My Works 87: I know Marcus sounds perfect! Now, if only she would go talk to him! And it's a great idea to have Cherie hook up with Smith. Maybe she'll get some brains after all! And I don't know what I'm going to do about Zach yet but I will definitely use him in the future, you can count on it! I am so happy my story has you thinking! I'm guessing that means I'm making progress to "YAY!"
StarsignLeo: You have no idea how much I agree with you about the male ego thing! I swear to you I have more than a thousand annoy and sarcastic comment about the male sex and how annoying they are to me, but hey, arguing with guys is only half the fun. Yup, I wish I had a brother two but my mother was blessed with three girls and unfortunately, I'm the one in the middle, which sucks! Dude, I have no idea what Madison Avenue is but thanks!
Tararith: Muahahahahahha! And so you shall! Thank you!
Silken Silver Berries: I read your story and it was really great! I can't believe so many horrible things can happen to such a good person but that's life for ya! Okay, Ariane loves her sister and all but come on, you knew something like that what coming. Cherie isn't the most self-contained person out there. If making out were a school course, she would pass with straight A's. I love John too! And Smith is the best guy friend a girl could ask for! Unfortunately John and Smith drones are out of stock! Call back later. I know don't you just love that about English guys! That "love"? And about your brother, at least you have one! I have a little sister! Thanks a lot for reviewing on the trunk loads of stories that I have but I think I want to keep some of them on hold for a while. I mean I know what I want to do with them I just don't know how. Thanks again!
Enchanted Pink Jade: I know! I want an over protective brother too! Or just a brother in general would do! Jee, thanks! I'm happy it comes off as sounding real because if it didn't it would be bogus and I'd have to rewrite it and change things and mess everything up and feel really bad about myself and I'm just glad I don't have to come to that. Thanks for the compliment! I know but revising~~~~~~ grrrrrrr. I just don't like it is all. But since I must listen to what all have to say, it shall be done! It will be edited! And the grandpapa is undoubtedly crazy and calm but funny in an unknowing and indirect way. I have talent? YAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Aqua-angel: Yup! Girls just wanna have fun! Thanks for reviewing!
SAREK2007: Dude, it's not that hard to believe I mean my own mother gives me lectures about how we're all the same anyways, what's the point of getting weird over someone's naked beauty? Yeah, she's weird too.
i-like-music: thanks! Excitement is always good!
CHRISTIDI: merci! Dude I know that at least I didn't screw that up in French! I'm so proud of myself!
i-like-music: I love that you love it! Happy happy joy joy!
Norwegianne: Dude, if I mess up the spelling I am majorly sorry! And I know that I messed up the French a smidge but on my defense, school messes up my brain during the summer and I forget everything I learned from school the pervious year! I swear I know better French than that in fact, 95 average French student! Really! And thanks I never think my ideas are fairly interesting, fairly strange maybe but interesting, I haven't gotten that yet! Thanks again!
Weirdchicie: Gratzi! I would love to be surrounded by boys like that! Well, not like that, they'd have to be nicer and less self indulgent, not to mention less hormone driven! I'm glad you like it! I aim to please!
DestructionAndChaosAndNuclear: Firstly, I can't say the (ahem) word either! Yeah, I thought the fainting could do as the comedic part of the chapter, I mean you need at least one funny thing in each chapter right?! And you're not perverted, you're just aware of your feeling towards the male sex and the two other guys there, I'm betting you're a lot worse than she is anyways! Thanks for the review! Later!
Midnight Owl: Thank you ever so much! You really liked that? I thought that chapter sucked! And I wrote it! I'm pleased you think my story is "awesome" and I just hope you like this new chapter!
Raine0211: Sorry about college French sucking! My sister is in college and she says college in general sucks which just can't be true because I'm trying to get through with high school as fast as possible to get to college! Duh she's a virgin! I mean I am seriously not ready to explain or go through a sex scene right now! No thank you! And you will find out about Marcus soon enough, he is after all my man of mystery. Muahahahaha!
DayDreamer831: that'll do donkey, that'll do (it from shrek! I love that movie!!!!)
CHRISTIDI: No prob. I'll update it real soon, seriously. I mean I was writing and still am but I want the chapter to be a bit longer but I really will post it up, and soon.
UniqueT: Jesus Tiffany, and I thought I talked a lot! Its funny that you say that because last time it was J.K Rowling and this time its Judy Blume the only thing is, though they're famous writers, I don't really like them. I know, I know, you're totally insane over these people but they're just not my style. I didn't even see the connection between Cherie and Jinjin! That is sooooooooooo funny. I was seriously on the floor laughing when I read that! Zach is cool and I wish I had a John! Just like I wish I had a Gordo! And its funny you compare Marcus to Luc because everyone who reads my stuff says that at least one of the leading men remind them of Luc (now Lucas because I like that better). And finally... I have no idea what the hell our gym teachers do after school hours! I don't even wanna know, as far as I'm concerned, they don't exist outside of school!
Faith Elizabeth Grace: Yeah actually I have moved to another country. I was born in Brazil and lived there for seven years before coming to New York. Where you from? Thanks for the compliment!
Jenisita: I know, I know! There would seriously be major lawsuits but this is my screwed up world so Muahahahahah!
Litttle Mermaid: Smith is so sweet! And I wish I had a John for myself. I mean, here I am stuck with two sisters, one younger, one older, and it sure is no picnic! They are so incredibly mean to me. I mean, I'm getting decked by my older sister while my little sister is pointing and laughing, but you know what they say, sisterly love! Yeah, my little sister's cool sometimes.
Oh, and thanks for everyone else who reviewed and didn't kick my ass! Oh and if you wanted to kick my ass all I have to say is~~~~~~~~~~~~ anger management. It's not just a good movie. And you seriously need it if you got all bent out of shape over a story. Besides, I already almost get myself decked. Little people with big mouths should not be allowed of their houses, safety procedure, you understand. Heck, I'd be safer that way. I talk too much for my own good.
Anyways, thanks for the review and don't be afraid to write another one, you know cause it's fun, and brings joy into your lives, and~~~~~~~~~~` you know you wanna! Thanks again!
