted. They got me to sit up, but I turned over on all fours and threw-up. I don't really know why I threw-up, it just kind of happened.
I wretched three times while I felt someone with their hand on my shoulder. I think they were saying, "Get it up, Nathan. That's good, just get it all up. You'll be okay."
Everything after that was a blur. The person got me up and I was caught in someone else's hands when I fell forward. Before I knew it, I was in an ambulance with people asking me questions. Then I was in a bed, hooked up to little baggies of liquid.
My body hurt. My head was throbbing, my shoulders and back ached, and my penis was a little on the sore side too. My hands were generally okay, they had had the circulation cut off for a while, but other than that, they were alright.
I slowly looked to my right and saw someone sitting by my bed.
"Mom?" I asked.
"No. Sorry honey, she couldn't make it."
My eyes cleared and I saw my aunt. "Why couldn't she come?" I asked.
"She had a meeting to go to."
"And Dad?"
"He's still in Scotland."
"What happened?"
"Well honey, you seem to have been, I mean you were-you were...raped."
"I know that. I'm talking how did I get here."
"Oh." she looked startled at how I just blew off the fact that I was raped. "Your little friend...Richard I think was his name, he saw what happened and went to get help. He helped you up, but you threw- up on his shoes. Anyway, while he was running around trying to find someone, he called for an ambulance on his cell phone. Now you're here."
I was about to say something when somebody burst through the door. "Nathan! Oh my little boy!"
She came closer and I saw that it was my mother.
"I'm so sorry, honey. I tried to get out of the meeting, but they wouldn't let me." She said, before I felt her arms go around me.
I let out a little gasp of pain, and she quickly released me. "Oh I'm sorry, baby. Did I hurt you?"
"Just a little. I'm okay, though." I said.
"Oh alright." she turned to my aunt.
"You can go if you need to Julie, I can stay with Nate for a while."
"Okay." my aunt said, and gathered her things. She left, and my mom turned back to me.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
I wanted to say dirty, hurt, and violated, but instead I mumbled, "I'm okay."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. When can I leave?"
"I'm not sure yet."
"Did they catch Brooklyn?"
"Yes, police are questioning her."
I leaned back against the bed, and felt the stitches in my head. "Why do you think she did this?" I asked.
"I'm not sure."
"She's going to get away with it, isn't she?"
"Why do you say that, Honey?"
"Because, think about it."
A few days later, I was let out of the hospital. I felt humiliated. A 98-pound 15 year old girl had raped me in the shower rooms. People think I'm weak for not being able to throw her off, but they weren't there.
When I got home I went straight to my room and wrapped my comforter around me. I stayed that way for three days, until my mom made me go to school.
Brooklyn did get off easy. She just got expelled from school. That's all. I thanked Richard, and told him that I'd buy him new shoes, but he declined.
We didn't become friends, as some of you might think. Things just slightly went back to 'normal'. The only thing that was different was people would stare at me, and I became known as the boy who was raped by a girl.
People didn't sympathize. Brooklyn had told them that I seduced her or something stupid like that. They looked at me with disgust, or laughed.
Finally, I asked my mom if I could change schools. She was very disappointed. I would be going to public school, what would her friends think? Now not only was I her tainted son, but I was her 'common' son as well.