
            I remember the carousel. Epitome of my childhood, it stood to my youthful eyes as a majestic wonder, a whirling myriad of cotton candy colors. I remember innocence, naïveté, happiness. I remember the horses, pretty ponies, bedecked with pink, carven flowers and fake jewels. A playland always shining in the unnatural colors of fantasy. Of happy imagination. I remember rushing through the line of waiting children, running to find that perfect pony, aesthetic and beautiful. Beneath me was not hardened plastic, but rather the warm, welcoming hide of a live animal, and the horse's painted mane danced silkily in the air as the ride twirled us around. I remember the colors of child-like laughter, a chorus of bells with sparkling gaiety spinning around and around in a blur of motion. Lights, shining white and pure, reflected in my dazzled eyes and shimmered even brighter than the sun, than my happiness. Elation. I remember smiles, breaking across my face and threatening to explode and fly away. Freedom. I smile again today, but its half-hearted effort stops midway, my eyes left empty. Bereft. The cheap, plastic carousel yet stands beside me, but now I turn away, walk into the unlit night and leave the past behind.

 (A/N: Yep. It's the standard 'oh crap I just realized that I'm not a kid anymore' elegy. Still, I had to write it. It jumped into my head of its own volition one day when, surprise surprise, I was waiting for my brothers to get off the carousel at a near-by themepark. It actually was then that the epiphany of my no longer being a child hit me - kind of staggering to me, but still, rather cliché. So yep, I wrote it down right then and there (much to the chagrin of my parents – I may not be a kid anymore but they still dictate my life), which is why, unfortunately, it isn't exactly the best thing I've ever written. Still, I didn't want to touch it again because, while it may not be the best, it is probably one of the sincerest things I've written in quite a while. Rightyo then. So, if you haven't already been repelled by the sappiness of what I've written, could you please review and tell me what you think?  Thanks!)