"What the HELL do you MEAN she CAN'T GO HOME?!" John bellowed at grandpapa from the other side of his huge worktable. I shuddered from his tone of voice. Where was his respect for the old man? The last time I had been in grandpapa's office I had yelled too but out of frustration and that in itself made quite a difference to what John was doing now. He was yelling, nay, demanding an answer from him.
I had learned when I was younger when and when not to talk like that to someone, especially when it came to my elders. Michael, mom's second husband, and my father had taught me that. Unfortunately, he was an angry man who enjoyed going out late to play poker or cards with his friends, using my mother's money or taking long business trips to get away from us kids. One day my mother had to go out and that just left John, Cherie, and me with him. I was seven at the time and John ten. This happened to be during my "vocabulary" phase, when I would use a new word that I had heard my friends say earlier for the entire day. Unfortunately, the word for that day was one I never heard before, asshole, to be exact. Doubtless to say, my father did not like my language and slapped my mouth, bringing me to tears, before telling me to respect my elders and never say that word again. After that day, I have always been afraid of cursing or miss using my manners.
"Jonathan sit down before I make you sit down!" grandpapa warned, his voice on a dangerous edge.
"Fine!" John yelled before taking a seat and slumping down his arms crossed as if he were a child who had just lost his favorite toy, angry at the world. I looked at John sitting next to me, still huffing about grandpapa's threat. I was surprised John has let the name slide. Only his father called him Jonathan and there was no one and I mean no one John hated more than his father.
"The truth of the matter is that she can't go home to Nicolle because this is technically her new home now. If she is sick, she goes back to her dorm. Besides, it will give her a chance to meet Jackie and what a nice young man he is!" grandpapa beamed.
"What do you mean this is TECHNICALLY her new home?" he asked suspiciously.
"I thought your mother had informed you. You are all going to moving into the dorms we have here for you." Grandpapa answered. At this is saw John's eyes widen with anger his ears turner redder than even before when he was in the gym. Oh my, this was not good. John took a breath and went outside of the office. Grandpapa looked at me not understanding what was going on when I walked out side and closed the door behind me.
"STUPID OLD FART!" John yelled as he punched the fourth locker, leaving a dent in it like he had done to the others before that.
"John don't worry about it. I'll just go to my dorm and everything will be fine. I'm sure he'll probably place you in the room next to mine or something. You really need to calm down. Your ears are the reddest I have ever seen!" I joked, as a small smile came upon his face.
"Fine. You go and I'll get back to class but I'll be checking up on you, don't worry." John said, putting a lose strand behind my ear. I smiled as he walked away. I know what you're thinking. John is so cool and so wonderful and I wish I had a brother like John but trust me, you really wouldn't want one. He's like a portable parent, always on your back making sure that anyone "unsuitable for you" is at least 10 mile's walking distance of me.
When I was younger, I had actually had a boyfriend, and the only one since then. Now first, you must understand that I did not go out with this boy because I really truly had a major crush on him, oh no, I dated him for my mother. You see, when I first turned thirteen, my mother became worried that I had not yet had a boyfriend. This only lead to my mother's annoying, taunting question of "are you sure you like boys"? I'm not sure how many people would take this from their mothers but I simply rolled my eyes at her and replied, "Yes mother, I am sure I like boys". Right, well, this boy's name was Andrew. Andrew was very "cute" and everyone wanted to date him, I swear, people even dedicated diaries to the poor boy and of course, I had not paid any attention to him at all. This made him become curious about me and ask me out. With the pressure my mother was giving me and Zach's new girlfriend, I said yes. I shook my head as I made my way to the dorm. Man this was going to be a complete nightmare!
"Hello!" someone said from behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks and was hesitant to look around. What if it was Bradley? Again? I sighed and turned, against my better judgment to find the familiar friendly face of Smith.
"Jeez! Don't do that! I thought you were Bradley or something!" I shrieked as Smith laughed at my remark.
"You are so incredibly paranoid! He's not stalking you or anything!" he said with a laugh. I glared at him. Well I'm glad someone found my pain amusing! I mean I was being chased by some totally public perv and Smith was here laughing about it?! GAHHHHH! Today was not my day, and in case I did not make this perfectly clear, I blame my grandpapa! This is so all his fault!
"I am not paranoid! Besides, what are you doing here anyways? Aren't you supposed by in class?" I badgered. To this he groaned. Yay!
"I'm ditching." He told me with a shrug.
"Ditching? My, my, Smith, you don't seem like a ditcher to me." I told him being honest. He seemed very into getting good grades and never missing class. Well, I was like that too but then again, I was paranoid and a perfectionist, according to John. And this was someone who would do his homework once a week!
Seriously, last year he passed all of his classes with an eighty-five, and not because he was stupid, oh no, he tutored me for all of my advanced classes and still managed to excel in sports. John wasn't slow, he was lazy as was Cherie who would bat her eyes at our male teachers and achieve a seventy. I mean, here I am struggling to keep up a ninety average to keep my poor mother a least a little bit sane while both of my sibling find their way around the scholastic education system! How I feel for my mom, I am her only hope of having a semi-normal child, pathetic.
"I'm not a ditcher but you're a bad influence, you know that." He told me with a smile.
"ME?! Are you joking?! I am not! I am well behaved and stuff." I said not knowing how to respond.
"Yeah right." He said with a loud laugh that only made me smile.
"But hey what are you doing tomorrow?" he asked me. Tomorrow? I don't know, maybe going to school?
"What do you mean?" I asked not exactly sure what he was talking about.
"Tomorrow is Saturday." He told me trying to make sure the word Saturday rang a bell. Wait, tomorrow, Saturday, I should have checked up on this time difference thing!
"I don't know. What are you doing?" I asked, not wanting to show that I just had a total blonde moment.
"I'm going to check out a movie, wanna come?" he asked as we walked up the stairs and finally got off on the second floor.
"Are you sneaking out of here or something?" I asked. Can you say "another blonde moment"?
"Jeez, Ariane, we're not prisoners. Sure they don't let us out on the weekdays but we're free to go on weekends." He told me as I nodded. I knew that.
