DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these characters. There is vulgar language used inside this story.

This story is based upon a series of dreams that I had-I am not sure why I had these series of dreams, but I decided to write them down and turn them into a story. The titles of the chapters are all song titles of songs that I felt best described each chapter.

CHAPTER 1: Open Book

The music stopped and she immediately ran to the CD player and popped in a new disc and pressed play. "My Love is Like Whoa," by Mya poured out of the speakers and filled the dance studio. She began a new routine in front of the wall of mirrors, sliding, gyrating letting the music take control.

"My love is like whoa.my ass is like whoa.my body's like wh-" she sang when all of a sudden the music stopped. She turned to go to the player. "What are you doing here?" She asked startled. She was so lost in the music and just watching her moves, she hadn't realized there was someone watching her.

"Funny, I'm used to people greeting me with a 'hello'," the man smiled.

"Sorry, I was startled. I mean who doesn't announce their presence? Who sneaks up on someone when they are all alone? Honestly!" She smirked. She went to the corner where her bag was and grabbed her water bottle and walked toward him.

"Riley, I am so sorry. I will remember not to do that next time." He said sarcastically, and handed her a towel that was by the CD player.

"Thanks," she said taking the towel. "But, you still haven't answered my question. Why are you here, JC?"

"I need a favor..." JC said hesitantly.

"Umm...okay?" Riley said unsure of what she would be getting herself into.

"Would you be a seat filler for me?"


"The Grammy's are tomorrow...and I need someone to sit next to me..." He said giving her puppy dog eyes.

"I thought your mom was your guest?" she asked chugging her water.

"She was...she broke her leg yesterday and really wants to keep off of it."

"I'm sorry..." She said sincerely. "Ask Liz. She pines for you; she'll say yes," she said pressing play and turning back to dance.

"Rye!" He said shutting off the music again.

"Jace!" She mimicked


"What about Caroline?" She suggested trying to get out of it.

"I just came from seeing her. She has her sister coming to visit. She told me to see you," He smiled.

"Oh, that's right..."She said putting her hand to her head."Can't the label set you up with some hot, blonde, big breasted model?"

"Why can't you make this easy? I don't want to be set up like that. I don't enjoy taking someone I don't know...and sitting with them all night...it's awkward, I feel really uncomfortable. Plus, if you don't say yes, they'll put a seat filler next to me. It could be some 80 year old lady," He whined. He was begging her to go.

"That could be interesting to see..." She laughed. "She might be cute." She turned the music back on and began to dance in front of the mirrors again. JC just watched her for a bit before stopping the music, again. She turned and just stared at him.

"So...yes or no?" He asked pouting his lips.

"I don't know..." She said sitting on the floor. She began to stretch and he came and sat in front of her.

"Come on! Do you have anything else planned?"

"No ...not really," She said looking up at him.

"Then? Why be so difficult?" He teased.

"I don't want to look dumb on TV... Plus, people expect the N*SYNC boys to show up with beautiful women on their arms..." She said bringing her chest down to her knees.

"Riley, you're not THAT ugly..." He laughed and hit her feet.

"Thanks." she smiled as she kicked his hands off her feet and stood up.

"Rye, come on! You're gorgeous, you know this."

"I like flattery... FINE!" She said turning her back to him and turning the music on, once again. She went back to her dancing.

"Fine?" He shouted over the music.

"Fine!" She turned to face him, still dancing.

"Thank you, Rye." He said kissing her cheek.

"You owe me..." She smiled.

"You know I'm good for it."

"You better be!" she laughed.

"Hey, it's 12 am, you going back to the hotel soon?" He asked.

"Yeah...I guess I can go back now." She finished out the song and went to the CD player.

"Why are you here? ...How did you get in, might be the better question." JC asked helping her put the CD player back in a closet.

"I used to teach dance here actually... My friend Lily still owns this place..." She began cleaning up her stuff. "I still have a key, I told her I was going to be using it and she said it was cool," she said locking the closet. She then went over to the window and shut and locked it as well. "How did you know I was here?" she asked with a smirk.

"Caroline told me..." He said.

"I see...well, I'm ready." JC walked out the door and she followed, shutting off the lights and locking the door behind her. They walked down the stairs Mike, a bodyguard, was in the stairwell. He waited for us to go past him and then followed us.

"How did you get here?" She asked

"I drove...Well, Mike drove me here." He said.

