Masquerade of The Dead
Morning Glory and Half-light
Chapter#1 Stuck With me
~Catch me, as I fall
say your here and its all over now
speaking to the atmosphere
no one here and I fall into myself
this truth drives me into madness
I know I can stop the pain, if I will it all away
if I will it all away
don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die
I'm frightened by what I see
but somehow I know that there's much more to come
immobilized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
I can stop the pain if I will it all away
don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die
fallen angels at my feet
whispered voices at my ear
death before my eyes
lying next to me I fear
she beckons me, shall I give in?
upon my end shall I begin
forsaking all I've fallen for, I rise to meet the end~
."I've been trying to reach you all week. You don't understand, there is a price on my body. They are after me", I looked around cautiously.
"Where are you?" "A sewer, underneath their pathetic mall", I said quickly, "Syro, get me out of here".
"I can't-", suddenly the connection died. I whirled around in the dark, my keen hearing had caught something. Someone was coming, I could hear voices. I flattened myself against the wall, as a mob of people hurried by, clutching flashlights. "She's here somewhere", someone whispered.
"Man, when I get that money I'm going to spend it so fast". The person next to him laughed, "She's as good as dead".
I closed my eyes. It was true. An entire city, searching for me, just wanting to kill me. There was no way I would make it out of this. I clutched the small black cell phone in my hand. It slipped out of my grasp, suddenly, and fell to the ground. To me the noise sounded like an explosion. In a blurred movement I leaped to the ceiling and clung to the pipes. The mob of people hurried back, they were right underneath me. I felt a soft trickle of warmth crawl down my fingers. I glanced at it. Blood. I must have been sweating the blood. I tried to catch it with my other hand, but it fell too quickly and landed before their feet. They looked up and saw me. With a quiet hiss I leaped off the ceiling and landed gracefully on my feet, before them. My black leather cloak billowed behind me, as hot air blew from some large vents. They charged at me, screaming with rage. I jumped to the air, grasped the ceiling again. I arced my body, and slipped between the bars. I hissed again, and pounced at someone who directed a small gun at me. I bit into his neck, and tore at the flesh. He screamed in agony, and struggled. In a flash I flipped back, and landed on the shoulders of a huge man, holding a large pipe. The impact sent him to his knees. I removed a small but sharp dirk, from my belt and slit his throat. All the while, the mob, attempted to catch up to my rapid-blur of a body. I snatched a small idol from my belt. A palm sized skull, painted black, with pieces of wire shooting up from its scalp. I pulled the longest wire from the skull, and threw it at the mop. The small skull burst, and a green flood of floating toxin unfolded into the small sewer chamber. All who were exposed, breathed in one last ragged breath, and fell limp. I bared my fangs in disgust. And fled from the site.
"Where is she?", Hareth growled, staring at the television. He flipped the channel. 'Reports confirm she was last seen in a sewer 5 miles underneath the Sactrien Fortunus Mall, many have been scouting for the vampire, but many say she is almost as fast as light. We go live to Corey Merestel, a witness of this cunning assassin' ' I remember seeing her, when I was in my car. She was a dark light, when you saw her move, it was almost like a blur, she moved so fast. She wore all black, and was armed with a short blade, and some daggers. Someone tried to tackle her and another tried to shoot her, but she didn't let them. She leaped really high onto the ledge of a hotel, and just kinda pounced on them. I couldn't see what happened because she was practically on top of them. Her coat was covering their bodies, and when she moved away, I saw two small punctures at their necks. Their eyes were open so wide, I thought their eyes would fall out at any second. And their skin was so pale.' Hareth flipped the channel again. 'We don't know what made this ancient monster attack our city'.