"What kinda movie is it?" I asked following him as he looked down at the paper with my room number and then looked up at the door to check where my room was.
"It's a horror movie. It's really cool! There's ghost of a little girl who keep luring people into this house and they all keep dying until this boy comes in with his class trip and he tries to help her move on. Like I said, it's really cool!" he said excitement flowing out of him. I nodded not quite sure myself. I mean, have you ever seen me in a scary movie?! It's not pretty. There's pulling and grabbing and trying to hide behind people, yeah I know, I'm a total blonde ditz when it comes to scary movies but at least I don't do it on purpose! Cherie, the manipulator of young men and boys alike, does it just for the touching. I swear!
"Oh my gosh! Don't go in there! Ahhhh!" she would scream throwing herself in Zach. I mean, I would be on the other side of the couch, squeezing the life out of one of my mother's feathered pillows in pure and shear fright while Cherie would cling to the guy of my total and absolute affection for pure enjoyment. Man I'm a moron!
"Hey, Ariane, you still there?" Smith asked waving his hand in my face, waking me up from my daydream.
"Yeah I'm still here." I answered not sure what the last thing he said was.
"So are you going?" he asked me to which I nodded. I walked after him looking down at my shoes. We continued walking up the stairs and then finally the escalation ended. This reminded me of my old basement, or John's new/old workout room. I used to feel like I had to walk a thousand miles to get to the first floor.
"Huh?" I asked, waking up as I bumped into Smith in front of me.
"You don't pay attention very much, do you?" Smith asked, a lob-sided grin on his face.
"Yeah, I'm bound to wander this earth as a daydreamer." I answered as he shook his head shook, smile still in place.
"You're hopeless." He answered as he knocked on the door in front of us lightly.
"So who's your roommate anyways?" Smith asked, giving up on knocking.
"Some dude named Jackie." I answered leaning on the doorpost.
"Dude?" he asked. I smile. So I wasn't the only one who thought we were speaking completely different languages.
"Guy." I answered.
"Wait, hold on, just a second, you're rooming with a guy?" he asked, unbelievably.
"Unfortunately, who do you think I was going to be rooming with, a pink bunny?" I asked sarcastically.
"Well hey, if you don't feel comfortable with this guy you could always room with me." He suggested as a smile came to my face. Yay! I guess that wouldn't be so bad. I mean, sure I met Smith today but he was a great guy and he was already my friend, I mean, did I really want to be rooming with some guy I didn't even know? The answered to that, ladies and gentlemen, is~~~~~ HELL'S NO! Then a thought dawned on me.
"I'm not sure my-your headmaster would agree with the idea." I told him, biting my lip. Okay, here comes the logic. I would be better if I roomed with Smith because I know him, because he only wants to be my friend and, sure he's a guy but he is kinda sweet and funny so-damn grandpapa! If it weren't for him I wouldn't have to be making this stupid decision in the first place anyways! I took a deep breath and sighed. MY LIFE SUCKED!
"Do you want me to try knocking again?" Smith asked me.
"No that's okay. I guess I'll just hanging about, far, far away from Bradley." I answered as he gave a soft chuckle.
"What are you going to do about YOUR roommate?" I asked as I started towards the staircase.
"Oh, I don't have one. There was an odd number and some students were either kicked out or went away or all of the above and this is one of the only raffles I have every won." He answered.
"Cool." I said as we descended the staircase.
"Hey you wanna check out the room?" he asked with excitement. I smiled at his eagerness and nodded happily.
"Okay! But it's a long walk. I'm on the other side of the campus." He explained, the excitement still in his voice as I nodded again. Maybe I would actually have fun here and Cherie would get everyone off my back and it would really be fine.
We walked around the courtyard together, the birds actually chirping on a cold autumn day, the fountain in the middle of the courtyard running beautifully. Suddenly a yellow strip could my eye. Huh?
"Hey Ariane, what are you doing?" Smith asked me over his shoulder, once he had noticed I was no longer following.
"I just saw this sigh~~~~~" I started as he stood behind me and brought his attention to the yellow paper on the bulletin board.
"Band auditions?" he asked in surprise.
"Why do you find that so surprising?!" I asked him, my voice showing some irritation.
"Well a band~~~~~~~ and~~~~~~~ you~~~~~~~ just~~~~~~~ I mean~~~~~~ you just don't look like a rocker girl okay!?" he asked in frustration.
"Gosh, is that all you English boys play, rock?" I asked in surprise. Who would have thought? Guys with incredibly adorable accents and they still played rock music. Call me dumb but I would have they would have played something more cultured, like classical music or something.
"Listen I may be English but we still have style chick. It's not like we listen to classical Mozart all the time or something. Anyways, what do you know about rock?" he asked me. Rock music? Are you joking me?! I knew absolutely nothing about that garbage. Music? Hah!
"Absolutely nothing, actually." I answered with a laugh.
"Then how do you expect to sing in a band, wait, can you even sing?" he asked me. Hey, what was with the interrogation? I sighed, jeez.
"Yeah, sure I can. Everyone can sing Smith." I answered. I saw him sigh and my brows furrowed into a frown. What was going on?
"Um Smith, what's with this all about?" I asked. A sudden grin came upon his face.
"Well, chick, you're looking at an experienced base player. I'm trying to get into the band too. They play in all the good pubs in town and are really good with the ladies." He said wagging his brows up and down. I rolled my eyes and shook my head with laughter. Even with Smith the male ego won and got the better of him.
"You have no shame." I answered, unable to control my laughter.
"Not a one." He answered with a nod. Suddenly the school bell rang.
"Oh no! Bradley!" I gasped, seeing him talking to his friends, his back turned towards me. This was not good!
"Hey Ariane, follow me!" Smith yelled as he suddenly grabbed my hand and sped in the direction we were going before seeing the band audition paper, towards his room. We sped by numerous faces, one that I found incredibly funny. Let me paint you a picture. John, eyes wide, mouth dropped to the floor, watching some guy haul me into some place that he didn't know about. It was priceless. Suddenly I saw another familiar face come into view. I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him along for a ride.