"Where did you guys park?" She asked knowing the answer already.

"In... the garage next door." He said puzzled by the tone in her voice.

"We're walking back then...it's only two blocks." She said.

"Why is that?" He asked as they reached the street.

"The garage locks at 12, exactly 12. You can get it tomorrow at 8:30." She smiled.


"Sorry, Mike, I had no clue you guys would be coming. I would have told you." Riley said.

"It's okay..." Mike said with a smile.

"How did you get here?" JC asked

"I walked."

"What time were you going to leave?"

"Probably around now, I guess, why?"

"You were going to walk back to the hotel by yourself at midnight, in NYC?"

"JC, I used to live in NYC. I am used to it. I don't get scared." She said, linking arms with him.

"You may not, but I do." He joked.

They continued to walk back toward the hotel, arm in arm. Riley was trying to keep warm by holding close to JC. She and JC had known each other for about 3 years now. She, as well as two other dancers, Caroline and Brayden, were pretty good friends with the band. They were the only ones that had lasted long enough to really get to know them. But, out of all of them JC and Riley had the weirdest relationship, and one that is still at times hard to explain.

When JC and Riley first met there was a huge physical attraction. They didn't even know each other, but they found themselves flirting constantly. The sexual tensions increased even more when they became partners. For certain songs each member had a female dancer to sing to and interact with. They would be all over each other and take the moves to a whole other level. One night, after a really heated performance things got physical off stage.

Things cooled between them about a week later. Riley decided it was enough, they were just using each other and it wasn't a good situation, she barely knew him. From that point on they had agreed to get to know each other and see what happened. During this period Riley began to see another dancer, Brayden. Brayden and Riley had met at auditions and became quick friends. They were a lot alike and that is what fueled their attraction for one another, but in the end it also caused their breakup a year later. But, throughout it all, JC and Riley became better friends. She went to him with all her problems, they had this bond with each other that neither of them could explain, but all they knew was that they felt comfortable with each other.

With Riley spending a lot of time with JC, she also became good friends with the rest of the band. Her, Brayden and Caroline, were the only dancers to have a substantial relationship with the guys, only because they were the only ones to be with the band for a long period of time. Most of the dancers were changed each tour, so they don't get a huge opportunity to know the band.

Riley had a different kind of relationship with all the guys. She and Justin were extremely close, possibly even closer than her and JC at times. Justin was exactly like her younger brother, Ethan, and because of this they were extremely connected to one another. Joey and Riley have this sweet relationship. They are never anything but nice to each other, like they are both the most fragile people on earth. Chris and Riley have one of those love/hate relationships. Always making fun of each other and always so sarcastic and they are always playing tricks on each other. Even though they pretend to hate each other, they are both extra protective of one another. Lance and Riley have a relationship that is a combination of her and Joey and Chris's relationship, more sarcasm than tricks and ragging on each other.

They got back to the hotel and up to their floor. Riley slid her key- card into the door and opened it. She threw her gym bag on the chair next to the door and flipped the lights on. JC followed her inside, throwing himself onto the bed, smiling.

"What?!" She asked.

"What?!" He smiled.

"Whatever," she smirked "I'm going to shower," she said opening the bathroom door. She turned to look at him. JC had turned on the TV. "Make yourself at home," she said sarcastically and shut the door behind her.

Riley's Thoughts:

"What a night," I sighed in exhaustion. I turned the water on and let it run a bit before stepping in. All I could think about was the Grammy's. What was I going to wear? How would I do my hair and makeup? And how excited and nervous I was to be going. I am just praying that I will not look stupid.

I washed my hair and body and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my towel from the sink and wrapped it around me as I stepped out of the shower. I wiped the mist off of the huge mirror and applied my moisturizer and hair crème and began to comb it through. I tightened the towel around me, gathered my clothes, shut out the light and walked back into the room.

JC was watching some movie on the TV, sprawled across the bed. I went to the closet and threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and I pulled on a spandex, fitted white tank top and a pair of cotton, floral capri pajama pants. I toweled off my hair and threw it back into the bathroom. I grabbed my cell phone out of my bag and text my parents and Ethan really quick, just to let them know I would be at the Grammy's. They loved to be up-to- date on everything with me. I put my phone on the nightstand by the bed.

"Move over..." I said motioning JC. He moved to one side of the bed. I plopped myself face down next to him.

