"Um…I'm getting married today!" I said as I opened my hotel room door for Meg, Claire, Christi, and Emily.

"Yeah, for getting married!" Claire shouted and started to do a little dance into my room.

"Finally after, what--9 years of being engaged you are now getting married? I think we were beginning to think you guys were going to be the Oprah and Stedman of our group." Emily teased.

We left to go get our nails done and then we were off to get our hair and makeup done. I was so glad to have my girlfriends with me to share in this special day. It has finally arrived.

When Jace got back from tour we sat down and planned the wedding and six months later, here we are. We decided on a small gathering, just our closest friends and family. Then we had to pick the location, it was going to be the beginning of the summer so we chose to do it on a beach. I wanted Cape Cod and Jace wanted the Hampton's, so we compromised on Martha's Vineyard—if that's a compromise. We rented out a nice hotel/bed and breakfast right on the water; it was gorgeous.

We were going to have a night wedding. My bridesmaids were Meg, Claire and Christi and my maid of honor was Emily. She's stuck it out with me through thick and thin, there was no one else that could have been my maid of honor. Jace had his brother as his best man and my brother, Justin and Joey as his groomsmen. We invited of course our parents and siblings. I invited my aunts Grace and Jane and their families, Matt and his parents, Brayden, Scott, Maygen, Lily, and Doug, my original NSYNC dancers, Robin Antin and my girls, and Good Charlotte.

Jace invited his band mates, of course, Carlos and Gina, Trace, BT, John and Mike, his friends from home, his aunts and uncles, his grandmother on his mom's side and his grandfather from his father's side, and we both invited Liz and Rory. Rory was going to be the flower girl.

"I am going to be walking down the aisle in an hour." I said freaking out inside.

"I know, we need to get you into your dress…go…now…" Meg said shoving me into the dressing area.

I slipped on my dress and just looked at myself in the mirror. This was really happening. I thought and smiled at myself. I was so happy.

"I'm going to cry--" Emily said as I stepped back into the main room.

"Don't cry! If you cry, I'll cry." I laughed.

"You look beautiful!" Christi exclaimed.

"Thank you. You ladies look amazing as well. I picked a great color for all of you." I smiled happy that we were all together.


"Dude, does my tie look crooked?" I asked as I fidgeted with my tie in the mirror.

"Jace, its fine man…you're just nervous." Justin laughed.

"Well, I'm getting married…I'm getting married!!" I said aloud.

I was about to walk down the aisle and come back a married man. There were no words to describe how I was feeling at the moment. I was nervous, yet confident at the same time. It was a weird feeling, but I knew everything was the way it was supposed to be. Everything I had hoped for was coming true. I had met my soul mate and the one person that completed me. She got along with everyone in my life and everyone in my life seemed to adore her as well. If there were some people she didn't get along with it wouldn't have influenced my decision to marry Riley, but it feels good to know she's accepted by my friends and family.

"Twenty minutes, bro!" Joey said excitedly and slapped me on the back. He handed me a beer and we sat on the couch.

"I'm going to go and get some ice, I'll be right back." Justin said.

"Thanks, Joe…it means a lot to me that you are here." I said to him.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world. You're one of my best friends."

"Riley is going to look so beautiful." I thought out loud.

Justin's POV

I walked down the hall to the ice machine to get some ice for our drinks and to give me something to do. I had been sitting around for about an hour. I put the bucket under the chute and the ice started pouring out.

"I have to get something out of my room, I'll be right back." I heard a familiar voice say- it was Meg's voice for sure.

I looked to see her coming down the hall. My heart stopped a bit. It had been about two months since I had seen her. We had a bit of a falling out because of me. I freaked out when she told me that she loved me. I mean, I loved her, but for some reason I just couldn't handle her saying those words. I didn't respond to her for a bit after she said she loved me, I just kind of stared at her and freaked out inside. I then told her that I just couldn't do it anymore and I left. We've talked since, but it's been a little awkward. We agreed to try and be friends again for the sake of the wedding. I was a complete asshole. But, she sure looked beautiful.

"Hey." She said as she unlocked a door not too far from me.

"Hey." I squeaked out.

"You look very handsome." She said with a polite smile and went into her room and closed the door.

I took that as a sign and just went back to the room where the guys were.

"I got ice!" I said acting like nothing was wrong.

Jace's POV

I walked down the aisle and looked at all the people that had gathered for our wedding on the beach; all our closest friends and relatives, just how we had envisioned our wedding. We didn't want to invite people just because we felt we had to. Riley and I wanted to invite only people that we knew would want to be with us to share our day.