"A-------r--------ia--------ne! What----------are------------you--------do-- ---ing!" he yelled as I laughed, wildly being pulled by Smith.
"We're all going to Smith's room." I yelled back as we finally stopped.
"What------------------did-----------------you-----------------say?" Rynald asked between giant breaths. He was bent over, both hands on his knees.
"I said we're going to Smith's room." I answered.
"But I'm missing French!" he practically yelled at me. I smiled; at least there was one class I would pass without having to do any work for. Damn Cherie and her beautiful straight blond hair!
"Oh so you'll miss one class. Big whoop!" I said jokingly.
"But I'm falling behind~~~~~~~~~~~" Rynald started.
"Hah! Told you, you were a bad influence." Smith accused with a laugh as I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Rynald.
"Look, if you're really having trouble with it, I'll help you." I answered.
"Are you good?" he asked.
"Are you joking, practically all of my family is French. Where else would someone come up with dumb names like Simone and Ariane?" I asked annoyed. What was wrong with my mother? Couldn't she have thought of something better? And why had my father let her commit this absolute crime against me? The only answer is~~~~~~~~~~ the 60's people did weird drugs; I guess the effects never went away. That had to be it. There could seriously be no other practical explanation.
"Simone?" Smith asked.
"Yeah. That's my name." I answered with a sigh.
"Ahahahaha!" he began to wail doubling over in laughter. I glared at him. Grrrrrrrrrr!
"I think it's a nice name." Rynald commented. I think I might have actually growled at him at that moment. I hate my name. Personally, I would have picked Mustafa over Simone or Ariane.
"How much do you want?" Rynald asked me, his heads in his pockets. Okay, was I the only one confused here?
"Huh?" I asked his as his hands emerged from his pocket with foreign bills.
"Oh! No, no. I don't need money, gosh, don't you English people ever help each other because you're friends?" I asked with soft laughter.
"Friend? Really?" he asked, his eyes shining.
"Well duh!" I answered a huge smile on my face.
"Okay, can we go in now or what?" Smith asked, annoyance blatant in his voice.
"You seriously need to be patient." I suggested.
"No Time!" he yelled like a mad man as we walked down the hall of the dorm house.
"Um, I was jut wondering, how come your dorm house is bigger then mine? My-your headmaster better not have done it because I'm a girl." I said thinking about if it was even possible for my grandpapa to do that to me because I was a girl. Of course not, he like me well enough, he would never do that to me. I hoped.
"Well of course it's bigger, it's the newest dorm house on campus. It's the Churchill dorm. It has the most unorthodox location in the entire campus and most of the residents in here are either academically inclined or declined. They though mixing us together might help everyone." He explained information flowing out of him like it was the most natural thing.
"How do you know all this anyways?" I asked.
"It just so happens that I am an honor student and this is my dorm house." He said his chin raising, pride obviously welling in him.
"That's so unfair! You're both in the same dorm house?!" I asked annoyed. If course both of my new friends who were becoming better friends already had the same dorm room and here I was, rooming with some guy I didn't know. Someone was terribly against me! Ughhhhhhhhhh!
"You might be rooming in the same dorm house you know." Smith put in as I nodded. I was right. Now all I had to do was convince grandpapa that it was okay. Maybe he would be a little upset because he practically hand picked Jackie himself. Too bad for him, no one told him to put me in this position to begin with.
"Are we there yet?" I whined.
"Yeah, we're here." Smith said with a sigh. He opened the door and I went in. It was so big! There were two beds with a drawer between them. There was a television and for some reason a game system. I looked up at Smith and saw him smile.
"Entertainment." He answered. I stared at the television again and noticed that there was a lot more than just the game system. There was a DVD player, a VCR and good knows what else attached to that TV. I looked back at him with a questioning look.
"And a whole lot of it." I answered and she gave me a clown smile and a shrug. There was one bathroom, a closet, and a desk. I guess we could share. I had been sharing everything with Cherie, no wait let me rephrase that, I had been getting everything stolen from me by Cherie before I moved here so this wouldn't be a big change.
"When do I move in?" I asked happily.
"Great no all we have to do is ask your grandfather if you can move in." said Smith on or way back to the inner courtyard.
"How'd you know?" I asked with surprise.
"Your brother told me after you fainted. He scares me." Smith told me. And he should be scared. John was the biggest overprotective "parent" in the world. I couldn't believe he told! He definitely couldn't keep a secret! That's it! There goes me telling him anything in the future!
"Yeah now all we have to do is ask him." I said unsure.
"Hey Smith!" someone called from behind us. We all turned around and saw someone come towards us.
"Hey Cameron! What is it?" he asked waiting for the other guy to get to us.
"Well I was just walking around going to my Bio class~~~~~~" he said taking another breath.
"Right." Smith said, motioning for him to go on.
"And the weirdest thing happened. I thought I saw a girl walked around and- ah! Who are you?" he asked as he finally caught notice of me.
"Hey, I'm Ariane." I answered holding out my hand.
"Cameron." He answered shaking it was a smile.
"Yeah, I kind of already know about the whole, 'there's a girl in our school?' fiasco." Smith said nonchalantly.
"That's funny. You don't look like the girl I saw." He saw squinting at me.
"And guess what? You're talking to my new mate!" Smith said putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into my side.
"No way!" Cameron said in disbelief.
"Wait, if you didn't see Ariane, than who did you see?" Rynald asked.
"Ariane! Hey! I'm here a little earlier than I thought!" someone said coming towards me. I squinted to get a better look. Great! It was Cherie! Yay! Now everyone would get off my back. I squinted again and saw~~~~~~~~
"Oh no, Bradley." I groaned.
Tada! I finished and my computer didn't break on me, yay! Yeah so now Smith is her new roommate and friend. Wonder what kind of relationship and tension they'll develop. Not to mention the fact that we still have Marcus to think about. Cherie's now in the picture and Bradley is coming over to her to say or do god knows what. If I were in this situation, I would seriously do more than faint. Thanks for reading, don't forget to review, and laterz!