"Tired?" He laughed.

"Huh...uh..." I said into the pillow. My tank top came up a little in the back and JC began to trace his fingers around my tattoo. It felt so good and I was asleep after 5 minutes of it.

The next morning I woke up and I had a blanket over me and JC was gone. I looked up at the clock, it was 7am. I rolled back over to sleep, when there was a knock at my door. I tried to ignore it and put a pillow over my head, but it got louder. I rolled out of bed and went and opened the door. I rubbed my eyes and looked up, it was Justin.

"Hey...sweetheart, what's up?" I asked groggily.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Of course..." I went and got back into bed. He came in and shut the door. "Come here..." I said patting the bed. He came and laid next to me. "What's wrong?" I asked rubbing his head.

"Brit and I had another fight..." He sighed.

"I'm sorry...what is going on?"

"Same shit...different day! The whole touring thing...she thinks I am not trying hard enough to see her and spend time with her...I am totally booked and so is she for the next 3 months!"

"You know as well as I do that Brit knows you try. But like any girl who is in love she misses you...and it sucks when you have to be apart so much."

"I know...it just gets so frustrating having to hear about it like everyday," He said.

"I know...she will get over it though and you two will be fine." I smiled.

"Thanks Rye, that's all I really needed...reassurance."

"No problem...that is what I am here for."

"Hey," he said after a long silence. "JC said you are coming tonight..."

"Yeah..." I said unenthused.

"Whoa...don't hurt yourself doing back flips with excitement." He teased.

"I'm being forced to go." I told him.

"I'm sure!" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up!" I said hitting him with a pillow. "You know it is not like that at all anymore! We are just friends..."

"Yeah...'Friends,' right..." he smiled."Didn't he sleep here last night?" He asked.

"Yeah...key word SLEPT! Nothing else..." I said sitting up.

"Okay..." He laughed.

"Fuck You!" I laughed. "Seriously though. JC and I are just friends, nothing more. Last night, he walked me home and yeah, he slept here, but nothing happened. I passed out." I said setting him straight.

"Okay! I believe you..." He smirked. "I was just teasing you!" He pushed me back down on the bed.

"I'm going to have to go shopping! ...What is JC wearing?"

"A turtleneck sweater and leather pants...how original!"

Justin laid back down on the bed and then my cell phone began to ring. I rolled over to grab it off of the nightstand. Who could be calling me at 7:30 in the morning? I looked at the phone and the number. It was Matt...

"Hello," I said

"Good morning, love..." He said cheery.

"Good morning...what are you doing?"

"Thinking about you...what are you doing?" He was definitely one with the one liner's.

"I'm in bed...with Justin," I laughed.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah...we were just talking." I said sarcastically.

"I see...I hear you are going to the Grammy's?"

"Wow.word travels fast! Yeah...I am really nervous!" I said.

"You're mom told me about the text message you sent her. Don't be nervous, you are going to blow them away."

Matt and I have been friends forever, but on my last vacation we found that there was a mutual attraction. All we do is flirt, but what is going to happen next, who knows. I would definitely love to have more, I have a lot of feelings for Matt, and we've been through a lot together. And I have to admit it would get people off my back about JC.

"What are you doing on your day off tomorrow?" He asked.

"Probably going to practice...or go dance somewhere...Getting together with Emily."

"Well, baby, don't dance yourself out." He said a bit concerned. "Tell Emmy, I said 'hi'."

"Okay, I'll try not to. I'll tell her." I said, smiling just talking to him.

"I don't want to see you collapse in concert...I mean, I'm not paying $110 to see you carried out on a stretcher..."

"What?! When?!" I asked excitedly.

"4 days...when you guys are in California." He laughed.

"Oh! I can't wait! I miss you soo much." Justin mimicked me and I hit him in the arm playfully.

"I miss you too...I gotta get back to work, but I will see you soon..."

"Okay...I can't wait." I said, upset that I had to hang up.

"Talk to you soon..."

"Bye," I said hanging up the phone

"Oh! Matt! I miss you sooooo much!" Justin mocked.

"Shut up!" I said smiling.

"No, I think it's good."

"Me too..."

"You seem very happy and that is all that I care about." He said hugging me and kissing my forehead.

Then the door began to open a little bit.

"I hope you are decent..." JC said covering his eyes and walking in slowly.

