Town Without Pity

an: i am redoing this story... posted it awhile ago. rewriting the chapters.

Chapter 1 - What a Town Without Pity can do

Monday. It was the start of my week. I woke up, just like I do every morning, and smiled. Another day of high school, eating up all the glory I can get. Okay, so I was popular, and I loved it. So sue me! As I got up and stretched, I rubbed my hands over my belly and made my way to the bathroom.

Finally dressed and ready, I finished tying my shoelace and grabbed my school bag, throwing my beanie over my head. I went downstairs, noticing my father's absence. I frowned, he was probably with Melinda again. Melinda was his secretary, or secret fuck buddy. I knew he'd cause him and mom to break up. I sighed, already depressed. I tried to push the thoughts away as I made my way out into the world. It was late fall, and I took notice to it as a gush of wind passed by me. I shivered happily; I loved the cold so much. Bundling up was one of my favorite things to do. I was at my car door when my mother opened the front door calling my name.

"Nich!" I turned, and smirked at her, clad in her bathrobe.

"Yeah, mom?" She made her way over to me.

"Have a good day, honey." She kissed my forehead and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks," I sarcastically wiped at my forehead, "Oh, tell dad to stop fucking his secretary, okay?" I laughed lightly at my joke, only getting a glare from my mother.

"Nich, not today." She turned quickly and went back into the house. I could only sigh at that.

I got into my cold car; my lovely 02' jet black I.S. Lexus. I started my baby up, turning the heat on and seat warmer. It was 6:45, I was early. I said goodbye to my house and pulled out of the driveway. Soon leaving Crest Point, the neighborhood I lived in, and pushed in one of my CDs. It was my Blink 182 CD, Dude Ranch. Pathetic soon filled the car, and I winced at the volume. I turned it down as I sang along.

"I know I'm pathetic,

I knew when she said it, A loser,

A bum's what she called me when I drove her home

There's no more waiting

And sure no more wasting

I've done all I can but she still wants to be left alone"

I arrived at my friend's house, Aric. He was sitting outside, smoking a cigarette. He smiled at me before throwing the butt down and smashing it with his shoe. He opened the door and threw his pack in.

"Hey Nich."

"Hey Aric. Smoking again?"

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, what's up man?" I shrugged as we drove off to school.

"My mom got mad at me again for joking about my dad's affairs. He thinks he's so sly about it.. It's really pathetic." Aric only shrugged. I knew this would be a bad day.

We soon got to school and I parked close to the entrance. Aric got out of my car, and I soon followed suit.

"Aric!" We heard a girl call. Sandy, Aric's girlfriend, came running towards us and jumped into him, wrapping her legs around his waist. They soon engaged in a heavy kiss, Aric running his hands along her thighs, which were showing due to her short shirt.

"Not to, uh, interrupt, but Sandy, where's Tawny?" Sandy put her hands on Aric's chest and looked at me.

"Um.. She's inside." I nodded, locking the car and walking off.

I entered the building, scanning the hall for her. I finally saw her and waved her over.

"Hey honey!" She greeted me, kissing me quickly on the lips. I smiled at her, my small bad mood melting away. She pulled away, walking back to her locker. I followed her, noticing her outfit. She had, what appeared to be black dickies and a yellow shirt with a black jacket over it.

"Hey, Tawny?" She looked at me as I leaned on the locker next to hers.

"Yeah, Nich?"

"What are you doing after school, today? Wanna go to the diner or something?" She nodded. The diner was our hangout, since we lived in a slightly small town. A lot of popular kids went there after school and on Friday nights. We went there all the time with Aric and Sandy.

"I'm gunna go to my locker." I announced, kissing her cheek and walking down the hall. I stopped at my locker and opened it, shoving my books in. Aric and Sandy soon came up to me, Sandy's locker was next to mine.

"Hey man, we going to the diner tonight?" Aric asked and he tickled Sandy's sides. I took in a breath.

"Yeah." I took out my first period's book, which was math, and shut my locker.

"Something wrong, Nichy?" Sandy asked me. I shook my head.

"Just having a bad day." I forced a smile at her. Tawny soon showed up, and we started on our way to math class, which we had together.

A/N: Kris isn't in it yet. I will have to warn you, this story will suck. So, R&R if you wish :) - PT o,h PS: this story will be so cliche you might throw up.