My Works 87: I know Marcus sounds perfect! Now, if only she would go talk to him! And it's a great idea to have Cherie hook up with Smith. Maybe she'll get some brains after all! And I don't know what I'm going to do about Zach yet but I will definitely use him in the future, you can count on it! I am so happy my story has you thinking! I'm guessing that means I'm making progress to "YAY!"
StarsignLeo: You have no idea how much I agree with you about the male ego thing! I swear to you I have more than a thousand annoy and sarcastic comment about the male sex and how annoying they are to me, but hey, arguing with guys is only half the fun. Yup, I wish I had a brother two but my mother was blessed with three girls and unfortunately, I'm the one in the middle, which sucks! Dude, I have no idea what Madison Avenue is but thanks!
Tararith: Muahahahahahha! And so you shall! Thank you!
Silken Silver Berries: I read your story and it was really great! I can't believe so many horrible things can happen to such a good person but that's life for ya! Okay, Ariane loves her sister and all but come on, you knew something like that what coming. Cherie isn't the most self-contained person out there. If making out were a school course, she would pass with straight A's. I love John too! And Smith is the best guy friend a girl could ask for! Unfortunately John and Smith drones are out of stock! Call back later. I know don't you just love that about English guys! That "love"? And about your brother, at least you have one! I have a little sister! Thanks a lot for reviewing on the trunk loads of stories that I have but I think I want to keep some of them on hold for a while. I mean I know what I want to do with them I just don't know how. Thanks again!
Enchanted Pink Jade: I know! I want an over protective brother too! Or just a brother in general would do! Jee, thanks! I'm happy it comes off as sounding real because if it didn't it would be bogus and I'd have to rewrite it and change things and mess everything up and feel really bad about myself and I'm just glad I don't have to come to that. Thanks for the compliment! I know but revising~~~~~~ grrrrrrr. I just don't like it is all. But since I must listen to what all have to say, it shall be done! It will be edited! And the grandpapa is undoubtedly crazy and calm but funny in an unknowing and indirect way. I have talent? YAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
Aqua-angel: Yup! Girls just wanna have fun! Thanks for reviewing!
SAREK2007: Dude, it's not that hard to believe I mean my own mother gives me lectures about how we're all the same anyways, what's the point of getting weird over someone's naked beauty? Yeah, she's weird too.
i-like-music: thanks! Excitement is always good!
CHRISTIDI: merci! Dude I know that at least I didn't screw that up in French! I'm so proud of myself!
i-like-music: I love that you love it! Happy happy joy joy!
Norwegianne: Dude, if I mess up the spelling I am majorly sorry! And I know that I messed up the French a smidge but on my defense, school messes up my brain during the summer and I forget everything I learned from school the pervious year! I swear I know better French than that in fact, 95 average French student! Really! And thanks I never think my ideas are fairly interesting, fairly strange maybe but interesting, I haven't gotten that yet! Thanks again!
Weirdchicie: Gratzi! I would love to be surrounded by boys like that! Well, not like that, they'd have to be nicer and less self indulgent, not to mention less hormone driven! I'm glad you like it! I aim to please!
DestructionAndChaosAndNuclear: Firstly, I can't say the (ahem) word either! Yeah, I thought the fainting could do as the comedic part of the chapter, I mean you need at least one funny thing in each chapter right?! And you're not perverted, you're just aware of your feeling towards the male sex and the two other guys there, I'm betting you're a lot worse than she is anyways! Thanks for the review! Later!
Midnight Owl: Thank you ever so much! You really liked that? I thought that chapter sucked! And I wrote it! I'm pleased you think my story is "awesome" and I just hope you like this new chapter!
Raine0211: Sorry about college French sucking! My sister is in college and she says college in general sucks which just can't be true because I'm trying to get through with high school as fast as possible to get to college! Duh she's a virgin! I mean I am seriously not ready to explain or go through a sex scene right now! No thank you! And you will find out about Marcus soon enough, he is after all my man of mystery. Muahahahaha!
DayDreamer831: that'll do donkey, that'll do (it from shrek! I love that movie!!!!)
CHRISTIDI: No prob. I'll update it real soon, seriously. I mean I was writing and still am but I want the chapter to be a bit longer but I really will post it up, and soon.
UniqueT: Jesus Tiffany, and I thought I talked a lot! Its funny that you say that because last time it was J.K Rowling and this time its Judy Blume the only thing is, though they're famous writers, I don't really like them. I know, I know, you're totally insane over these people but they're just not my style. I didn't even see the connection between Cherie and Jinjin! That is sooooooooooo funny. I was seriously on the floor laughing when I read that! Zach is cool and I wish I had a John! Just like I wish I had a Gordo! And its funny you compare Marcus to Luc because everyone who reads my stuff says that at least one of the leading men remind them of Luc (now Lucas because I like that better). And finally... I have no idea what the hell our gym teachers do after school hours! I don't even wanna know, as far as I'm concerned, they don't exist outside of school!
Faith Elizabeth Grace: Yeah actually I have moved to another country. I was born in Brazil and lived there for seven years before coming to New York. Where you from? Thanks for the compliment!
Jenisita: I know, I know! There would seriously be major lawsuits but this is my screwed up world so Muahahahahah!
Litttle Mermaid: Smith is so sweet! And I wish I had a John for myself. I mean, here I am stuck with two sisters, one younger, one older, and it sure is no picnic! They are so incredibly mean to me. I mean, I'm getting decked by my older sister while my little sister is pointing and laughing, but you know what they say, sisterly love! Yeah, my little sister's cool sometimes.
Oh, and thanks for everyone else who reviewed and didn't kick my ass! Oh and if you wanted to kick my ass all I have to say is~~~~~~~~~~~~ anger management. It's not just a good movie. And you seriously need it if you got all bent out of shape over a story. Besides, I already almost get myself decked. Little people with big mouths should not be allowed of their houses, safety procedure, you understand. Heck, I'd be safer that way. I talk too much for my own good.
Anyways, thanks for the review and don't be afraid to write another one, you know cause it's fun, and brings joy into your lives, and~~~~~~~~~~` you know you wanna! Thanks again!
