Warning: This story is about my first gay sexual experience. If that's not what you're looking for, then turn back now.


My parents had gone on another vacation together, leaving my friend Jason and I at home, alone. Jason, being the way he is, decided that we should have a party. I agreed, just for the heck of it. Besides, he promised me that he'd have someone bring their single gay friend, just for me.

At the party, I was a bit of an outcast. I'm not very social and was a little tired. I just sat on my favorite couch and observed everyone come and go. There weren't a lot of people there, which really didn't surprise me.

I was just closing my eyes when I felt someone plop down on the couch next to me. I looked over and saw a boy about my age, with light brown hair and greeny-blue eyes. His hair was slightly long, and a piece or two were in his eyes. He tossed them back nervously before speaking.

"Not much of a party animal either, huh?"

I looked into his eyes. "No. Which is kind of funny, because I'm the one throwing this party."

"Oh, so you're Nathan?"

"Yes." I said, wondering how he knew my name, as I didn't recognize him.

"Cool. I'm Bryson."

Bryson, bleh. His parents must be Mormon.

"Hello, Bryson."

He suddenly turned red, seemingly turned on from me saying his name. This confused me until I remembered what Jason promised me.

"Um, Bryson, can I ask you something?"

He looked startled. "Yes." he said, wide-eyed.

I motioned for him to come over, which he nervously did. I leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Are you gay?"

He pulled away from me, turning a very bright crimson, "Yes. Are you?"

"Yeah, I am." I said, now also turning red. God, this was getting uncomfortable.

There was an awkward silence as we just stared at each other. I caught him looking me up and down once, before realizing that I had done the same.

"Nathan." I heard a feminine voice say. I broke free of the locked gaze and turned my head. A girl named Mari came over, looking from me to Bryson with a sly, knowing expression on her face.

"I see you've met my friend Bryson." she said.

"What? Oh, uh, yeah. I did." I said.

"So Bryson, do you like him?" Mari asked, turning to him.

Bryson looked at Mari with an embarrassed pleading look on his face. Mari laughed.

"I thought so, since you're so quiet all of a sudden."

I don't know why I was being so sheepish, maybe because I was tired, but I didn't think that Bryson looked like a very talkative person. Mari again broke the awkward silence.

"So have you guys kissed yet?"

We both looked taken aback at this question, before stealing quick glances at each other.

"No." Bryson said, "We've just barely started talking."

"Well, why not just break the ice and do it?"

"You want us to kiss?" I asked, trying not to reveal how badly I wanted to.

"Yeah, it'll give you something to talk about."

"Are you sure that this isn't just because you like to watch me make- out with guys?" Bryson asked.

I looked at him quizzically and he told me, "It turns her on."

"I'm sure, that will just be an added benefit."

Bryson then turned to me. "Do you want to, Nathan?"

I felt a little jolt in my lower parts from hearing him say my name like that. I swallowed hard, "Uh sure."

God that must have sounded lame.

We tried to not make a big deal as we scooted closer to each other. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to Bryson's face as I heard his breathing speed up a little.

I closed my eyes and seconds later felt Bryson's warm, soft lips on mine. They were a little chapped, but soft, nonetheless.

I put a hand up to his face and gently touched his cheek. I felt one of his arms go around my waist as he started kissing me deeper.

Before I knew it, we broke apart, both breathing harder then before. Mari clapped her hands excitedly, saying, "Woo! That was pretty hot, boys!"

Bryson and I looked at each other, trying to see if the other liked it. If you were curious, yes Bryson is an excellent kisser, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

"Well, now that that's done, I'll let you two go. Bye." Mari said, and left.

Without even having to ask, Bryson and I started kissing again. I felt his tongue gently brush my lips, and I let out a small noise of appreciation. Bryson took this as an invitation and put his tongue all the way into my mouth. It didn't take me too long to do the same, and before long we were full-on making-out on my favorite couch.

I felt Bryson's hand run up my stomach and down again, he then did the same going underneath my shirt. I had only made out with two other guys before, so I didn't quite know how to respond.

Bryson pressed gently against my chest, which I figured meant that he wanted me to lay down. Since the couch was small, I ended up propped up against one of the arms. Bryson was now sort of sitting on top of me, and when I moved one of my legs I heard him take his breath in sharply. I stopped kissing him and saw that my leg was between his, and my thigh had brushed over his erection.

I was also very hard by then and got a crazy idea in my head.

"Bryson." I said, breathlessly.