"Then you should have knocked, is th-"

"You mean Indecent!" Justin cut me off. JC blushed a bit.

"Why is everyone up so early?!" I sighed pulling the covers over my head.

"Well, we have to go shopping..." JC said pulling the covers back.


"Hey, Rye, I am gonna go and shower..." Justin said heading towards the door. "Thanks for everything..." He winked.

"You're welcome!" I called after him.

"Get dressed!!" JC demanded. I pulled the covers back up and tried to sleep. "Riley!"

"JC!" I mimicked in a mumble. He jumped on top of me and kept bouncing the bed.

"Stop! Stop!" I said laughing. He stopped bouncing and just sat on my legs, looking at me. "Well, if you want me to get dressed and ready, you're going to have to get off my legs." I said and he leaned down and kissed me lightly.

"Thank you...for being my date tonight," He said still laying on me. For the first time ever, I felt a little uncomfortable with JC.

"Uh...yeah...no problem," I said sliding out from under him.

"Well...I...I guess I will meet you downstairs in 20 minutes?" He said heading for the door.

"Yeah...that's cool." I said pulling clothes out of the closet. He paused in the door and then shut it behind him.

I hurried and got dressed, put on some make up and went downstairs. JC and a guard were waiting. We left out a side entrance and right into a black suburban and drove off.

"You mad at me?" I asked. He was really quiet, just staring out the window. I could tell he felt that I was uncomfortable with the situation earlier, but he seemed upset or something at me.

"No," He said and looked out the window again.

"Please don't be mad at me..." I said laying my head on his arm. He moved his arm and put it around me. He didn't say a word, but I knew things were okay. "Where are we going, anyway?" I asked looking up at him.

"5th Avenue..." He smiled.

"Jace...I don't have that kind of money to spend...I can barely buy a hot dog on 5th Ave." I said sitting up.

"Who said you needed money?"

"No, don't! Take me to Macy's or something...I know I could find something there," I pleaded.

"Stop, I invited you to go with me and at the last minute. I will pay for it," He said pulling me back into his arms.

"You know how I am though... I feel so guilty when people buy me things... I take forever picking out clothes..." I said, and it was true. I felt guilty when I got presents...I don't know why, but I always try and pick out the cheapest thing when someone else is treating because of this guilt complex that I have.

"Will you stop? I want to do this, so just let me!" He laughed

We pulled up in front of Armani and quickly got out of the Suburban and into the store. They had a rack of dresses waiting for me. JC had called ahead and told them my size and style.

I put on the 7th dress; it was strapless, black and flowing. I felt like a model on the runway in it. I just felt like strutting my stuff. I opened the dressing room door and went out into the area where JC was waiting.

"Wow...that dress is gorgeous on you." JC said, though he had said that about every other one, the way he said it this time, let me know that this was the one.

"You like this one?" I asked twirling in the mirrors.

"Yeah...but do you?"

"I do..." I said, and then looked at the tag on the dress.

"Well, take it off and we'll get it..." he smiled. I walked over to him.

"It's too expensive..." I whispered in his ear.

"Riley, take it off and give it to me..."

"No...Take me to Macy's...I will feel too guilty." I said.

"Shut up! Go Change!" He said pointing to the dressing room.

I went and changed and came out with the dress. The stylists then took me over to an area where they had shoes picked out for each dress that they had pulled for me. I looked over the pile and I chose a pair of plain black stilettos. We then went to the register and JC paid and I cringed, $1,500. I knew if he heard how guilty I was one more time he would get mad. So, I didn't say anything. We then walked out of the store and back into the Suburban.

"Eh...don't say anything!" he said when he saw me open my mouth to talk.

"I just wanted to say thank you," I smiled.

"You're welcome."

My cell phone began to ring and I searched my purse for it. I answered it as soon as I found it.


"Hey, babe..." It was Matt

"Hey...what do I owe two phone calls within 3 hours to?"

"I missed you and I just wanted to tell you there is a surprise waiting for you at your room."

"What? Matt! Thank you in advance for whatever it is..." I said

"Well, gorgeous, knock 'em dead tonight...I'll be looking for you!" He said sweetly.

"I'll try...I will talk to you later then?"

"Of course...see you soon!"

"I will be anticipating your arrival." I giggled.

"Me too...I will talk to you before then...have fun tonight..."

"I will...bye."

"Bye." he said and hung up.

"Matt coming to visit?" JC asked.