"What the HELL do you MEAN she CAN'T GO HOME?!" John bellowed at grandpapa from the other side of his huge worktable. I shuddered from his tone of voice. Where was his respect for the old man? The last time I had been in grandpapa's office I had yelled too but out of frustration and that in itself made quite a difference to what John was doing now. He was yelling, nay, demanding an answer from him.
I had learned when I was younger when and when not to talk like that to someone, especially when it came to my elders. Michael, mom's second husband, and my father had taught me that. Unfortunately, he was an angry man who enjoyed going out late to play poker or cards with his friends, using my mother's money or taking long business trips to get away from us kids. One day my mother had to go out and that just left John, Cherie, and me with him. I was seven at the time and John ten. This happened to be during my "vocabulary" phase, when I would use a new word that I had heard my friends say earlier for the entire day. Unfortunately, the word for that day was one I never heard before, asshole, to be exact. Doubtless to say, my father did not like my language and slapped my mouth, bringing me to tears, before telling me to respect my elders and never say that word again. After that day, I have always been afraid of cursing or miss using my manners.
"Jonathan sit down before I make you sit down!" grandpapa warned, his voice on a dangerous edge.
"Fine!" John yelled before taking a seat and slumping down his arms crossed as if he were a child who had just lost his favorite toy, angry at the world. I looked at John sitting next to me, still huffing about grandpapa's threat. I was surprised John has let the name slide. Only his father called him Jonathan and there was no one and I mean no one John hated more than his father.
"The truth of the matter is that she can't go home to Nicolle because this is technically her new home now. If she is sick, she goes back to her dorm. Besides, it will give her a chance to meet Jackie and what a nice young man he is!" grandpapa beamed.
"What do you mean this is TECHNICALLY her new home?" he asked suspiciously.
"I thought your mother had informed you. You are all going to moving into the dorms we have here for you." Grandpapa answered. At this is saw John's eyes widen with anger his ears turner redder than even before when he was in the gym. Oh my, this was not good. John took a breath and went outside of the office. Grandpapa looked at me not understanding what was going on when I walked out side and closed the door behind me.
"STUPID OLD FART!" John yelled as he punched the fourth locker, leaving a dent in it like he had done to the others before that.
"John don't worry about it. I'll just go to my dorm and everything will be fine. I'm sure he'll probably place you in the room next to mine or something. You really need to calm down. Your ears are the reddest I have ever seen!" I joked, as a small smile came upon his face.
"Fine. You go and I'll get back to class but I'll be checking up on you, don't worry." John said, putting a lose strand behind my ear. I smiled as he walked away. I know what you're thinking. John is so cool and so wonderful and I wish I had a brother like John but trust me, you really wouldn't want one. He's like a portable parent, always on your back making sure that anyone "unsuitable for you" is at least 10 mile's walking distance of me.
When I was younger, I had actually had a boyfriend, and the only one since then. Now first, you must understand that I did not go out with this boy because I really truly had a major crush on him, oh no, I dated him for my mother. You see, when I first turned thirteen, my mother became worried that I had not yet had a boyfriend. This only lead to my mother's annoying, taunting question of "are you sure you like boys"? I'm not sure how many people would take this from their mothers but I simply rolled my eyes at her and replied, "Yes mother, I am sure I like boys". Right, well, this boy's name was Andrew. Andrew was very "cute" and everyone wanted to date him, I swear, people even dedicated diaries to the poor boy and of course, I had not paid any attention to him at all. This made him become curious about me and ask me out. With the pressure my mother was giving me and Zach's new girlfriend, I said yes. I shook my head as I made my way to the dorm. Man this was going to be a complete nightmare!
"Hello!" someone said from behind me. I stopped dead in my tracks and was hesitant to look around. What if it was Bradley? Again? I sighed and turned, against my better judgment to find the familiar friendly face of Smith.
"Jeez! Don't do that! I thought you were Bradley or something!" I shrieked as Smith laughed at my remark.
"You are so incredibly paranoid! He's not stalking you or anything!" he said with a laugh. I glared at him. Well I'm glad someone found my pain amusing! I mean I was being chased by some totally public perv and Smith was here laughing about it?! GAHHHHH! Today was not my day, and in case I did not make this perfectly clear, I blame my grandpapa! This is so all his fault!
"I am not paranoid! Besides, what are you doing here anyways? Aren't you supposed by in class?" I badgered. To this he groaned. Yay!
"I'm ditching." He told me with a shrug.
"Ditching? My, my, Smith, you don't seem like a ditcher to me." I told him being honest. He seemed very into getting good grades and never missing class. Well, I was like that too but then again, I was paranoid and a perfectionist, according to John. And this was someone who would do his homework once a week!
Seriously, last year he passed all of his classes with an eighty-five, and not because he was stupid, oh no, he tutored me for all of my advanced classes and still managed to excel in sports. John wasn't slow, he was lazy as was Cherie who would bat her eyes at our male teachers and achieve a seventy. I mean, here I am struggling to keep up a ninety average to keep my poor mother a least a little bit sane while both of my sibling find their way around the scholastic education system! How I feel for my mom, I am her only hope of having a semi-normal child, pathetic.
"I'm not a ditcher but you're a bad influence, you know that." He told me with a smile.
"ME?! Are you joking?! I am not! I am well behaved and stuff." I said not knowing how to respond.
"Yeah right." He said with a loud laugh that only made me smile.
"But hey what are you doing tomorrow?" he asked me. Tomorrow? I don't know, maybe going to school?
"What do you mean?" I asked not exactly sure what he was talking about.
"Tomorrow is Saturday." He told me trying to make sure the word Saturday rang a bell. Wait, tomorrow, Saturday, I should have checked up on this time difference thing!
"I don't know. What are you doing?" I asked, not wanting to show that I just had a total blonde moment.
"I'm going to check out a movie, wanna come?" he asked as we walked up the stairs and finally got off on the second floor.
"Are you sneaking out of here or something?" I asked. Can you say "another blonde moment"?
"Jeez, Ariane, we're not prisoners. Sure they don't let us out on the weekdays but we're free to go on weekends." He told me as I nodded. I knew that.