He swallowed, and his eyes were closed, "What?"

"Do you want to take this to the bedroom?" it came out before I could even think about it.

"S-Sure." he said, and opened his eyes.

He got up off of me and stood up. He was very tall and I was suddenly very self-conscious; I'm only about 5' 6". I got up and saw Bryson's eyes widen when he saw how short I was, I only came up to his shoulder. I took his hand and led him down the hall to my room, hoping that it wasn't already occupied.

On the way there, I swear I heard Mari shout, "Woo! Go for it Bryson!"

We got into my room, and almost didn't have enough time to close the door before we were on each other again. Bryson had his hands up my shirt again and was nipping at my neck as he worked it up and off of me. I then turned us over and started sliding down his checkered over- shirt. I got it off and Bryson ran his hands up my bare back and into my hair. He traced the scar on the back of my head, and I shivered slightly.

"What's this from?" he whispered against my lips.

My breath hitched up as I remembered and he looked straight into my eyes.

"Don't want to talk about it?" he said.

I slowly shook my head.

"Okay. Want to have some more fun?" he asked, tugging at my belt.

"Mmmm, yes." I said.

"Then go on the bed."

I did so, sitting right in the middle, facing the foot of the bed. Bryson walked over until he was right in front of me, examining the homework on my desk. I got a nice view of one of the nicest butts I had ever seen.

He stayed facing his back to me while he took off his shirt. I watched his shoulder muscles work as he did so, and felt my erection straining in my jeans.

He turned around and I almost burst right there. He had a surprisingly nice torso, and looked absolutely sinful in those black jeans. His hair fell into his face as he looked down at me, and I moved my feet in anticipation.

Bryson walked toward me and crawled onto the bed. He quickly took off my shoes, and slowly took off my socks. He came even closer and sat himself on me, straddling my legs. He tugged at my belt again and I saw that it was already undone from the first time he had tugged on it. It slowly came out of each and every loop.

Next he attacked my button and zipper. My legs were starting to fall asleep from Bryson sitting on them, but I didn't care. When those were all undone, he gently pushed me back again, so that I was lying down.

He rose up and slid down my jeans, tossing them to the side. He then came back up and kissed me quickly before kissing all the way down to the rim of my maroon boxers. He got those off to and looked surprised by my size. Just because I'M short doesn't mean everything is.

He looked into my eyes as though asking permission. I nodded.

"I've never done this before, so I might not be very good at it." he said.

"It's okay, " I panted, "I haven't either."

He gave a nervous laugh before closing his eyes and licking up my shaft. That is one of the things that really turns me on; a guy licking something with his eyes closed. Weird, but sexy.

I gasped when he did so, and he did it again, this time going up and putting his mouth barely on the tip. He withdrew and looked up at me. I nodded to him again.

Suddenly, I felt my entire length engulfed in warm wetness. I looked down just in time to see his mouth go up, then down again.

I tilted my head back as he did this a few times more. I looked down again when he started making little shapes, tracing with his tongue. Just watching the scene was driving me wild.

Before I knew it, his head was moving up and down quickly, and he held my hips as I started bucking up. He removed one of the hands from my hips and moved it down to gently stroke my balls.

That was all it took. I suddenly came. I looked down at Bryson once again and saw that his lips were partially open, as though he didn't know whether to spit or swallow. The act made some of my cum spread on his lips and drip down his chin, one of the sexiest things I had ever seen. Especially when he looked up at me, his eyes dilated with lust, and curious.

Bryson then proceeded to lick me clean. He looked at me again and suddenly shuddered. He got up and picked up my boxers. He then put them on me before coming up and lying beside me.

I wanted to repay Bryson, but he wouldn't let me. I reached down to his crotch and felt a large wet patch. He giggled and blushed, pushing my hand away.

"A little too intense for me, I guess." he said.

I laughed a little and turned on to my side, facing him. He still had a little bit of cum on his bottom lip. I touched his face with one hand before kissing him, discreetly licking it off. I didn't like licking my own cum off of him, but it saved him the embarrassment. He eagerly kissed me back for a while, before pulling away and burying his face in my shoulder.


He didn't answer, just put an arm around me and sort of clung to me. Soon after, he was asleep. It didn't take me too long to do the same.

In the morning, I woke up to a sort of lonely feeling. I looked over, but Bryson was gone. The pillow beside me was wet, Bryson was a drooler. I noticed that it was still warm just before hearing the front door close.


If you thought this was heated wait 'til you read about the piano.