'and how do you know, she is an ancient monster'. 'vampires are immortal'
'this one is different from anything I've ever seen or heard of, she's just so-' 'lethal yet charming'
'yes' 'I thought so, that is the effect of vampires. They are so captivating and beautiful, but in truth they are like stone, they care for nothing and no one'. 'tell us more about the history of the vampires, and their connection to our beloved city, Dr. Wayen'. 'Well according to the old records found in The Raptured Libris Of All Library's, it says that vampires once roamed these lands, freely. They were sharp, back-stabbing creatures. They tormented humans, and tortured anyone they wished to torture. One day a great vampire Syro, claimed the ancient land for their own. They built a huge city, cold and dark as themselves, they named it Great Sanguine. For many centuries they continued their chaos and rupture to this Earth. In the year of 26,890, a man named Reane Ecthilias, came to the Great Sanguine, with a secret army of 600,000,000 men. They hunted every last vampire down, until there were none left in this realm. How he rid the world of the vampires, was never recorded. He was knighted Sir Reane, by Lady Harkenclaw of the Forbidden Earth. But Reane had a feeling, that the vampires were not diminished. And he proved right. Just before dawn, a single vampire appeared beside his cot, and tried to slay him. Luckily, Reane rolled over to one side in his sleep, and awoke to the sound of a dagger slipping beside his ear. By the time, he opened his eyes, the vampire had fled. But he knew he was still out there. Many said it was to be Syro, Many thought it was just a dream. Many years after, Reane's body was found in a dark alleyway. All they found on the body were two small punctures at his neck. A hundred years later, the vampires returned. They plagued the city with terrible diseases and lies. They purged the city of the mortals, and took back their precious vampire city. But they soon died out, for some unknown reason. Some said it was a curse, some say it was just fate, but many thought it was just luck. The population of humans grew, and the city was once again theirs. The city was named Mederis Generation, and was at peace, without a trace of any vampires until now. We are doing the best we can to find out who this girl vampire is, what it is she wants, and who she is working for. What is the government trying to do to capture this creature? We'll be back after this'. The television split into commercial. Hareth rolled his eyes, an turned off the television. They would find her. After all, he was the lord of the city. He offered a huge amount of money to whoever could bring him her body, dead or alive. He wanted the same glory as his great, great, great, great, great, grandfather, Sir Reane. He would not let his chance pass him by.
I opened my bloodshot eyes. I was so cramped in this small space, but at least it was safe. The night before, after I had outrun and battled with so many angry people, I had found a safe refuge in trash can, outside of the sewers. I wished I was not a vampire, it was so hard to keep safe. I felt more delicate in this form. It was so different. A tear of blood slipped down my marble cold face. There was no escape this time. They would capture me, and no one could help me. I wondered how the people would destroy me. I remembered being told by Syro that the only true way to kill a vampire was to drive the ancient blade, Glomshouli, into their heart. We were immortal to everything else in life. I was not dead when he told me, I was only on the brink of life and death, so I was unsure still. Hareth would make sure that I would be destroyed. This was my fate. This was the way I would be deleted from this cruel earth. I cried bitterly. The sticky blood trickled down my jaw. I longed for my old life back. To think a few months back, I would have been in alliance with my human brethren, hurting these vampires. Rage swelled inside of me, I was so stupid. I was no human anymore, I wasn't alive I wasn't dead. I wasn't part of them anymore. That pleased me. I didn't want to be part of their world any longer. They were cruel murderers. But I could not stay here, regretting the behavior of the mortals. Soon enough someone would find me, and I would be on the run again. I slipped quietly from the trash can and leaped on the roof of a building. Cold air and winds brushed my pale face. It reminded me of the days before I was a vampire. I loved to breathe in the wild fragrance of the city. But now I could not even breathe. I didn't need to breathe. I stretched out on the cold roof top. This would be a cold winter. I wouldn't feel it though. I couldn't feel cold, or anything. The only cold I would feel was the empty, icy feeling in my lifeless heart. I once again reflected upon my life. How did I get into this? It was so complicated. It all started Around midsummer. I lived alone, happily, in my own apartment, at the age of eighteen. All my life I had been alone, ever since my parents passed away when I was only four. Someone found me, and put me in a orphanage. There were many little boys and girls there, I tried so hard to fit in, but it proved to be impossible. Years passed and they were all adopted, with an exception of me. When I was fourteen, the orphanage was shut down. They let me out on the streets to scrounge for a family, and for survival. The streets and sewers of Mederis Generation were my home for almost two years. When I was seventeen I found an old decayed building. I made my home there, and lived there for another year. I made a living by working at a small market, at the end of the street. And that was how I survived.
