Love and Hate

I sat in my room thinking about another way to escape.My door was locked from the outside and the windows were to small to climb out of. Last time i tried to escape i was whipped endlessly. My fater never had a reason to lay his hands on me until i disobeyed his orders to marry a cruel heartless man named Thomas, to pay off my fathers debts. Thomas was a wealthy man who got everything he wanted.He stood about 6'5 with a muscular build and long auburn hair that was usually tied at the nape of his neck. He was extremely handsome but had a huge ego.But this woman will not bow down for any man. I will not give in to this man,he can try anything but i will not succumb to the torture of being his wife in more ways that one...........

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Never" I screamed

"Devin, dont you dare raise your voice at me, his loardship will be here at any moment."James stated

"No father i will not marry this cruel and heartless man"Devin spat

"It doesnt matter you have already been sold.You belong to him"Jamse shouted

"I belong to no one. I am not a toy to be played with."Devin shouted

"You are no longer my concern.Tomorrow you will wed lord Thomas and do so with a smile on your face"James shouted

"NEVER"Devin screamed

James raised his hand and slapped Devin. The impact was so great that Devin fell to the floor.

" You shall never raise your voice at me again. Do you understand"James yelled

"No. I hate you and I hate that you sold me to a man without a heart without my own opinion"Devin screamed

" I dont need your opinion. your my daughter and your supposed to obey my every command."James retorted

"Your not my father your a cruel individual who sells his own daughter to make a profit to wipe away his debts. Hoe pitiful is that" Devin screamed

"How dare you. I raised you and gave you everything you wanted and needed and this is how you repay me? I hope Lord Thomas puts you in your place."James screamed

With that there was a nock on the door but Devin and James were still argueing so Thomas decided to go inside to see what all the commotion was about. To his suprise he saw a tiny women yelling at her father.

"I doesn't matter what happens to me because you'll be right back where you started but this time you wont have anyone to sell to get you out of your debts. Then what are you going to do.Sell all the things in the house or sell the house itself"Devin stated

"Im sick and tired of your complaining. You always have something smart to say but soon you wont. I hope you get whats coming to you soon. Or else you'll end up like your mother"James replyed

Devin slapped her father after his comment." How dare you talk about my mother like that." Devin screamed

~~~~COUGH.... COUGH...~~~~~

"Lord Thomas. I didnt know you'd be here so soon"James bowed

" Well i decided to come and see my bride to be" Thomas smirked

" You will never have me for I am not for sell"Devin stated dryly

"Fiesty little one arent you. That okay. I like it when they put up a challenge" Thomas stated

"The both of you can rot in HELL for all I care"Devin replyed

"What a mouth on this one" Thomas nodded towards james

"I dont know what to say I never heard her use that language before" James stated

Thomas walked over towards devin. He lifted her chin so he could look into her eyes and stated" After tomorrow your mine and I dont take lightly to the words that you spoke here today. But all-in-all you will be quite the challenge and I will break you sooner than you think" thomas stated

He then left.

Devin ran to her room and began to cry again. Eventually she cried herself to sleep. The next day was going to be awful because sure enough Devin was truely SOLD to the devil himself.

*************************************************************************************************************So what do you think so far. should i continue or not. Please read and review. It doesn't matter if its good or bad. I'll try and post the next chapter as soon as possible. Thanxs..............................