I took my place at the front of the crowd and the procession started. When Rory started down the aisle and started spreading flowers all around, I got choked up. She was all smiles and looked very cute in her little dress. Rory emptied the basket and came right up to me instead of going to Liz when she was done. I laughed and picked her up and gave her a huge kiss.

"Good job, my girl." I said and brought her back to Liz. "Sit with mommy, okay?" I said to her.

"Okay!" She smiled.

I took my place again and the moment was coming closer. Riley would be walking down the aisle soon. I was getting more and more nervous. I just wanted to see her. The music started, everyone stood up and they pulled back the curtain for her and her father. She looked gorgeous. As soon as I saw her tears filled my eyes. Her eyes looked like they were filling with tears as well. They started down the aisle and we both just smiled at each other.

They stopped and her father kissed her and they were both crying. He took his place behind her and she stepped up to meet me.

"Hi." She said in a tear filled laugh. "You look so handsome." She said holding my hands.

"You look gorgeous. I love you." I told her.

"I love you too!"

"Rye!" Rory chimed from the crowd. We both laughed and Riley waved to her and blew her a kiss.

The justice did an amazing job with the service. Through our meetings with her she seemed to personalize the ceremony for us perfectly. She inserted humor, but was serious at times.

"You may kiss your bride." She smiled at us.

I kissed Riley and it felt better than any other kiss I had given her before. I felt so complete, so ready for anything and everything knowing she would be at my side forever and always. Riley smiled up at me and kissed me again.

"I love you…" She said as we parted and she wiped her eyes.

"I love you too, Mrs. Chasez." She smiled.

"We have a party to get to now! Let's go!" Riley shouted excitedly.

We went and took Rory with us to our room. We hired a nanny to look after her while we had our reception, but we wanted to spend time with her as well.

"Ro, you did a great job today!" Riley said as she held her. I held Riley's other hand as we walked back into the bed and breakfast.

"You look pretty." Rory said as she laid her head down on Riley's shoulder.

"You look pretty too, sweetheart." I said and kissed her little head as we walked up the stairs to the room where the nanny would be waiting.

"Hey, Lori." Riley said as we walked into the room. Lori was the nanny.

"Hey, Riley, JC, Rory!" She smiled. "You both look amazing."

"Thank you." I said and Riley put Rory on the bed. She crawled up the bed and pulled back the covers and settled in.

"I guess someone's tired." Rye laughed as Rory tucked herself in and went to sleep. "I guess that's all the time we get with her today."

"I guess so!" I laughed.

"Lori, we have them bringing up food for you and whatever you want we'll get it. We appreciate you looking after Rory." Riley said getting off the bed and walking toward Lori and me.

"Of course, it's my pleasure."

"We have to go take some pictures and make our entrance at the party. I'll check in with you later, okay?" Riley said sounding like a worried mother.

"Okay, have fun!" Lori smiled and we left to have our pictures taken and then go to the party.

Riley's POV

We made our entrance at the reception to a song that I had picked out. Jace and I wanted a few little surprises for each other. I got to choose the entrance song, we chose our first dance song together and then we each chose a song for one another. Music is such an important part of our lives and we couldn't think of a better way to express our feelings than through song.

"You ready?" I asked Jace as we stood outside the tent where the reception was.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He said and kissed me lightly. The MC announced us and we walked through the curtains to cheers.

"I Believe in a Thing Called Love," by the Darkness started playing over the speakers. I started to laugh and stared up at him.

"I should have known you would pick something like this." He smiled.

"You gotta have fun, right?" I said and we made it to the middle of the dance floor.

We took our first dance to "I Will," by the Beatles. It was like our song, but only because I had sent it to him as a birthday present. Jace said he couldn't think of a better song to express the way he felt about me and I felt the same, so it became our song.

"Who knows how long I've loved you…" Jace sang in my ear and I just got all teary eyed.

"Sing it loud so I can hear you. Make it easy to be near you. For the things you do endear you to me. You know I will…I will." I sang in unison with Jace and I gave him a huge kiss as the song ended.

The MC handed Jace the microphone for him to say a few words.

"I first want to thank you all for coming out and sharing this moment with Riley and me. It means the world to us to have you all here. We're pretty nontraditional, so we picked out songs for each other to dance to and kept it a secret from each other. The song I picked out expresses perfectly what Riley means to me." Jace smiled at me and I took his hand. Stevie Wonder's "You Are the Sunshine of my Life" started playing.