Chapter#1 Stuck With me
~Catch me, as I fall
say your here and its all over now
speaking to the atmosphere
no one here and I fall into myself
this truth drives me into madness
I know I can stop the pain, if I will it all away
if I will it all away
don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die
I'm frightened by what I see
but somehow I know that there's much more to come
immobilized by my fear
and soon to be blinded by tears
I can stop the pain if I will it all away
don't turn away
don't give in to the pain
don't try to hide
though they're screaming your name don't close your eyes
God knows what lies behind them
don't turn out the light
never sleep never die
fallen angels at my feet
whispered voices at my ear
death before my eyes
lying next to me I fear
she beckons me, shall I give in?
upon my end shall I begin
forsaking all I've fallen for, I rise to meet the end~
."I've been trying to reach you all week. You don't understand, there is a price on my body. They are after me", I looked around cautiously.
"Where are you?" "A sewer, underneath their pathetic mall", I said quickly, "Syro, get me out of here".
"I can't-", suddenly the connection died. I whirled around in the dark, my keen hearing had caught something. Someone was coming, I could hear voices. I flattened myself against the wall, as a mob of people hurried by, clutching flashlights. "She's here somewhere", someone whispered.
"Man, when I get that money I'm going to spend it so fast". The person next to him laughed, "She's as good as dead".
I closed my eyes. It was true. An entire city, searching for me, just wanting to kill me. There was no way I would make it out of this. I clutched the small black cell phone in my hand. It slipped out of my grasp, suddenly, and fell to the ground. To me the noise sounded like an explosion. In a blurred movement I leaped to the ceiling and clung to the pipes. The mob of people hurried back, they were right underneath me. I felt a soft trickle of warmth crawl down my fingers. I glanced at it. Blood. I must have been sweating the blood. I tried to catch it with my other hand, but it fell too quickly and landed before their feet. They looked up and saw me. With a quiet hiss I leaped off the ceiling and landed gracefully on my feet, before them. My black leather cloak billowed behind me, as hot air blew from some large vents. They charged at me, screaming with rage. I jumped to the air, grasped the ceiling again. I arced my body, and slipped between the bars. I hissed again, and pounced at someone who directed a small gun at me. I bit into his neck, and tore at the flesh. He screamed in agony, and struggled. In a flash I flipped back, and landed on the shoulders of a huge man, holding a large pipe. The impact sent him to his knees. I removed a small but sharp dirk, from my belt and slit his throat. All the while, the mob, attempted to catch up to my rapid-blur of a body. I snatched a small idol from my belt. A palm sized skull, painted black, with pieces of wire shooting up from its scalp. I pulled the longest wire from the skull, and threw it at the mop. The small skull burst, and a green flood of floating toxin unfolded into the small sewer chamber. All who were exposed, breathed in one last ragged breath, and fell limp. I bared my fangs in disgust. And fled from the site.
"Where is she?", Hareth growled, staring at the television. He flipped the channel. 'Reports confirm she was last seen in a sewer 5 miles underneath the Sactrien Fortunus Mall, many have been scouting for the vampire, but many say she is almost as fast as light. We go live to Corey Merestel, a witness of this cunning assassin' ' I remember seeing her, when I was in my car. She was a dark light, when you saw her move, it was almost like a blur, she moved so fast. She wore all black, and was armed with a short blade, and some daggers. Someone tried to tackle her and another tried to shoot her, but she didn't let them. She leaped really high onto the ledge of a hotel, and just kinda pounced on them. I couldn't see what happened because she was practically on top of them. Her coat was covering their bodies, and when she moved away, I saw two small punctures at their necks. Their eyes were open so wide, I thought their eyes would fall out at any second. And their skin was so pale.' Hareth flipped the channel again. 'We don't know what made this ancient monster attack our city'.
