==Suicide Note-- by Ashley Brown==
Laughter fades in an instant.
The e-mail is there...
The subject is dangerous...
With that single subject,
The world stops spinning.
Holding her breath,
She clicks twice...
Reads the notice,
And again with tears in her eyes.
"I love you
But I have to go...
They all hate me...
You will too...
I'm sorry...
Trying to breathe,
She runs to the phone...
Dials a number from memory
Frantically praying to whatever is there
Hoping for an answer.
None comes,
She drops to the floor,
Sobs shaking her body...
Knowing this routine will end with him calling
Apologizing for scaring her...
So when the phone rings,
Relief rushes through her...
But its his father...
He really did it...
Really did it...
He's gone...
As she sobs into the phone,
She realizes there...
He didn't end just his,
He ended her life too...
She knows she can never smile
Or laugh
Or really live again...
Her brother's dead...
==Author's Note: July 31st, 2003. This is a scary dream I've had for a while... everytime someone I love dearly sends me a fun letter... I'm always sure it will end like this... So anyways, review if you want. Thanks~
Laughter fades in an instant.
The e-mail is there...
The subject is dangerous...
With that single subject,
The world stops spinning.
Holding her breath,
She clicks twice...
Reads the notice,
And again with tears in her eyes.
"I love you
But I have to go...
They all hate me...
You will too...
I'm sorry...
Trying to breathe,
She runs to the phone...
Dials a number from memory
Frantically praying to whatever is there
Hoping for an answer.
None comes,
She drops to the floor,
Sobs shaking her body...
Knowing this routine will end with him calling
Apologizing for scaring her...
So when the phone rings,
Relief rushes through her...
But its his father...
He really did it...
Really did it...
He's gone...
As she sobs into the phone,
She realizes there...
He didn't end just his,
He ended her life too...
She knows she can never smile
Or laugh
Or really live again...
Her brother's dead...
==Author's Note: July 31st, 2003. This is a scary dream I've had for a while... everytime someone I love dearly sends me a fun letter... I'm always sure it will end like this... So anyways, review if you want. Thanks~