"Is this really how much can we make Riley cry day?" I asked as tears rolled down my face.

"Yes." Jace smiled and there were tears in his eyes as well. I put my head on his chest as we danced.

The song came to an end and I was a huge mess. I had to take the microphone and make my speech.

"So, I'm a huge mess right now," I laughed. "But, I went back and forth on whether I wanted to have a serious song or a lighthearted song. And I just couldn't decide…but I kept coming back to one song because it's how he makes me feel and I truly love how he loves me." I smiled. "Please join us; I feel ridiculous crying and dancing in the middle of the floor in front of everyone." I laughed going back to Jace. "I Love How You Love Me," by Beth Orton began to play.

Jace's POV

"Liz, would you like to dance?" I asked as I approached her.

"Of course." She said and took my hand.

Liz and her relationship with everyone are great. She came on tour with me so that I could see Rory. I didn't want to go a year and half without seeing her. She would most likely forget me. So, Liz came on tour and we really bonded and got to know each other. The guys, Justin, Joey, Lance, and Chris, got to know her and Rory as well and they get along great. I was happy.

"Who would have thought I would ever show my face at a wedding for you two." She laughed.

"Surprising how a few events can change us." I said scanning the crowd as we danced to make sure everyone was having fun.

"I know I've told you a million times and I sent you flowers, but I really appreciate you taking me on tour with you." Liz said sincerely.

"I couldn't be away from Rory for that long, plus we were just getting reacquainted and I figured it would be good for all of us."

"It was great. And I am thankful that after almost four years, you, Riley and I have finally found a common ground and are able to work together."

"I'm thankful for that as well."

"This is one of the most beautiful and romantic weddings I have ever been too. I'm happy for you two."

"I'm happy for us too." I laughed.

Meg's POV

"Ethan, do you think you will marry Kara?" I asked him as we danced.

"Who knows…I love her, but I don't think we're at the stage of considering marriage. We're both too busy."

"What happened to you E? You work yourself into the ground. Everyone's busy, but you make yourself busy and use it as an excuse. What are you running from?" I asked seriously.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Meg. I do what the company tells me to do, which causes me to be busy a lot."

"E, we both know that is only partially true. I used to be your best friend I know you better than you know yourself." I laughed a bit.

"Used to be?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"Well, I don't think you can consider someone your best friend when you don't see them, they always have an excuse for why they can't see you, they can't even confide in you any more and they talk to you like they are awkward distant relatives." I spat out.

I've had this conversation with him many times. He's been consumed by his job, which isn't a bad thing, but he's also lost who he was. I understand that people change and that relationships change as well, but sometimes you can see a little bit of the old in someone, with Ethan he was a different person entirely.

"Ethan, you've isolated yourself. Riley is worried about you too. You're a totally different person."

"What do you want me to do? I can't help it."

"Yes you can. Quit your job, do what you really want to do. Or take a vacation and spend time with your friends and family, because your real friends and family are worried about you."

"I'm sorry…I don't know what I am doing to seem totally different, but a vacation is a good idea…I love you Meg, I seriously don't want to lose you." He said seriously.

"I don't want to lose you either, that's why I had to have this little intervention. A little unconventional, the setting, but there's no better time then when you are with all these people that love you and want you back." I smiled at him holding him a little tighter.

"I really don't know how I've changed so much, but I'm willing to listen. But, can you lecture me on vacation?" He smiled.

"Of course…all vacation long." I laughed a bit.

"Hey, do you mind if I cut in?" Justin asked Ethan. My heart stopped and I got a little angry.

"Sure…" Ethan said and kissed me before he went back to his date, Kara.

"Hey." I said taking Justin's hand. It felt natural, like it always had. It felt good to be this close to him, but it hurt at the same time because this is as close as I would get; only for the duration of the song.

"You look beautiful tonight." He whispered in my ear.

"Thank you…you look handsome as well." I said trying to be polite. What I really wanted to say was "Don't say that kind of stuff to me."

"How've you been?" He asked like he cared.

"You would know if you returned my phone calls." I said with a little tone, but I think I still sounded polite.

"I'm sorry…I got tied up with business stuff."

"I lost my job…they closed my school." I told him.

We've been civil with each other since we broke up. It's been hard because I do love him, a lot, but we wanted to be okay for Riley and Jace. We didn't want to ruin their day with us squabbling. After a month though things started to die down between us; it felt like our relationship was really over. We both got busy I guess, but then I lost my job about two weeks ago. They decided to close the school because many of the families wanted to send their children to another school and we were losing whole classes. So, we decided to close the school and some of the teachers got jobs at the other closest school. I, on the other hand did not because they already had too many social studies teachers.