'and how do you know, she is an ancient monster'. 'vampires are immortal'
'this one is different from anything I've ever seen or heard of, she's just so-' 'lethal yet charming'
'yes' 'I thought so, that is the effect of vampires. They are so captivating and beautiful, but in truth they are like stone, they care for nothing and no one'. 'tell us more about the history of the vampires, and their connection to our beloved city, Dr. Wayen'. 'Well according to the old records found in The Raptured Libris Of All Library's, it says that vampires once roamed these lands, freely. They were sharp, back-stabbing creatures. They tormented humans, and tortured anyone they wished to torture. One day a great vampire Syro, claimed the ancient land for their own. They built a huge city, cold and dark as themselves, they named it Great Sanguine. For many centuries they continued their chaos and rupture to this Earth. In the year of 26,890, a man named Reane Ecthilias, came to the Great Sanguine, with a secret army of 600,000,000 men. They hunted every last vampire down, until there were none left in this realm. How he rid the world of the vampires, was never recorded. He was knighted Sir Reane, by Lady Harkenclaw of the Forbidden Earth. But Reane had a feeling, that the vampires were not diminished. And he proved right. Just before dawn, a single vampire appeared beside his cot, and tried to slay him. Luckily, Reane rolled over to one side in his sleep, and awoke to the sound of a dagger slipping beside his ear. By the time, he opened his eyes, the vampire had fled. But he knew he was still out there. Many said it was to be Syro, Many thought it was just a dream. Many years after, Reane's body was found in a dark alleyway. All they found on the body were two small punctures at his neck. A hundred years later, the vampires returned. They plagued the city with terrible diseases and lies. They purged the city of the mortals, and took back their precious vampire city. But they soon died out, for some unknown reason. Some said it was a curse, some say it was just fate, but many thought it was just luck. The population of humans grew, and the city was once again theirs. The city was named Mederis Generation, and was at peace, without a trace of any vampires until now. We are doing the best we can to find out who this girl vampire is, what it is she wants, and who she is working for. What is the government trying to do to capture this creature? We'll be back after this'. The television split into commercial. Hareth rolled his eyes, an turned off the television. They would find her. After all, he was the lord of the city. He offered a huge amount of money to whoever could bring him her body, dead or alive. He wanted the same glory as his great, great, great, great, great, grandfather, Sir Reane. He would not let his chance pass him by.
I opened my bloodshot eyes. I was so cramped in this small space, but at least it was safe. The night before, after I had outrun and battled with so many angry people, I had found a safe refuge in trash can, outside of the sewers. I wished I was not a vampire, it was so hard to keep safe. I felt more delicate in this form. It was so different. A tear of blood slipped down my marble cold face. There was no escape this time. They would capture me, and no one could help me. I wondered how the people would destroy me. I remembered being told by Syro that the only true way to kill a vampire was to drive the ancient blade, Glomshouli, into their heart. We were immortal to everything else in life. I was not dead when he told me, I was only on the brink of life and death, so I was unsure still. Hareth would make sure that I would be destroyed. This was my fate. This was the way I would be deleted from this cruel earth. I cried bitterly. The sticky blood trickled down my jaw. I longed for my old life back. To think a few months back, I would have been in alliance with my human brethren, hurting these vampires. Rage swelled inside of me, I was so stupid. I was no human anymore, I wasn't alive I wasn't dead. I wasn't part of them anymore. That pleased me. I didn't want to be part of their world any longer. They were cruel murderers. But I could not stay here, regretting the behavior of the mortals. Soon enough someone would find me, and I would be on the run again. I slipped quietly from the trash can and leaped on the roof of a building. Cold air and winds brushed my pale face. It reminded me of the days before I was a vampire. I loved to breathe in the wild fragrance of the city. But now I could not even breathe. I didn't need to breathe. I stretched out on the cold roof top. This would be a cold winter. I wouldn't feel it though. I couldn't feel cold, or anything. The only cold I would feel was the empty, icy feeling in my lifeless heart. I once again reflected upon my life. How did I get into this? It was so complicated. It all started Around midsummer. I lived alone, happily, in my own apartment, at the age of eighteen. All my life I had been alone, ever since my parents passed away when I was only four. Someone found me, and put me in a orphanage. There were many little boys and girls there, I tried so hard to fit in, but it proved to be impossible. Years passed and they were all adopted, with an exception of me. When I was fourteen, the orphanage was shut down. They let me out on the streets to scrounge for a family, and for survival. The streets and sewers of Mederis Generation were my home for almost two years. When I was seventeen I found an old decayed building. I made my home there, and lived there for another year. I made a living by working at a small market, at the end of the street. And that was how I survived.