"What kinda movie is it?" I asked following him as he looked down at the paper with my room number and then looked up at the door to check where my room was.
"It's a horror movie. It's really cool! There's ghost of a little girl who keep luring people into this house and they all keep dying until this boy comes in with his class trip and he tries to help her move on. Like I said, it's really cool!" he said excitement flowing out of him. I nodded not quite sure myself. I mean, have you ever seen me in a scary movie?! It's not pretty. There's pulling and grabbing and trying to hide behind people, yeah I know, I'm a total blonde ditz when it comes to scary movies but at least I don't do it on purpose! Cherie, the manipulator of young men and boys alike, does it just for the touching. I swear!
"Oh my gosh! Don't go in there! Ahhhh!" she would scream throwing herself in Zach. I mean, I would be on the other side of the couch, squeezing the life out of one of my mother's feathered pillows in pure and shear fright while Cherie would cling to the guy of my total and absolute affection for pure enjoyment. Man I'm a moron!
"Hey, Ariane, you still there?" Smith asked waving his hand in my face, waking me up from my daydream.
"Yeah I'm still here." I answered not sure what the last thing he said was.
"So are you going?" he asked me to which I nodded. I walked after him looking down at my shoes. We continued walking up the stairs and then finally the escalation ended. This reminded me of my old basement, or John's new/old workout room. I used to feel like I had to walk a thousand miles to get to the first floor.
"Huh?" I asked, waking up as I bumped into Smith in front of me.
"You don't pay attention very much, do you?" Smith asked, a lob-sided grin on his face.
"Yeah, I'm bound to wander this earth as a daydreamer." I answered as he shook his head shook, smile still in place.
"You're hopeless." He answered as he knocked on the door in front of us lightly.
"So who's your roommate anyways?" Smith asked, giving up on knocking.
"Some dude named Jackie." I answered leaning on the doorpost.
"Dude?" he asked. I smile. So I wasn't the only one who thought we were speaking completely different languages.
"Guy." I answered.
"Wait, hold on, just a second, you're rooming with a guy?" he asked, unbelievably.
"Unfortunately, who do you think I was going to be rooming with, a pink bunny?" I asked sarcastically.
"Well hey, if you don't feel comfortable with this guy you could always room with me." He suggested as a smile came to my face. Yay! I guess that wouldn't be so bad. I mean, sure I met Smith today but he was a great guy and he was already my friend, I mean, did I really want to be rooming with some guy I didn't even know? The answered to that, ladies and gentlemen, is~~~~~ HELL'S NO! Then a thought dawned on me.
"I'm not sure my-your headmaster would agree with the idea." I told him, biting my lip. Okay, here comes the logic. I would be better if I roomed with Smith because I know him, because he only wants to be my friend and, sure he's a guy but he is kinda sweet and funny so-damn grandpapa! If it weren't for him I wouldn't have to be making this stupid decision in the first place anyways! I took a deep breath and sighed. MY LIFE SUCKED!
"Do you want me to try knocking again?" Smith asked me.
"No that's okay. I guess I'll just hanging about, far, far away from Bradley." I answered as he gave a soft chuckle.
"What are you going to do about YOUR roommate?" I asked as I started towards the staircase.
"Oh, I don't have one. There was an odd number and some students were either kicked out or went away or all of the above and this is one of the only raffles I have every won." He answered.
"Cool." I said as we descended the staircase.
"Hey you wanna check out the room?" he asked with excitement. I smiled at his eagerness and nodded happily.
"Okay! But it's a long walk. I'm on the other side of the campus." He explained, the excitement still in his voice as I nodded again. Maybe I would actually have fun here and Cherie would get everyone off my back and it would really be fine.
We walked around the courtyard together, the birds actually chirping on a cold autumn day, the fountain in the middle of the courtyard running beautifully. Suddenly a yellow strip could my eye. Huh?
"Hey Ariane, what are you doing?" Smith asked me over his shoulder, once he had noticed I was no longer following.
"I just saw this sigh~~~~~" I started as he stood behind me and brought his attention to the yellow paper on the bulletin board.
"Band auditions?" he asked in surprise.
"Why do you find that so surprising?!" I asked him, my voice showing some irritation.
"Well a band~~~~~~~ and~~~~~~~ you~~~~~~~ just~~~~~~~ I mean~~~~~~ you just don't look like a rocker girl okay!?" he asked in frustration.
"Gosh, is that all you English boys play, rock?" I asked in surprise. Who would have thought? Guys with incredibly adorable accents and they still played rock music. Call me dumb but I would have they would have played something more cultured, like classical music or something.
"Listen I may be English but we still have style chick. It's not like we listen to classical Mozart all the time or something. Anyways, what do you know about rock?" he asked me. Rock music? Are you joking me?! I knew absolutely nothing about that garbage. Music? Hah!
"Absolutely nothing, actually." I answered with a laugh.
"Then how do you expect to sing in a band, wait, can you even sing?" he asked me. Hey, what was with the interrogation? I sighed, jeez.
"Yeah, sure I can. Everyone can sing Smith." I answered. I saw him sigh and my brows furrowed into a frown. What was going on?
"Um Smith, what's with this all about?" I asked. A sudden grin came upon his face.
"Well, chick, you're looking at an experienced base player. I'm trying to get into the band too. They play in all the good pubs in town and are really good with the ladies." He said wagging his brows up and down. I rolled my eyes and shook my head with laughter. Even with Smith the male ego won and got the better of him.
"You have no shame." I answered, unable to control my laughter.
"Not a one." He answered with a nod. Suddenly the school bell rang.
"Oh no! Bradley!" I gasped, seeing him talking to his friends, his back turned towards me. This was not good!
"Hey Ariane, follow me!" Smith yelled as he suddenly grabbed my hand and sped in the direction we were going before seeing the band audition paper, towards his room. We sped by numerous faces, one that I found incredibly funny. Let me paint you a picture. John, eyes wide, mouth dropped to the floor, watching some guy haul me into some place that he didn't know about. It was priceless. Suddenly I saw another familiar face come into view. I grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him along for a ride.