"Uh...yeah in 4 days," I said.

"That is cool..." He said looking out the window.

I laid down in JC's lap, I was so tired and a simple action like that would make things better. I never mean to make JC jealous, but it always happens. I treasure the friendship we have and whenever he gets into moods about who I may be interested in or seeing, I am the one who has to go out of their way to make things all better. Maybe I shouldn't put up with that kind of stuff, but besides that we are great friends...

We got back to the hotel and I wanted to race up to my room to find out what Matt had to surprise me. He was always doing things like that, even before we started to get involved.

I stepped out of the elevator and the guard, Michael, met us.

"You got a delivery while you were out. We put it on the table in your room." He said.

"Thank you, Michael." I said all gitty and ran to my room. "I feel soo special now." I said opening my door. I was a huge dork. JC just laughed at me. I ran over to the table and there was a package wrapped in gold and a card. I opened the card and it read:
For the star...

I opened the package, it was a velvet box, I opened that up and inside was a diamond encrusted star pendant on a platinum chain. It was gorgeous!

"Oh...Oh my gosh..." I said, speechless.

"Yeah...it's pretty." JC said over my shoulder. He then threw himself on the bed. I picked up the phone to call Matt and thank him again.

"You've reached the desk of Matthew McGuire at McGuire Productions. I am currently unavailable. Please leave your name, number and a brief message and I will get back to you as soon as possible....BEEP" his voicemail at work picked up.

"Matt, THANK YOU! But it's too much...Oh my god...I know you don't want to hear it, but it is just way too much. Thank you... Miss you..." I hung up the phone and took it out of the box and put it on. "This is going to look so nice with my dress..." I said.

"Yeah." JC said unenthused.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing...Why?" He said staring at the TV.

"You know what?!..." I said and then controlled myself. "Why are you giving me attitude all of a sudden?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was..." He said sarcastically.

"Whatever!" I said sitting down at the table.

"Now you're the one with the attitude problem."

"Ya know what?! You can go FUCK YOURSELF!!" I said getting really upset. I was standing now and just so controlled by my emotions. "I go out of my way to make things good between us! When shit like this happens! You never! NEVER try and save this friendship...sometimes I wonder why I even try! Nothing I do makes you happy...and I am fucking miserable..." I cried, running into the bathroom. I really didn't want to blow up at him like that, especially now. It had been on my chest for a while and all his little sarcastic comments or things he did just irritated me to the point where I couldn't hold back. I sat down on the toilet and just cried. I heard the door to the room open and close...he left. I got up and went back into the room to see if he had really gone. He had and I just began to feel guilty about what I had done, even though all I was doing was sticking up for myself...I laid on the bed, with my back to the door. There was a knock.

"Uh...come in..." I said wiping the tears from my eyes. There was a 'universal' type key that everyone had.

"I make you miserable?" I heard JC say. I rolled over and he was just standing in the doorway.

"Jace...I just feel like I can't have a life...unless you approve of it..." I said sitting up.

"I just care about you a lot...I don't want to see you get hurt," He said sitting on the end of the bed.

"I know...and I appreciate that, but sometimes I just need to break free. I need to get hurt, I need to make mistakes...I need to experience things... I am not use to being sheltered and I don't want to be."

"I'm sorry...sometimes I don't even realize I am doing it. I don't want to EVER be the one to cause you pain or to hold you back from doing what you want." I said. There were tears in his eyes. He cared about me and I loved that, but sometimes I feel like I can't breathe, he has his leash on me so tight.

"I know...I'm sorry, I blew up like that...I just have kept it all inside." I crawled across the bed and hugged him tightly. I am so glad that it is out, and now I don't have to worry...

"I love you..." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I said squeezing him. "Well, now...I think we have an award show to conquer!" I said after a long silence. I smiled at him and wiped away my tears.

"Yes, yes we do..." He said standing up. "You better get ready, gorgeous!" He smiled leaving the room.

"Time to get beautiful." I said getting up and running my fingers through my hair. I headed to the showers.

I showered and then put my styling products in my hair and wrapped my head in a towel. I plugged in my blow-dryer and hot curlers, I put all my makeup out on the counter. I moisturized my face and then took my hair out of the towel. I bent over and started to blow-dry my hair. I then put larger curlers in my hair and began to apply my makeup. I was so nervous, I wanted to look my best and not disappoint. I took my hair out of the curlers and began to style it. I pulled part of the sides up and pinned them loosely in the back with a rhinestone clip, I let a few tendrils hang out around my face. I then went into my room and put on my strapless bustier set and then slipped on the dress, which I had laid out on the bed. I put on my shoes and then went back into the bathroom to make sure I was adjusted right and put on my jewelry.