I've been applying like crazy though to other schools and middle schools. I could teach middle school. I'm even looking at schools in California so that I could be closer to Ethan. But, for now I am unemployed and sadly my parents are helping me a little bit so I can finish out my lease.

"I'm so sorry. I know how much those kids meant to you." He said holding me tighter.

"It would have been nice to talk to you about it, that's all." I said solemnly. "I thought we were trying to be friends?" I asked looking him straight in the eyes.

The song ended and we were just staring at each other. I let go of Justin and I walked off the dance floor and outside the tent. I needed some air. Justin followed me out.

"I mean, Meg…were we ever really just friends? It's hard to be something I never was." He stuttered a little bit.

"See that's the thing. We were never just friends, even when we were trying to be, but you became my best friend." I said turning to look at him.

"You are my best friend…" He said not really looking at me. He was nervously kicking the sand and a few rocks. "I miss you." He said looking back up at me.

"I miss you too, but…I'm not the one who broke it off." I said looking right in his eyes. I felt like I could see in his soul when I looked into them.

"I know…I'm sorry. I freaked, I didn't know what to do." Justin said as he reached out to touch me.

"It's not like I said I was pregnant or something…" I laughed a bit.

"Meg, let's not even joke about that." He said seriously.

"What do you want to do? We say we miss each other, but you're not saying anything else." I said stepping away from him. "I want us to be back together again…but I also want us to be somewhat on the same page."

"I don't know…I mean…" Justin nervously sputtered out.

"So, are you going to try harder to be my friend?" I asked trying to take him off the hot seat. He didn't need to answer me right away.

"I know for sure though, that I can't just be your friend." He said totally frustrated.

"That's all we can be…considering you did bring a date." I smiled at him. "Want to dance once more before we go back in?" I asked him and he just nodded.

I held onto him and he held me tighter. Things would sort themselves out, I was sure of it. Whatever was to happen between Justin and I will play out and we'll all be happy.

"How do you do it?" Justin asked whispering into my ear.

"Do what?" I asked him lightly.

"Make me feel like I am losing everything." He said and just held me. I didn't know what to say to that.

"Thank you for the dance, Justin." I smiled and I went back into the tent.

Riley's POV

"Get up." I told Benji as I approached him at his table. He just looked up at me. "Get up." I smiled at him.

"Aren't you going to say 'please'?" He asked.

"No, get up and dance with me." I laughed.

"Fine!" He smiled and took my hand. "But, you should know I can only do the 8th grade dance."

"What's that?" I asked him as we made our way onto the dance floor.

"It's where I put my hands on your hips, you put yours on my shoulders and we sway." He said demonstrating.

"I can handle that." I smiled. "Are you having fun?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah…the wedding was beautiful. You look beautiful." He said sweetly.

"You look handsome as well." I fixed his tie a little and then rested my head on his one shoulder.

Thank you for coming…" I said holding him tighter.

"You're my best friend, I wouldn't miss your wedding for the world. Though, I am a bit disappointed. I thought you were going to have "Lovesong," by the Cure for your wedding song?" He said and I took my head away from his shoulder and looked at him.

"No…that's our song." I smiled at him and laid my head back on his shoulder. He just smiled at me. "I love you, Benji."

"I love you too, Riley." He said and held me a little tighter. "Stay in my life forever." He said sweetly.

"Did you think I was going somewhere just because I got married?" I laughed.

"Hey guys." Madeline said as she came up to us. The song ended and we parted. "Riley the wedding was so beautiful. Your dress is gorgeous." She gushed.

"Thank you! You look so pretty too!" I said touching her arm. "I love that color and it looks so good on you." I said smiling and then looking at Benji.

"Thank you."

"So, you come to steal the boyfriend back?" I asked holding onto Benji's hand behind my back.

"If you don't mind." She said politely.

"Well, he is yours. So, if you must." I laughed.

"I'm so happy for you." Benji whispered to me as he kissed my cheek and went off with Madeline.

"There's my wife." Jace said with a huge smile.

"That sounds so weird doesn't it?" I laughed. "I'm your wife…you're my husband."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said and kissed me.

I was the happiest girl on earth. I had everything I could ever want or need in my life. I am so grateful for everything I have.

Justin's POV

The reception wrapped up around 4am and everyone pretty much headed back to the hotel. I was too wired to sleep, but Kelly, my date, and I walked back to the hotel as well.