"A-------r--------ia--------ne! What----------are------------you--------do-- ---ing!" he yelled as I laughed, wildly being pulled by Smith.
"We're all going to Smith's room." I yelled back as we finally stopped.
"What------------------did-----------------you-----------------say?" Rynald asked between giant breaths. He was bent over, both hands on his knees.
"I said we're going to Smith's room." I answered.
"But I'm missing French!" he practically yelled at me. I smiled; at least there was one class I would pass without having to do any work for. Damn Cherie and her beautiful straight blond hair!
"Oh so you'll miss one class. Big whoop!" I said jokingly.
"But I'm falling behind~~~~~~~~~~~" Rynald started.
"Hah! Told you, you were a bad influence." Smith accused with a laugh as I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Rynald.
"Look, if you're really having trouble with it, I'll help you." I answered.
"Are you good?" he asked.
"Are you joking, practically all of my family is French. Where else would someone come up with dumb names like Simone and Ariane?" I asked annoyed. What was wrong with my mother? Couldn't she have thought of something better? And why had my father let her commit this absolute crime against me? The only answer is~~~~~~~~~~ the 60's people did weird drugs; I guess the effects never went away. That had to be it. There could seriously be no other practical explanation.
"Simone?" Smith asked.
"Yeah. That's my name." I answered with a sigh.
"Ahahahaha!" he began to wail doubling over in laughter. I glared at him. Grrrrrrrrrr!
"I think it's a nice name." Rynald commented. I think I might have actually growled at him at that moment. I hate my name. Personally, I would have picked Mustafa over Simone or Ariane.
"How much do you want?" Rynald asked me, his heads in his pockets. Okay, was I the only one confused here?
"Huh?" I asked his as his hands emerged from his pocket with foreign bills.
"Oh! No, no. I don't need money, gosh, don't you English people ever help each other because you're friends?" I asked with soft laughter.
"Friend? Really?" he asked, his eyes shining.
"Well duh!" I answered a huge smile on my face.
"Okay, can we go in now or what?" Smith asked, annoyance blatant in his voice.
"You seriously need to be patient." I suggested.
"No Time!" he yelled like a mad man as we walked down the hall of the dorm house.
"Um, I was jut wondering, how come your dorm house is bigger then mine? My-your headmaster better not have done it because I'm a girl." I said thinking about if it was even possible for my grandpapa to do that to me because I was a girl. Of course not, he like me well enough, he would never do that to me. I hoped.
"Well of course it's bigger, it's the newest dorm house on campus. It's the Churchill dorm. It has the most unorthodox location in the entire campus and most of the residents in here are either academically inclined or declined. They though mixing us together might help everyone." He explained information flowing out of him like it was the most natural thing.
"How do you know all this anyways?" I asked.
"It just so happens that I am an honor student and this is my dorm house." He said his chin raising, pride obviously welling in him.
"That's so unfair! You're both in the same dorm house?!" I asked annoyed. If course both of my new friends who were becoming better friends already had the same dorm room and here I was, rooming with some guy I didn't know. Someone was terribly against me! Ughhhhhhhhhh!
"You might be rooming in the same dorm house you know." Smith put in as I nodded. I was right. Now all I had to do was convince grandpapa that it was okay. Maybe he would be a little upset because he practically hand picked Jackie himself. Too bad for him, no one told him to put me in this position to begin with.
"Are we there yet?" I whined.
"Yeah, we're here." Smith said with a sigh. He opened the door and I went in. It was so big! There were two beds with a drawer between them. There was a television and for some reason a game system. I looked up at Smith and saw him smile.
"Entertainment." He answered. I stared at the television again and noticed that there was a lot more than just the game system. There was a DVD player, a VCR and good knows what else attached to that TV. I looked back at him with a questioning look.
"And a whole lot of it." I answered and she gave me a clown smile and a shrug. There was one bathroom, a closet, and a desk. I guess we could share. I had been sharing everything with Cherie, no wait let me rephrase that, I had been getting everything stolen from me by Cherie before I moved here so this wouldn't be a big change.
"When do I move in?" I asked happily.
"Great no all we have to do is ask your grandfather if you can move in." said Smith on or way back to the inner courtyard.
"How'd you know?" I asked with surprise.
"Your brother told me after you fainted. He scares me." Smith told me. And he should be scared. John was the biggest overprotective "parent" in the world. I couldn't believe he told! He definitely couldn't keep a secret! That's it! There goes me telling him anything in the future!
"Yeah now all we have to do is ask him." I said unsure.
"Hey Smith!" someone called from behind us. We all turned around and saw someone come towards us.
"Hey Cameron! What is it?" he asked waiting for the other guy to get to us.
"Well I was just walking around going to my Bio class~~~~~~" he said taking another breath.
"Right." Smith said, motioning for him to go on.
"And the weirdest thing happened. I thought I saw a girl walked around and- ah! Who are you?" he asked as he finally caught notice of me.
"Hey, I'm Ariane." I answered holding out my hand.
"Cameron." He answered shaking it was a smile.
"Yeah, I kind of already know about the whole, 'there's a girl in our school?' fiasco." Smith said nonchalantly.
"That's funny. You don't look like the girl I saw." He saw squinting at me.
"And guess what? You're talking to my new mate!" Smith said putting an arm around my shoulder and pulling me into my side.
"No way!" Cameron said in disbelief.
"Wait, if you didn't see Ariane, than who did you see?" Rynald asked.
"Ariane! Hey! I'm here a little earlier than I thought!" someone said coming towards me. I squinted to get a better look. Great! It was Cherie! Yay! Now everyone would get off my back. I squinted again and saw~~~~~~~~
"Oh no, Bradley." I groaned.
Tada! I finished and my computer didn't break on me, yay! Yeah so now Smith is her new roommate and friend. Wonder what kind of relationship and tension they'll develop. Not to mention the fact that we still have Marcus to think about. Cherie's now in the picture and Bradley is coming over to her to say or do god knows what. If I were in this situation, I would seriously do more than faint. Thanks for reading, don't forget to review, and laterz!