There was a knocking at the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

"Rye, it's me.Justin!" He said. "Where are you?"

"In the bathroom." I said putting on my necklace.

"Wow.you look.wow!" Justin said standing in the doorway.

"Justin, you are making me blush." I smiled.

"You look gorgeous." He said coming in and sitting on the toilet. He was dressed in a nice shirt and tie and dress pants. He looked so cute.

"Thank You. You look dashing, as always." I said turning around to face him. "What's up?"

"Well.I just wanted to see you.and.the necklace that is causing a stir." He said with hand motions.

"What is JC telling everyone about it?"

"Of course." I leaned into him and held the pendant in my hand for him to see it.

"That's some nice bling, bling." He laughed.

"I like to refer to it as 'ice'." I joked.

"Well, I gotta finish looking fine.but you look amazing Riley. I'll see you in a few." He kissed my forehead and headed out.

I checked myself in the mirror like 80 times and made sure that everything was in place. I was so nervous! As soon as I was somewhat satisfied, I made my way down to meet the guys. No one else was around, we had 2 days off and tomorrow we were in Arizona and then two dates in California. I was really excited for Matt to visit. Hopefully we would figure out our situation and what we were doing.

I walked into the suite the guys were in. The door was left half open.

"Riley! What are you doing here? We are supposed to get you.it's only manly." Chris said.

"I had to get out of my room. I had to stop looking in the mirror.I just kept seeing things that could be touched up or something." I sighed.

"Well, you look very pretty!" He said. He was sitting in the living room watching some TV. I saw Joey on the balcony on his cell phone. Lynne and Justin were in the kitchen talking. JC, Lance, his date and Chris and Joey's dates were all MIA. I went in and sat next to Chris on the couch.

"Where is Dani?" I asked.

"She's in the bathroom with the other girls.they are getting ready." He said without even looking away from the TV.

"Cool." I said, not knowing what else to say. JC came out of his room on his cell phone. He opted for the shirt, tie and nice pants ensemble as well. They all were wearing similar outfits, but with their own little touches. JC looked very handsome.

"Okay.that will be great.okay, I love you too.okay.bye." JC said into his phone and then hung up. "Riley?" He asked coming around the couch. "What are you-"JC began. "I'm sorry, you look beautiful."

"Thank you." I said and I could feel myself blushing. "And, I had to tear myself away from the mirror and finding things wrong with my makeup.that is why I am here." I said.

"That's fine." He laughed, probably at the fact that I knew exactly what he was going to say.

We arrived at the awards and as our car got closer and closer to the drop off point, the more and more I felt like I was going to be sick. When our car got to the carpet I was tense and all I could think of was me puking all over the red carpet and staining it for life! I had to hold it together! We all got out and the flashes started instantly and the shouting at them to get pictures. They were yelling out their names and instructions on how they wanted them to pose, so they could get the "perfect" shot. I just kept thinking "Smile.and just keep it up.you don't want to look stupid." All the paparazzi in one place was a bit overwhelming. I had experienced a lot of this before in touring with them for 3 years, but this was every single photographer known to man in a long line, along with every entertainment program and local news teams. It was really crazy. When we finally made it inside, we were seated towards the front. I looked around in awe of the whole set up and all the celebrities that were there. Elton John, Pink, Dave Matthews, Mick Jagger, Lauryn Hill, Jennifer Anniston, Josh Hartnett, there were so many people. I sat with JC. The others went and walked around for a bit, we had an hour before the show was supposed to start.

"You look very handsome tonight.I don't know if I told you that." I said, breaking the silence between us.

"Thanks.you of course look beautiful." He said rubbing my hand on the armrest. I smiled at him.

"I'm glad I came."

"I'm glad you did too."

"Hey, party poopers, the show doesn't start for an hour.get your asses up!" Justin said as he came down the aisle.

"Is there a long line for drinks?" I asked.

"Of course there is.we have time though, so let's go." He said. I got up and headed out to the aisle. I needed something to relax me.

"Jace, you want anything?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks." He said.