"That probably was one of the best weddings I have ever been too." Kelly smiled as she took off her shoes.

"It was beautiful...thanks for coming." I said as I took off my suit jacket.

"Of course. If I didn't go I was sure to hear it from your mom and mine." She laughed.

Kelly's parents have been friends with my mother since before I was born. Kelly and I were born about two weeks apart, so we grew up together. After Meg and I broke up Kelly's mom, Joan and my mother started to plot to get us together. I told my mother to stay out of my "love" life, but she just went behind my back anyway. Kelly and I haven't really kept in touch, but we would see each other at occasional family events and we were civil, but I didn't know anything about her.

When the topic of a date for the wedding came up, I was fine with going alone, but that was the wrong answer. My mother already invited Kelly for me. I was so angry with her and I never get angry with my mother. I realize that she just wants me to be happy and that she was looking out for my happiness, but I was still upset. I called Kelly and made nice, but to my surprise Kelly wasn't too excited about the set up either. We've bonded over our dislike for being set up and we've made the best of the situation.

"They mean well, but sometimes they just need to butt out." I laughed.

"I know...I'm exhausted. I think I'm going to go to bed." Kelly yawned.

"I'm still wired...I'm going to take a walk out on the beach." I said and walked out of our room.

I had to wind down, I was still excited and energized from the reception. I walked down the steps from the hotel to the beach. I took of my shoes and socks and put them on the bottom stairs and walked down toward the water. The sun was going to be coming up pretty soon and the sky was starting to get light. It was beautiful.

"Couldn't sleep either?" I heard from behind me. It was Meg.

"No...too wired." I said shoving my hands in my pockets.

"I saw you walk down...you want to come sit with me?" She smiled.

"Sure." I shrugged and she lead me back to a blanket she had on the beach.

"It was a nice wedding wasn't it?" She asked sitting down.

"I'm on the same page. I love you…" I blurted out to her after a long silence. I had a huge knot in my stomach thinking about our conversation the rest of the night.

"Us being on the same page doesn't me you have to tell me you love me…" She said and smiled at me.

"I know…but I do love you. There's just a lot that goes along with saying it, you know? I was ready and I'm ready now…I just freaked because at the time I wasn't sure if I was ready to say the words…if that makes any sense to you." He laughed nervously.

"What about your date?"

"She's not my date, she's a friend of the family my mother set me up with…she thought it would be nice for me to start dating again."

"What are we going to tell her?" She asked looking up at me with nervous eyes.

"We're not really into each other, so she won't mind." I said and put an arm around her.

"So...we're going to try this again?" She asked.

"Can we?"

"I love you." She said with a smirk and I just kissed her.

I couldn't just walk out on Meg, I think I would regret it for the rest of my life. It was strange, after we broke up and tonight when I choked I felt like I was losing everything. It felt like my life was incomplete, but I guess that's how you know you really love someone. When your life is less without them.

Jace's POV

"Happy anniversary, Rye." I said as I held her hand across the table.

"Happy anniversary, Jace." She smiled. "Can you believe we've made it through three years of being married?"

"I can't believe we've been together for so long...over ten years..." I said feeling myself getting emotional.

"What was I thinking? That's a long time!" She laughed. "I love you so much."

"I love you too...I got you a little present." I said and pulled a little box out of my inside coat pocket.

"Jace...you didn't have to get me anything." She said politely.

"I know...just open it." I said handing her the box.

I watched her unwrapped the little box and I got excited. Things haven't been easy, marriage is a huge adjustment, but I am reminded everyday that I made the best decision of my life.

"You are the best husband I could ever ask for." She smiled. I got her a set of diamond earings.

"You like them?" I asked her.

"I love them. Thank you." She said and leaned over the table to give me a kiss. "I have a present for you too." She smiled and handed me a little box.

I opened it up and there was a pacifier. I was shocked and confused.

"Riley?" I asked getting excited.

"I'm a month and a half pregnant." She smiled.

"What? Why didn't you tell me before?" I asked grabbing her hands across the table and kissing them.

"Well, you know the doctor said it would be very hard for me to get pregnant because of all the damage I did to my body...I didn't want to jinx it. I waited to make sure it was for real." She smiled. "So, now we're pregnant...Are you crying?" She asked cupping my face.

"This is so amazing." I said holding her hand close to my face. "I can't wait to tell everyone."

"Me either...I can't wait to raise children with you." She said kissing me again.

"Thank you for being the best thing to ever happen to me."