Intro-Gwenna is just your average girl, in medieval times. The year is 1310, and Gwenna has always been facinated by knights, dragons, quests, and fighting. But her mother (her father is always gone, he's a knight for the king) makes her promise not to tell anyone. All because her mother thinks that if any one knew, no one would marry her. So, therefore, her mother would be 'humiliated' by having a daughter who wants to be a knight. And, Gwenna has brown, wavy hair, clear blue eyes, and fair skin. So, our story begins.
"Gwenna, it's time to get up," her mother hollers up the stairs.
"Coming," Gwenna yells as loud as she can. She (Gwenna) is 11 right now. She has no brothers, or sisters. Her father wanted a boy, to keep up the family tradition of knights. Gwenna wants to prove that she can be a knight too.
So every night, very late, she sneaks out of her house, and meets a 10 year old boy named Lorenen. He's like a brother to her. He teaches her archery, and sword play (he learned all of this long ago from his knight father). Gwenna knows that if her mother ever caught her doing this, she would be dead. But to her, it's worth the risk. Lorenen says that Gwenna is a natural. She got back even later than usual, she got so caught up in her sword. Gwenna had learned a lot last night.
Lorenen also says that she can learn how to sheild herself when she's 16. "It's kind of hard." He would say. "After I teach you, you can go on your 'quest'." He always tried to annoy her.
"I will go on my quest someday, you just wait and see!" Gwenna sounded stupid right now, but when she was actually leaving, it would make all the sense in the world. "I feel like I've told you this millions of times."
"Yes, but a young, little, learning warrior like yourself shouldn't moan and complain. You have to be tougher than that." Lorenen may be younger, but he is much more mature than Gwenna.
He's like an older brother she never had. He added, "You should know better than that Gwenna."
"Yes, I do but."
"No buts about it Gwenna," Lorenen interrupted.
"I'm tired of being interrupted, all I ever hear now is no buts about it Gwenna." She moaned once again.
"I already told you, don't moan and complain." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I think it's time for you to go home, it's really late."
Gwenna was almost sorry that she stayed up so late last night. She walked slowly down the stairs, still tired from last night.
"Why do you always look so sleepy Gwenna?" Her mother asked.
"I don't sleep to well, usually." Her mother should buy that story, hopefully.
"Maybe you should go to bed earlier, it's not healthy to get almost no sleep." Her mother was always worrying about nothing.
"No, no mother. I'm fine, I mean, atleast I'm able to walk." She joked around, but it didn't help matters at all.
"You shouldn't joke about things like that." Rika snapped (That's Gwenna's mother's name). "Listen, I need to tell you something. Gwenna, your father is finally coming home," She said happily. "He's been gone so long. I wish he didn't have to leave so much" Rika said.
"Maybe he'll finally teach me something." Gwenna said, doubtfully.
"Now Gwenna, you have to be a proper little lady. No going on quests and learning to do that dreadful sword." Rika snapped. When she wanted to, she had a very bad temper.
"But mother...,"
"No buts about it Gwenna," her mother said in an angry tone. Gwenna sighed. She thought to herself, 'I wish I was free to go on a quest without mother getting mad.'
"Well, atleast father can tell me about his journeys, every detail." Gwenna said, hopeful that her father would do atleast that for her.
"Now, why would a proper young girl want to hear about gory stories?" Her mother's eyebrow raised.
"They're interesting, I guess...." Gwenna trailed off.
"I don't want you to get ideas from his stories Gwenna." Rika said, in a tone of voice that was clear to Gwenna. Her mother was just about saying, 'I'll make sure he doesn't tell any stories.'
"Hurry up Gwenna, we have a store to open up!" Rika yelled as she headed for the door.
"Hold on, I'm almost done." Gwenna shovelled down the rest of her breakfast, threw on some clothes, and ran to the door. "You ready now?" Her mother obviously was slightly annoyed.
"Yes, I'm ready."
Hi. To most of you, this will be my 5th story. But, it really isn't. For a little history, in 5th grade, all of my friends were obsessed with writing stories (even now they are) and I started my very first story. But, after a couple pages written out on a journal, I gave up on it because I didn't like it. One night, when I was trying to go to sleep, I was thinking about a story I could write, and this one popped into my head. I thought of the names, plot, everything mostly in that night. This is my most planned out one too. I have atleast 4 different book series ideas for this particular story, counting this one. So, I hope you like it! And, you don't have to review it now, because its just chapter 1 and nothing really has happened, and nothing important will for a little while, but there r twists in each book, story, whateva so keep reading! But, your welcome to review it, that wuld be cool now that i think of it, so please review. Thanx! IM SORRY! its been 4ever since ive done anythin on this site, so i apologize. i was really busy last year, and now i just started high school 10th! i'll try 2 update more, but im gonna b quite busy this year. haha, my b-day is this wednesday..soo if u wanna send a email or sumthin haha ima dork that'd b awesome