Justin held out his arm and I linked mine with his and we headed to the bar. We waited in a long line and Justin chatted it up with everyone. He introduced me to a lot of people. It was exciting! We got our drinks and drank them quickly and then went back just in time for the show. I felt a lot more relaxed. The show was long, but amazing. The guys won all 3 categories they were nominated in, which made the show even better. When the show ended I was exhausted and everything was catching up with me. I didn't feel well at all.

"Jace.would you mind if I head back?" I said as we waited in a long line to file out.

"What's wrong?" He asked putting his arm around me.

"I don't feel well. I just think I need to lay down for a bit." I said leaning my head on him.

"Well, I'll take you back." He said.

"No.I'll just get a cab back."

"Whatever." He said sarcastically. "Guys, I'm taking Riley home.I'm not going to the after-parties." He said to the guys.

"What?!" Justin whined.

"She's not feeling too good."

"Aaawww." Justin said and patted my head.

When we finally reached the street the boys and their dates all piled into one limo and JC and I got into a suburban he had called for.

"Really, you don't have to not go to the party." I said to JC.

"No, you're not feeling good, I want to make sure you are okay."

"I'm not like on my deathbed.I'll be fine! Please just go and enjoy yourself!"

"It will make me feel better if you had someone with you."

"I feel like a huge party pooper now, I'm sorry." I said.

"I mean, you are a party pooper, but someone has to take care of you." He smiled.

"You're making me feel guilty now!"

"No, don't feel guilty. I think a little break from the flashing lights would be nice."

"I didn't want to ruin your night."

"Rye, stop.you worry too much. You worry too much about making sure everyone else is happy." He said putting one arm around me.

"I'm sorry." I said, not knowing what to say to that.

"You're always sorry too." JC teased.

"I know.I've always said I have like OCD of saying 'I'm sorry,' I just don't want people to hate me." I said looking out the window.

"Not everyone is going to like you. I don't see why anyone wouldn't, but."

"Thanks." I said. "I know, I'm dealing with that concept." I laughed a bit. "After all, Liz can't stand me and I don't care." Liz is a dancer in the group, she hates me because I am so close to JC and she is obsessed with him.

"Liz hates you?" He asked shocked.

"Oh my God, yes!"

"You two always seem pleasant."

"We are.but she likes to get digs at me."

We arrived back at the hotel and the driver opened the door for us. Mike, the bodyguard that drove with us walked in front and we made our way to the elevators. JC signed a few autographs for some fans that were waiting in the lobby and then we headed up to my room. When we stepped out onto the floor there were two other bodyguards patrolling.

"Riley! Wake Up!!!" I heard JC yelling. I opened my eyes and I was in his arms on the floor. Mike was standing over us. "You okay?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah.what happened?" I asked really out of it and sitting up.

"You just passed out." He held his hand on my back.

"Oh." Is all I managed to get out. I started to stand up on my feet. I leaned on the wall for more balance.

"What happened?" JC asked.

"I don't know.but I am fine now." I said starting to walk to my room. I didn't want to ruin his night any more than I thought I was.

"Where are you going?"

"My room.You should go out and have fun!" I said, I felt like I was drunk and I for sure sounded like it with that last statement.

"Right.I can't leave you like this." He felt my head with the back of his hand.

"I'm fine!"

"No! No, you're not!" He said. He looked a bit angry that I was fighting with him.

"I'm just not feeling well."

"You just passed out!" He laughed a bit, but there was frustration in his voice and all over his face. I just continued to walk down the hall. "Well, you're not going to your room alone." He said.

"Fine." I sighed, giving up. JC came and picked me up. "Whoa." I said, it surprised me him doing that.

JC's Thoughts:

I picked Riley up and carried her down the hall to her room. Mike slid her card and opened the door for us. I flicked the lights on and I put her down on the edge of the bed. I kneeled down in front of her.

"You strong enough to get out of your dress and in PJ's?" I asked her.

"You are way too good to me." She smiled and put her hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "I'm fine."

"What happened?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I think it must have been a combination of me being hot, swarmed with lights and I haven't eaten today." She sighed.

"You change, I'll order some room service." I said standing up.

"Okay." She smiled.

"What do you want?"

"Uuummmm." She said tapping a finger on her lips, thinking. "Orange juice, waffles with raspberries.oh and vanilla ice cream!" She smiled.

