The Angry Flow of Poetry- by Ashley Brown

Screaming inside
Losing sight of my sanity
Does anyone hear me scream
Does anyone see my tears
Rip at my skin
Rid myself of this humanlike costume
I've gone numb
I've gone crazy
I need a friend
Who doesn't feel my pain
Just one simple being
Because I'm screaming in my head
Wishing I was dead
I hope you're happy now
This is the final plea
Of the daughter you never took the time to know
You'll never think about her after she dies
Blame her for your problems
But why stop there
Why only crack her
When you could fully break her
Like some sort of sick pocelain doll
A child's plaything
Used and forgotten
Screaming now
Kill me now
End the pain
And it will all be pretty again
It will all be okay
It will all be fine
One day the wings will heal
And I'll fly away
With him
He who saves me
From the twisted thoughts playing in my head
Echoing throughout eternity
I just want to be held
To be needed
To be loved
To feel again
To be human
I'm whispering now
Half formed ideas mixing with others
Pretty visions
Dancing in my head
That's me
In a pool of my own blood
That's me
Twisted in that odd angle
One more picture
The detectives are done
The verdict is simple-
Took her own life
In a moment of Anger
Of Agony
The case is much harder-
What drove her to it
Was it this
Was it that
I'm going now
Moth to the flame
The one intense thing
That can be so deadly
And yet it saves me
Loves me
Salvages that little bit of emotion I still feel
I will fly away
With him
Run away
One day
He's the base of my sanity
The one I love
Then there are my other two
Brother and sister
One big family
Thicker than blood
We'll stick together
One from another state
Still there
my biggest base of sanity
My big brother
The other closer to home
Has her own problems too
Broken home
The friend of the Ridge
Keeps me on Earth
Then the last
She holds my secrets
Has killed me twice
And still I return
Because I love her.
