Story Title: Black Tears: Frozen Soul
Story Stereotype: Drama, angst
One shot or sequel to come?: Hopefully there'll be a sequel ^-^` I can
only hope...
Main Characters: Rhys, Brent, Chewey, Xcathin, & Shudatria
Others?: Not sure ^-^` o_o` Heh...
Plot: Basically this chick has been different all her life, and she's
become pretty messed up...One day, she moves to Canada with her stoner Mom, and
meets first Brent, then Chewey(real name Chester).
They show her the truth about her differences, and she gets caught in a whole
new world. Shudatria is after Rhys, but the reason is
unknown to everyone but herself. Xcathin is Shudatria's 'sidekick', though he doesn't quite understand
everything she does. He bides by her words because it's his 'destiny', or so she's
told him.
Other: It's going to be a story with a lot of memories from the
characters, a lot of thoughts on their part, and there will be different
changes in writer's view. There might be romance at the end - I'm trying to fix
that up, but I donno if that'll work...anyway ^-^`
I'll start posting up the chapters...Whenever I start writing them!
Status with writing: Prologue posted - Gonna
start Chap 1 soon!
Black Tears: Frozen Soul
Prologue: The One's Touch
There went Momma, flying to the sky. Her last breath lingered in the room, beautiful. I didn't know it then, but she was happy to leave. That's why her wrist was bleeding, He told me. She was happy to leave me. I never quite understood that. I had always thought my Momma loved me.
I was alone, then. I didn't know what to do with Momma's body, so I just left it there. The streets were my home for a day. That's when I met Him. He told me he could bring my Momma back, and he could make her love me. But he told me that I had to become his for a long, long time before Momma would love me again. So I went. I loved my Momma. He seemed nice.
He hurt me. It was part of getting Momma back, He said. I believed him, so I let Him hurt me. I first went cold, then numb. He looked a lot different then. His fire was so pretty. He let me play with matches. They did cool things, like blow up people. He gave me new clothes, and he took good care of me.
I became really strong. He forgot his promise about my Momma coming back to me. I reminded Him, and He got mad. We fought, and He hurt me a lot. A sword went through my chest, but I lived. Later, when I asked Him why, He dismissed me as a nuisance and sent me on another mission.
I never saw my Momma again. I don't know how long it was until The One came to take me home. I know it was very long.
A light broke the darkness. I didn't know who it was. He spoke nicely, and he said he could get me out. Unsure, I hesitated. But then He came, and the two 'He's' began to fight. It was quick. The He with fire lost. A hand reached out to me, and I felt again. I hurt.
I got a new Momma. I started over.