"You got it!" I went to the phone and turned my back to her, so she could change.

"I'm changed." She said as I was hanging up the phone. I walked towards her a bit.

"Thank you." She said hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her back. She let go and when I looked at her, she had tears in her eyes. I just pulled her in and held her again.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I am just so lucky to have friends like you. Thank you." She said letting go.

"You're welcome."

She went and laid in the bed and turned the TV on.

"Come lay with me." She said patting the space next to her. I went over and laid next to her. She turned and laid on my chest. I rubbed her back and played with her hair a bit. Something was up with her. About 25 minutes later the room service came and left her order. She got up and crawled to the end of the bed, where they placed her food. She started eating it and she looked like a little kid with ice cream, so content with eating it, all of it in fact.

"Was that good?" I laughed.

"No, it sucked." She smiled and poured herself more orange juice. "Hey, what time are we leaving tomorrow?" She asked.

"6 AM. You going to be okay?"

"Of course!"

There was a knock at the door. I went and answered it. It was Brayden.

"Hey man, is Rye here?" He asked puzzled.

"Hey, welcome back.yeah, she is." I said letting him in. I closed the door behind him.

"Bray!" Riley said excited and she got up and hugged him.

"Hey baby." He said squeezing her tightly.

"How was your sister's wedding?" She asked going to sit back on the bed. I sat on the opposite side of the bed. Brayden sat at the table across from the bed.

"It was beautiful. Jane and Erick said 'hi' too."

"Aaww, I am so glad you got to go!"

"You look really tired." Brayden said.

"Well, yeah."

"She's not feeling well." I interrupted.

"Oh really." He said in a weird tone.

"Yeah, just exhaustion." She told him and shot me a look.

"What's wrong?"

"Just feeling icky.I'll be fine." She said sternly. "I think I am going to take a shower.maybe it will make me feel better." She said getting up.

"Oh.I see what's going on." Brayden said stopping her.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Riley said quickly. "Bray.don't do this now." She whispered sternly to him, but I heard.

"Rye, what is going on?" I asked, frustrated and confused by what was happening.

"Nothing, it's just Bray gets very protective of me when I get sick." She said.

"I just don't like seeing her sick and she tries to hide it when she is. She downplays it, I thought that's what she was doing." He said hugging Riley.

"I'm not that sick.I just feel icky!" She smiled.

"Okay, but if you need anything, let me know!" He said. He headed out.

"I will, thank you." She sighed. Brayden left.

"I could kill you right now!" Riley said pointing at me.

"What!? I'm sorry!" She looked really angry.

"Thank God he was in a good mood or I would have been in the ER!" She laughed nervously. I grabbed around her waist and pulled her onto the bed.

"Stop.I'm sick remember?" She smiled.

At that moment she looked so beautiful. Her hair was taken down and it framed her face. She truly had to be one of my best-friends and definitely had everything I was looking for in a girl. The moment was so right, I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed me back slightly, but pushed me away.

"Jace.I don't feel well.I can't." She said softly and kissed my nose lightly.

"I'm sorry." I said and I began to get up.

"No." She said sweetly and pulled on my arm. "Stay." I nodded. I stripped down to my boxers and laid back in bed. Riley curled up and wrapped her arms around my chest, I held her. She kissed my chest and snuggled into it, and we fell asleep.

*Please let me know what you think!!

Here are the lyrics to the song that this chapter is titled after:

"Open Book," by Cake

She's writing, she's writing, she's writing a novel

She's writing, she's weaving, conceiving a plot

It quickens, it thickens, you can't put it down now

It takes you, it shakes you, it makes you lose your thought

But you're caught in your own glory

You are believing your own stories

Writing your own headlines

Ignoring your own deadlines

But now you've gotta' write them all again.

You think she's an open book

But you don't know which page to turn to

Do you

You think she's an open book

But you don't know which page to turn to

Do you

Do you

Do you

You want her, confront her, just open your window Unbolt it, unlock it, unfasten your latch

You want it, confront it, just open your window

All you really have to do is ask

But you're caught in your own glory

You are believing your own stories

Timing your contractions

Inventing small contraptions

That'll roll across your parlor's hardwood floors

You think she's an open book

But you don't know which page to turn to

Do you

You think she's an open book

But you don't know which page to turn to

Do you

Do you

Do you

You think she's an open book

But you don't know which page to turn to

Do you

Do you

Do you