AN: Uh... Last chapter and beginning of this chapter are about in every story I read. Sorry about that. But it does give you that security. Short chapter.... sorry.

Chapter 6 -The Young Have Problems Many Problems

"Nicholai..." I could hear someone saying my name, and opened my eyes.

"Mom?" She was standing over me, in her bathrobe. I looked beside me, Kris was gone.

"Where's Kris?"

"He woke up early and asked if he could shower. I showed him to the hall bathroom so he wouldn't wake you. But it was getting late. " I nodded, closing my eyes again. "Nich, get up!" She shouted, walking out of my room. I groaned in response.

Finally when I stood up, Kris decided to walk into my room only with a towel around his waist.

"Hey, forgot my clothes in here." I nodded, trying not to stare or allow my eyes to wander. He picked up his backpack, as I sat on the edge of the bed. The towel, teasingly low, started to slip open, but he caught it. "Erk," I heard him quietly exclaim. He turned, now fully facing me, and we stared at each other for a moment. "Nich?" I blinked.


"Think you could leave for a few so I can change?"

"Huh? Sure." I left, closing the door behind me. I leaned against the wall, imaging him taking the towel off, slowly, as I sat on the bed watching. Then, he'd walk over to me, sitting on my lap, straddling me. I would already be hard, and the contact made from us would harden him too. He'd check to see in the door was locked, it was, then turn back to me, moaning at the friction we were causing. His erection rubbing against my boxers, painful pleasure.

He'd start to lick my earlobe, nibbling at it, then move down to my neck, sucking hard, leaving a mark. Kris would lean back, slipping my shirt over my head and tossing it to the bed beside us. Soon he'd push me down, finally kissing me. It would start slow, his taste intoxicating. His tongue would explore my mouth, rocking his hips back and forth. My hands would roam his back, sides, needing to touch him. His hand starts to trail lower and lower until he grasps my-

"Nicholai?" I snapped my head up, looking at a full dressed Kris. "You okay? I came out here and you were just sitting there zoning."

"Uh," I cleared my throat, "yeah I'm fine. I uh, need to get dressed too." I hurried into my room, and shut the door. Looking down, I realized I had a very obvious hard on. I hope Kris didn't see it. Oh god, what am I going to do? I looked around, and my eyes fell on the bathroom. Shower! I ran in there, shut the door, locked it and stripped. I turned the water to ice cold and almost screamed when it hit me. Finally everything was, uh, okay and I turned the water a little warmer so I could wash my body.

"Hey, sorry about that Kris," I said, walking out of the small bathroom to see him sitting on my bed. I had grabbed some clothes before my shower so I was now dressed.

"It's okay. Anyway, I think I should be getting home." My eyes fell to the floor.

"Oh, alright. Lets go then."

When I had returned from dropping Kris off, my mom was standing at the door.

"Nicholai..." She looked at me. "I think we should have a talk."

"Uh. okay." We sat down on the couch. "What's up?" I asked, hoping something wasn't wrong.

"Nichy, I love your friend Kris. He's sweet and polite and I can tell you like him a lot too. But, I see the way you look at him and I think you like him. Am I right?"

"Uh... what?" I looked at the carpet.

"Nicholai, are you gay?" She asked bluntly. It wasn't a rude question, more of a 'I-know-I'm-right-but-I'll-ask-anyways' kind. I stayed quiet. "You know I don't care about that sort of thing, but it's nice to know, ya know?" I nodded. "So, are you?"

"I uh, I don't know. I still like girls. Its just, Kris he.." It was hard to talk about this with my mom. As cool as she was I still got embarrassed. "He just, makes me so happy. I don't even know if I like guys I just," I felt my face go red, "I just like him."

"Aww! That is so cute! I think I may love you even more now!" I laughed a little as she hugged me. "Does he know?"

"No, of course not! If I told him he'd probably hate me forever."

"Nichy, are you sure?" I nodded. "I'd have to know him better to be able to tell, since I do have gaydar and all," she winked. She was right, she had a lot of gay friends and she could usually tell. That's probably how she knew about me. "but, I see the way he looks at you too." she hugged me one more time before standing and walking away.

AN: I wish I had gaydar! review please.